> Early in this discussion Morgan described Las Vegas as " the most placeless
> place I have ever experienced". Someone, in print no less, called Soho "a
> carnival with a casino attached" I kinda liked that. Las Vegas, for me, is
> truly the epicenter of the end of the world and the city of the next
> millenium simultaneously. It is that placeless place that is the image of
> "america": the abundance and loss, an artificial oasis in the desert
> founded by gangsters transformed into the largest theme park in the Western
> world. The lobby of the Mirage Hotel (the one with the fake volcano that
> erupts every hour on the hour to the sound of monkey calls and the smell of
> pina-colada) is a constructed tropical rain-forest, made of real living
> plants (bromeliads, orchids, other air-plants), real preserved plants (palm
> trees which were once living but are now shot thru the vieins with some
> sort of formaldehyde-polyester-resin stuff,) and fake plants, made of
> plastic, silk and other materials. Hard to distinguish the boundaries
> between. It is all so horrifying and wonderful at the same time.)
I'm reminded of Baudrillard's performance in the Nevada Casino -> The
Chance Conference last year?
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