Re: <documenta X><blast> home

Eve Andree Laramee (
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 11:00:19 -0500

This Body is a Map
Performance Text
Eve Andree Laramee

Performed in collaboration with Danny Tisdale for the exhibition,
"Construction in Process 5: Co-existence" in the Negev Desert, Israel,
across the Sinai Peninusla and in Cairo, Egypt, in which we "mapped"
one-another from our homes in West Los Angeles and South-Central Los
Angeles to our "present" journey together.

Many, many thanks to Mark C. Taylor for his inspirational book, Erring: A
Postmodern A/theology.

This body is a map.
A map is a text of power relations.
This body is a site of power.
There are exclusions and omissions.
Social constructs mascarading as truth.
Truth is subjective.
This map navigates false boundaries.

And this map can dance,
This map dances the dance of Faith and Error.
To Err is to Wander.
To wander is to wonder.
To wander, to drift makes this a map of subjective geographies.

This map wanders in in-between places, in anomalous zones,
through interstitial spaces,
blurring boundaries,
slipping through holes in the system.
Transitory, nomadic, meandering.

This map is not here or there, this or that,
inside or outside,
black or white, good or bad, sacred or profane.
This body which is a map is errant,
wandering through the maze of Error. Eros.

The gorgeousness of making a mistake, a blunder,
to be incorrect.
Error drifts towards randomness, having no fixed course,
a roving extravagance of passion, a delusion,
a transgression.
This body is a map which misses the mark.

This map embraces both closeness and distance,
similarity and difference, interiority and exteriority.
The erraticism of this body which is a map
is beautifully ambiguous, forever unsettled and unsettling,
reverentially vagrant,
unstoppably transient,
forever drifting.

This body is less than a complete map,
perhaps it is a broken map which is always unfinished.

This map embodies guesswork and approximation.
Knowledge is duplicitous,
truth is shifty,
facts are slippery,
value is always for ever uncertain.

This body is a map with no beginning, middle or end,
it charts serpentine wandering.
The error which is inherent in this map traces mazing grace.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, to save a wretch like me.
I once was lost...

"We must begin wherever we are, wherever we are,
in a map where we believe ourselves to be.


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