Shi Shi Poems

The poems gathered here were, for the most part, originally published in Shi Shi magazine, which published concrete and visual poetry for decades, remaining one of the world's longest running journals in the genre. The title could be translated as "Avant-Garde" or as "Ultra Modern." The examples reproduced here are from exploratory broadsides published cooperatively by Light and Dust and Sherry Reniker's Word Press in Tokyo. I had hoped that these would act as rehearsal for an anthology that would cover all visual poetry schools in Japan, as the beginning of a projected series of regional volumes. These poems present a basic, though not by any means definitive, representation of the Shi Shi Group.

Condition, by Tanabu Hiroshi

Sound, by Yoshizawa Syoji

Unfolding, by Mori Ikuo

Line, by Kajino Kyuyo

Light and Dust Anthology of Poetry