Unlimited Free Space: Comprehensive Waterfront Plan
ND |
My name is Norman. This is Bernd. This is Vibeke. |
Nicole. |
ND & VJ |
Nicole? Nice to meet you. [holds out his hand to shake] |
I got paint all over my hands so - they'll be green. |
ND |
Our project is to investigate border-lines and also to investigate space. |
You got the get-up for it. |
ND |
Kinda borderline outfits. So, we picked the borderline of Manhattan Island and the rivers that go around it. |
I'm sure they'll develop the hell out of this place as soon as they renovate the structure. |
ND |
Do you ever think about the possibilty of unlimited free space? |
In Colorado. |
ND |
Whatever. However. Anyway that you imagine it. |
This place is the closest I'll get to it in Manhattan. That's why I live here. I been here the last five years. |
ND |
Are you from Colorado? |
No. I'm from mostly Westchester. But, Pasadena, Los Angeles, Minnesota. |
ND |
Minnesota? I spent some time there. |
Rhode Island. Venezuela. |
ND |
Venezuela also? |
VJ |
Traveler. |
Universe. You guys have a great night. |
ND |
You, too. |
You going to Yaffa's? |
ND |
Yeah. We'll probably stop there. We're trying to track down some people. Maybe we'll see you again because we may have a dinner here in a little while. |
We're always doing pig roasts. |
ND |
Pig roasts! When's the next one? |
I'm not sure. We- the owner of the boat I live in is Captain Spooky. He's got a farm in New Jersey so, he's always killing his latest pet. |
VJ |
Not related to DJ Spooky, is he? |
No. He's not. |
ND |
Not with a farm in New Jersey. Not killing pigs. |
And every Tuesday, we got a flamenco thing happening up on the ferry boat. |
VJ |
We just talked about it. That's a friend of mine, Gil. |
ND |
Gil? Sounds French. |
He's Argentinian - Basque - grew up in Vietnam - went to France for schooling and tried to run away. Tuesday. You should stop by. |
ND |
You sure you don't want to answer the rest of the questions? |
If it helps you. |
ND |
It always helps us. But it depends on if you wanna answer them. |
Sure. |
VJ |
We should sit on this little edge here since you're knackered. |
ND |
Have a seat. |
Do you guys get paid for this? |
ND |
Well - we're getting a small stipend. |
Oh. I did something like this. I rounded thirty people up and I asked questions. You get paid by the questionnaire. I'd go into a bar and get twenty people and come back with filled questionnaires. |
ND |
This is more our own concept. |
This was for the postal service. |
ND |
Where'd you do it? |
Rhode Island. |
ND |
Rhode Island? Everybody around here's from Rhode Island. I'm from Rhode Island too. |
I went to school there. |
ND |
I'm from East Greenwich. And I went to Brown and RISD |
Yeah. I went to RISD. |
ND |
Yeah? |
I got outta there in 89. |
ND |
89. I got outta there in 79. Soy viejo. Cigarette? |
No, thanks. |
ND |
So, you're a painter? |
Yeah. Got a studio on Duane Street and probably a show in October. |
ND |
Where at? |
Some guy named Henry Bewel is running it. |
ND |
Buehl. |
Buhl. He sarted something called the Tribeca partnership and the Soho partnership. It's an agency for homeless people. |
VJ |
Gotta light? |
ND |
What kinda stuff do you paint? Abstract? Figurative? |
Portraits that don't look anything like the people I paint. |
ND |
Like abstract figures. |
Depends on who it is. They're portraits. But, like there's a baseball player who gave me dirt from his favorite mound, gave me his uniform, his cleats, his glove - so, I ended up using fragments of each of those for his piece. |
ND |
Kind of mixed media. |
Sometimes people gimme photographs. So, I might etch those in copper. It depends on who. |
ND |
So, you work in different media. Not just paint. |
Mostly everything's on copper. It's oil, etching - it's a free-for-all. |
ND |
So, ya gonna have a little solo show. That's cool. |
Yeah. Had one last year. Do one this year. |
ND |
Ya have to invite us. |
Definitely. |
ND |
What time in October? |
Probably around the 17th. They haven't set the date yet. Mid-October. |
ND |
We should just be back in time. |
VJ |
Okay. Questionnaire. She wants to go home. |
Yeah. I'm gonna fall over. |
Modified December 23, 1997