Rabinal Achi / ZapatistaPortAction>
Quichí-Achí, speaks
Since I can't do anything else but die
since I can't do anything else but disappear
under sky here and on the earth.why can't I change fates with this squirrel, with this bird dying on the branch of the tree, dying on the bud
chuvach cah chuvach uleu? under sky here and on the earth. O Eagles! O Jaguars!
Quichí-Achí, speaks for the tenth time:
Come on then!
Let's get your work done
let's get your duty over with
sink your teeth
sink your talons
get it over with
in one moment
since I am a Valiant an Achifrom our own mountains
Eagles and Jaguar surround Quichí-Achí, Balam-Achí, Balam-Quichí, Rahaual- Quichí-Vinak lay him on the sacrificial altar and open his breast.