Unlimited Free Space: Comprehensive Waterfront Plan

Transcripts - Investigating UFOs...

USI arrives at Pier 25, where a 4th of July party is winding down aboard the former Block Island ferry boat, Yankee. There, the team attempts to make headway with Enya.

I don't know who put this idea in your head but, good luck. Maybe you'll even get some results. But you'll waste your life... I am just put here. Somebody put you here... My life is probably not [a waste].
But our life is a waste...?
No, if you chose it. No. But, it's kind of boring... I'm interested because it's something new that comes in. All of a sudden these people are asking me questions. It's not boring. I guess I'm just bored in general. I guess it's just something to talk about tomorrow to some other people... Everyday something happens and everyday I meet new people and everyday they ask me to do stuff and I do. And whoever asks me to do stuff first, that's how I go about my life. Very simple... Do you actually think you might change somebody's mind without letting them know what's going on?... It has nothing to do with the waterfront. It's just whatever happens, happens. You know, it's like everyday you just take each moment for what it is - because that's how it's supposed to be. And if you just force it or push it, you're not gonna get much out of it. You get it? Because it's predestined, in a way. You can bang your head against the wall, nothing's gonna change.
So what's your destiny?
My destiny is just to be and be happy. And I'm not. But, I'm trying and just be. That's how I would advise everyone to be.
If it was 200 years ago and we discussed electricity: at that point electricity was still a fluid, as far as people perceived it in their minds. Then, some other nutty people at that time - they were considered nutty - said other things about electricity - so that 200 years later, electricity could be what is now. Somehow, they thought that they could change the concept of electricity - from being one of fluid to electricity being what it is now. There are those who would have said that they were just banging their heads against the wall. Then there were those who - in spite of being told that they were banging their heads against the wall - still investigated the possibilities of electricity being what it is today.
So what are you investigating?
Unlimited free space!
I would have started investigating something else, because unlimited free space does not make any sense to me. I don't know... I would start investigating UFO's. Outer space, baby. Maybe outer space. There's space... But what am I supposed to do?... Where do you lay your head down? I know you don't have a little spaceship where you go in and take off... It's a fun job... You're contributing yourselves.
We're all so curious as to what you think of the waterfront. You've been exploring and looking. You all look like you've been doing a serious exploration...
[James Gallagher, captain/owner of the Yankee] Who is behind the project?
We're a government funded group. And it's the Austrian government.

[people start to leave the boat, walk across west side highway to Yaffa bar]

I like you guys.

Modified December 23, 1997