"Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky. Dialog." With
texts by Barbara Barsch, Hannes Böhringen, Heinz Schütz
and interviews with Gavin Janties and Helena Kontova. Institut
für Auslandsbeziehungen, Berlin 1998.
"Workers Library." 2nd Johannesburg Biennale 1997.
"Shadow of Gravitation," The Art Institute of Chicago.
Curator of the exhibition David Travis. Publisher: Buro Orange
Siemens AG/Kulturstieftung Siemens, 1996.
"The Library." Curated by Jürgen Harten. With an
introductory conversation between Doreet Levitte-Harten &
Jürgen Harten,Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 1994.
"Anthon Chekhov. Short Stories." Stop-Over-Press, Berlin,
"Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky." Texts by Dan Cameron,
Joachim Sartorius, Christine Tacke, DAAD, Berlin, 1991.
Desde la Traditción (In the Tradition) by Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky, Creacion, # 12, Numero especial monografico, Octubre, pp. 120-123, 1994.
Permanent Food, edited by Maurizio Cattelan and Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster,
1996, pp. 154-155.
Kerb your Dog, edited by John Nixon, Sydney, 1993- 1995.
Sculpture Projects in Münster 1997. Curated by Kasper
König, 1997, pp. 264-267.
"L'autre. 4e Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon." Curated
by Harald Szeemann. Réunion des Musées Nationaux,
1997, pp. 94-95, 208, 216.
Okwui Enwezor. Trade Routes: History and Geography. 2nd Johannesburg
Biennale 1997. Pp. 133- 135.
orientATION. The Vision of Art in a Paradoxical World. 4th International
Istanbul Biennial. Curated by Rene Block, pp.176- 179, 1995.
22. Bienal International Sao Paulo. pp. 397-398, 381-382, 1994.
Rauma Biennale Balticum 1994. Finland.
The Boundary Rider, 9th Biennale of Sydney. Curated by Anthony
Bond, pp. 136-139, 1992.
In Medias Res. Photography and other Media from Berlin. Curated
by René Block, texts by René Block and Angelika
Stepken, Istanbul 1997, pp. 86-87,133.
Cocido y crudo. Curated by Dan Cameron. Museo National Reina Sofia,
pp. 50, 58, 118-121, 234-237, 324, 330; 1994.
A la decouverte... de collections romandes I, FAE Musee d'Art
Contemporain, Pully, Lausanne 1993.
Adaptation and Negation of Socialist Realism, Aldrich Museum of
Contemporary Art, 1990.
Adresse provisoire pour l'art contemporain russe, Musee de la
Poste, Paris, 1993.
After Perestroika: Kitchenmaids or Statewomen, essays by Margarita
Tupitsyn and Martha Rosler, Independent Curators Incorporated,
New York 1993.
Allegorie de la Richesse. Barock und Kunst der Gegenwart, with
text by Christinane Buci-Glucksmann, Cantz 1993.
Di Carta e d'Altro, Libri d'Artista, Center for Contemporary Art
Luigi Pecci, Prato, Introduction by Ida Panicelli, text by Antonella
Soldaini and Silvana Barni, 1994.
Artistas Rusos Contemporaneos. Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno,
Las Palmas, 1990.
Ausstellung: Die Galerie. Geschichte der Wewerka Galerie Berlin.
Ars Nicolai, 1996.
Becker, Wolfgang. Ostkunst-Westkunst. Ludwig Forum for International
Art, Aachen, 1991.
Berlin 37 Raume, Kunstwerke Berlin, 1992.
Binationale 1991. Curated by Jürgen Harten, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf,
DuMont 1991.
Blau: Gedankendammerungslangs. Edited by Andreas Bee and Chrismuth
Praeger, Heidelberger Kunstverein, 1990.
Contemporary Russian Artists, Center for Contemporary Art Luigi
Pecci, Prato, 1990.
Dialog im Bodemuseum. Aktuelle Kunst in Historischer Kunst. Curated
by Klaus Biesenbach, text by Wulf Herzogenrath. Berlin 1992.
Fuori Uso'95. Caravanseray of Contemporary Art. Curated by Giacinto
Di Pietrantonio. Politi Editore, 1995.
Future Perfect. Curated by Dan Cameron. Hochschule für Angewandte
Kunst, Vienna, pp. 42-45, 1993.
Head Trough the Wall. Collection of René Block. Statens
Mueum for Kunst, Copenhagen, 1992.
Jetztzeit. Curated by Saskia Bos. Kunsthalle Vienna, pp.74-81,
Cantz, 1994
Kabinet. Curated by Guert Imanse. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
SMA Cahiers 6, 1997, pp. 55.
Kunst der letzten 10 Jahre. Curated by Dieter Ronte and Wolfgang
Drechsler. Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna, pp.14, 150-153, 1989.
Kunst im Verborgenen. Nonkonformisten, Russland 1957-1995, Prestel,
München-New York, pp. 42, 168, 227; 1995.
Kunst der Gegenwart. 21 Sommeraustellung im Schloss Plön,
Carius Druck, 1991.
Kunst, Europa, 63 deutshe Kunstvereine zeigen Kunst aus 20 Ländern,
1991, pp. 232-235.
La collezione 1988-1990. Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci,
Prato, Italy.
Landschaft. Mit dem Blick der 90er Jahre. Mittelrhein-Museum Koblenz
and traveled. Texts by Beat Wyss, Bojana Pejic, Kathrin Becker,
Klara Wallner, Publishhouse Walther König, Cologne, 1995.
Metaphern des Entrücktseins. Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruher
Künstlerhaus Karlsruhe, pp. 148, 1996.
Ludwigs Lust. Die Sammlung Irene und Peter Ludwig, Germanisches
Nationalmuseum, Nürenberg 1993.
Memento. Positionen zeitgenossischer Kunst aus Berlin, State Gallery
Prague, 1994.
Monumental Propaganda. Independent Curators Incorporated, New
York, pp. 81, 92, 1994.
On Beauty. Curated by Dan Cameron. Regina Art Gallery, Moscow
Von der Revolution zur Perestroika: Sovjetische Kunst aus der
Sammlung Ludwig. Essays by Martin Kunz, Evelyn Weiss, Wolfgang
Becker. Verlag G. Hatje, 1989.
Word-Image in Contemporary Art. Curated by Lewis Kachur. The James
Howe Gallery, Kean College of New Jersey, p.15, 1992.
Achille Bonito Oliva. "Lezioni di Anatomia il Corpo dell'Arte."
Edizioni Kappa, Roma, pp.270, 1995.
Becker, Wolfgang. "Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst.
Auswahl aus dem Bestand der Sammlungen," pp. 236-243, 1992.
Becker, Wolfgang and Lagler, Annette. "Ludwig Forum für
Internationale Kunst Aachen." Deutscher Kunstverlag München
Berlin, 1996, pp.88.
Bown, Mathew Cullerne. "Contemporary Russian Art." Allied
Books, New York, 1989.
"From Gulag to Glasnost." Edited by Alla Rosenfeld and
Norton T. Dodge; Thames and Hudson in assotiation with Jane Voorhees
Zimmerli Art Museum; pp. 98, 139, 152, 318, 329-30; 1995.
"Gedächtnisbilder. Vergessen und Erinnern in der Gegenwartskunst."
Published by Kai-Uwe Hemken. Reclam Leipzig, 1996, pp. 265-274.
Groys, Boris. "Zeitgenossische Kunst aus Moskau. Von der
Neo-Avantgarde zum Post-Stalinismus." Zeitzeuge Kunst, Munich,
Lucie-Smith, Edward "Art Today." Phaidon Press, London,
1995; pp. 394, pl. 438, 437.
Lucie-Smith, Edward. "Kunst Heute."Kindler, 1997, pp.
394, 438, 437.
Isaak, Jo Anna. "Feminism & Contemporary Art. The Revolutionary
Power of Women's Laughter," Rontledge, 1996, pp 121-124.
Sartorius, Joachim. "Kunst gegen Gewalt. Verantwortlich sind
gerade Sie. Texte zur Akzeptanz von Kunst in unserer Gesellschaft,"
pp. 92-93, 1992.
"Time Capsule. A Concise Encyclopedia by Women Artists."
Edited by Robin Kahn, introductions by Kathy Acker and Avital
Ronell. Published by Creative Time in cooperation with SOS Int'l,
pp. 326, 683, New York 1995.
Tupitsyn, Margarita. "Margins of Soviet Art." Giancarlo
Politi Editore, Milan 1989.
Tupitsyn, Margarita. "Kriticheskoye Opticheskoye." Ad
Marginem, Moscow 1997.
Tupitsyn, Victor. ' "Drugoye" Iskusstva.' Ad Marginem,
Moscow 1997.
"XXI Century. Art and Architecture." I Libri di Zerynthia
N.5, 1995, pp. 112-114, 116-117, 131, 155.
Gavin Jantjes: an interview with Svetlana Kopystiansky. "A
Fruitful Incoherence." Edited by Gavin Jantjes. Institute
of International Visual Arts. London 1997, pp. 64-77.
Baigell, Rene and Matthew: an interview with Igor & Svetlana
Kopystiansky, "Soviet Dissident Artists. Interviews after
Perestroika." Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New
Jersey, 1995, 344-354.
Helena Kontova: an interview with Igor and Svetlana Kopystiansky.
"Trough the Past Darkly," Flash Art International, October.1993,
Heinz Schütz: an interview with Svetlana und Igor Kopystiansky.
"Der Text und das Bild sind nie wirklich zerstört, sie
sind versteckt." Kunstforum, Bd.123,1993, pp.150-159.
Heinz Schütz: an interview with Svetlana und Igor Kopystiansky.
Wol-Gan-Mi-Sul. Monthly Art Magazine. South Korea, 1994.
Roland Schefferski: an interview with Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky.
"W Dialogu z Tradycja." Obieg 05/06, No. 49-50, 1993,
pp. 48-53.
Victor and Margarita Tupitsyn: an interview with Igor &Svetlana
Kopystiansky Flash Art Russian Edition, pp. 119-121, #1, 1989.
David D'Arcy: an interview with Igor &Svetlana Kopystiansky.
National Pablic Radio, New York, November 6, 1988.
"Moscow-Soviet Changes: The Artists Point of View, an interview
with Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky," The Journal of Art,
vol.1, No. 3, February-March, 1989.
Atkins, Robert. "Soviet Art Takes Off."
November 1, Village Voice, 1988.
Babias, Marius. "Distant Echoes. Igor &
Svetlana Kopystiansky." pp. 84-85, Artscribe, Feb.-March
Babias, Marius. "Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky" Ateljer
:Magazine of International Art, Japan, January 1992, pp. 68-79.
Babias, Marius. "9th Biennale of Sydney." Kunstforum
, Bd. 122, 1993, p. 377.
Babias, Marius. "Igor und Svetlana Kopystiansky. Berlinische
Galerie." Kunstforum Bd. 116, November/December 1991, pp.
Bechtloff, Dieter. "Kunst und Humor. Kleines Ikonographisches
Bild-Lexikon von A-Z." Kunstforum , Bd. 121, 1993, pp. 180,
189, 190, 247.
Blake, Patricia. "Beyond the Wildest Expectation." July
18, Time, 1988.
Bludeau, Tod. "The art that came in from the cold."
Interview , November, 1988.
Brea, Jose Lois. "Cocido y crudo." Flash Art International.
Summer 1995.
Buchloh, Benjamin H.D. "Sculpture Projects in Münster."
Artforum. September 1997, p.117.
Calnec, Anthony. "New York." Contemporanea,
March/April, 1989.
Cameron, Dan. "Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky." Flash
Art International, Nov.-Dec.1991, p.158.
Clothier, Peter. "In the Moscow Studios." Artspace,
July/August 1989, p. 57.
Colin, Muriel. " Moscow enflamme New York." Dynasteurs,
Mai 1990.
Cramer, Sue. "Back to the Future. Report from Poland."
Art in America, March 1991, p. 67.
Dalesio, Gabriella. "Artisti russi contemporanei."
Nike, Mai / June 1990.
Fanelli, Franco. 'Le "transculturalisme"
est l'avenir de l'art contemporain.' Le Journal des Arts, Jan.
Frehner, Matthias. 'Das Ander und das Ewig-Gleiche. "Biennale
d'art contemporain" in Lyon.' Neue Zürcher Zeitung,
30/31, 8, 1997.
Fricke, Harald. "In the Tradition. Igor und Svetlana Kopystiansky
in der Berlinischen Galerie." Zitti, No. 19/1991, p.159.
Galloway, David. "New Soviet Art: Witty,
Irreverent." International Herald Tribune, May 11-12, 1991.
Gambrell, Jamey. "Perestoika Shock."Art in America,
February, 1989.
Gamerman, Amy. "Soviet Artists in America." The Wall
Street Journal.1990.
Gibson, Michael. "Stark Look at Soviet Art." International
Herald Tribune, February, 17-18, 1990.
Gibson, Michael. "Tracing the Other History of Art."
Art International, Summer 1990, p. 36.
Gimelson, Deborah. "Soviet Art." Art & Auction,
No. 10. May, 1990.
Glowen, Ron, "Seattle." Contemporanea, November 1990.
Goldmann, Daniela. "Dialog zwischen Ost und West." Nike,
Mai-June 1989, pp. 28-29.
Gorsen, Peter. "Wider den Kulturimperialismus." Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung, December 17, 1991.
Grundberg, Andy. "Art, too, finds a summer home outside Manhattan."
The New York Times, August 24, 1990.
Hoerisch, Jochen. "Die Wirklichkeit der Medien
und die medialisiete Wirklichkeit." Literarische Moderne,
Tübingen, p. 29/16, 1994.
Hughes, Robert. "Canvases of Their Own." Time Magazine,
April 10, 1989.
Isaak, Jo Anna. "Reflections of Resistance:
Women Artists on Both Sides of the Mir." Heresies, A Feminist
Publication on Art and Politics. No. 26, pp. 35-37, 1992.
Jaeckel, Claudia. "Frischer Wind aus Moskauer
Ateliers." Pan, 1 / 1990, pp.42-45.
Jocks, Heinz-Norbert. "Sowjetische Kunst um 1990." Kunstforum
Bd. 113, May/June 1991, pp. 332-334.
Jocks, Heinz-Norbert., "Igor und Svetlana Kopystiansky. Das
Original und die Kopie. Kunsthalle Düsseldorf" Kunstforum,
Bd.126,1994, pp.372-373.
Jolles, Claudia. "Moscou Annees 80." Le Cahiers du Musee
National d'Art Moderne, 1988.
Kachur, Lewis. "Beauty is Dead (That's Beauty).
World Chronicle, New York." Art International, Winter 1990,
Karavagna, Christian. "Jetztzeit."Kunstforum Bd.128,
Okt.-Dez. 1994, pp. 356-358.
Knapp, Gotfried. "Bilder, die Bande sprechen: Svetlana und
Igor Kopystiansky in München." Süddeutshe Zeitung,
June 2, 1989.
Lee, Gary. "Moscows Night of Auctions Fever."Washington
Post, July 8, 1988.
Lesser, Guy. "Artists more Russian than Soviet. Three Generations
of Double Lives." Art International, Summer 1990, pp.48-51.
Levin, Kim. 'Reds over the Beds. The "New Russians"
invade Manhattan.' Art Line, Vol 5 #2, Summer 1990.
Levin, Kim. "The new Russians."The Village Voice, Apr.17,
Lynn, Elwyn. "Craying out for Colour. Biennale of Sydney."
The Australian. Saturday 9. 1. 1993.
Madra, Beral. "Forth Istanbul Biennial Orients
the Metropolis." Flash Art International, p.45, # 186 January-February
Mahoney, Robert. "Igor and Svetlana Kopystiansky." Arts
Magazine, p. 93, Summer 1990.
Mc Gill, Douglas C. "Soviets Designate a U.S. Dealer for
Their Artists."The New York Times, January 10, 1989.
Mercuri, Bernardo, "Artisti russi contemporanei." Tema
Celeste, April-June 1990.
Merkling, Frank, "Two demonstrate a Changing World."
The News-Times, June 26, 1990.
Morgan, Robert. "Igor and Svetlana Kopystiansky."Flash
Art International, No.144, Jan.-Feb.1989.
Nuridsany, Michel. "Bons baisers de Moscou.
Au Musee de la Poste." Le Figaro, June 8, 1993.
Picot, Pierre. "Art Matters: Russian Art."
Santa Monica News, March 31- April 13, 1989.
Princenthaler, Nancy. "Artist's Book Beat." The Print
Collector's Newsletter, Vol.XXVI No.4, September-October 1995,
pp. 145.
Schulman, Ken. "Will Success Spoil Moscow's
Underground?" The New York Times, June 10, 1990.
Schulz, B. "Die Nutzlichkeit der Leinwand." Tagesspiegel,
October 26, 1988.
Schütz, Heinz. "Igor/Svetlana Kopystiansky." Noema,
Mai 1989, pp. 90-91.
Schwabsky, Barry, "Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky."
Arts Magazine, Feb.1989.
Scobie, Ilka "Igor Kopystiansky and Svetlana Kopystiansky."
Cover Arts. New York, Nov. 1988.
Sietz, Henning. "Der neue kühle Blick. Sowjetische Kunst
hat einen Marktwert." Suddeutsche Zeitung, May 18, 1990.
Steiner, Christian Theo. "Jetztzeit in Teamarbeit,"
Neue Bildende Kunst, 1994.
Stepken, Angelika. "Szene Moskau." Kunstforum, No. 98,
Jan.-Feb. 1989.
Stepken, Angelika. "Construction in Process back in Lodz."
Kunstforum, Bd. 111, January/February, p. 393, 1991.
Träger, Wolfgang. "Skulptur. Projekte
in Münster 1997. Ein Foto-Rundgang." Kunstforum International,
Bd. 138 September-November 1997, pp. 321.
Tupitsyn, Margaritha. "Unvelling feminism. Women's Art in
the Soviet Union." Arts Magasine, December 1990.
Tupitsyn, Victor. "If I Were A Woman. Feminism versus Cultural
Patriarchy in Russia." Third Text 40, Autumn 1997, pp. 88,
Van Veelen, Ijsbrand. "Igor & Svetlana
Kopystiansky." Artscribe, March-April,1990, p.89.
Vogel, Sabine. "Die Moskauer Svetlana und Igor Kopystiansky
im Martin- Gropius-Bau." Neues Deutschland, October 9, 1991.
Volk, Gregory. "Report from Istanbul, Between East and West."
Art in America, pp. 39-41, May 1996.
Volk, Gregory. "Critiquing the Critique: Construction In
Process V. Mitzpe Ramon, Israel." Zingmagazine, pp. 202-204,
Winter / Spring 1996.
Walker, Richard W. "The Making of a Market."
ARTnews, March, pp. 138-143, 1989
Wallach, Amei. "Points de Vue."Elle, May, No. 4, 1990.
Wasko, Ryszard. "Construction in Process back in Lodz 1990."
Atelier, Japan, pp. 8, 11, March 1991.
Westfall, Stephen. "Igor and Svetlana Kopystiansky."
Art in America, February, 1989.
Wood, Joe. "Choices: Art." The Village Voice, March
28-April 4, 1990.
Yau, John. " Igor & Svetlana Kopystiansky."
Cover Arts . New York, November 1988.
Zimmer, William. "Works by contemporary soviet
artists in Rigefield." The New York Times, Sunday, June 24,