Rabinal Achi / ZapatistaPortAction
Quichí-Achí, speaks for the eighth time:
Cala-Achí! Ha! Aha! Yeha! Ahau! Wow! Achí!
I: Quichí-Achí Balam-Achí Balam- Quichí Rahaual- Quichí-Vinak iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kiiiiiiiii kikikikikikiki Quichí-Vinak
to you: Hobtoh Rabinal-Rahaual, Great Chief Five-Rains: Oyeu Achí!
Listen to me Approve of meto the sky-face
where long and long ago I went aloneto the four corners
my needs my food.
No one answers him. Then, dancing away, he disappears for a moment. Without
returning to the Gallery where Chief Five-Rains is seated, he approaches
the Eagles and Jaguars posted in the middle of the Court around an
O Eagles!
O Jaguars!
"He's gone" you said
a moment ago.
No I hadn't gone No I hadn't disappearedI went for a moment
where long and long ago I went aloneto find my food
my valiance my bravurawere no use.
My valiance my bravurawere no use.
Do I really have to die
to die in this place?
really disappear
disappear in this place
O my gold!
O my silver!
O my arrow's sons!
O my shield's sons!
my Toltec war-club!
my Toltec axe!
my wreaths my sandals!go back to our mountains
"It's a long time since
our valiance our bravurahas looked for our food