Concurrent with this "storage" and routinization, the representation
"stores" the changing perceptual modes of its viewer, prompting its own
internal reprogrammation and adjustment. Viewer and representation
co-determine each other within a matrix of co-determining currents,
codes, and channels, many of which operate "below" perception.
Could this matrix be articulated in terms of a *logistics of routine,*
its "grammar" comprised of pacings? Pacings would be routinized,
performed gestures and movements: incorporations enacted through
sensory responses, motor control, and proprioception, as initiated and
encoded by, and calibrated according to the demands of, the
representational apparatus (which, of course, faces technology and
economy). It is here -- in conjunction with other powerful sites, such
as that of visualization and perception (cf. Virilio's "logistics of
perception") -- where emerging struggles for the terms (of communication
and materialization, of "mattering" itself ) are "taking place."
These pacings, as both impulses and artifacts, might be indicated by
vectors that both encode and compel mobilization, much like a traffic
sign whose arrow commands one to "turn this way."
Such a mobilization increasingly involves contradictory movements and
impulses, infusing the corporeal or representational body with a
multiplicity of competing vectors, often seeming to fragment or fracture
it. Mobilization engages a capacity or sensitivity to the mobilities of
the world, links it to a corresponding technology of transport, and
prompts materialization.
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documenta X Kassel and 1997