A lot of people move beyond the streamlined reality by taking up "old"
arts. Wikken, paganism, yoga, kung fu... plenty of examples. I'm one of
the kung fu guys. It has changed the way I relate to the world, how I
sense it, it can bring joy, it also pisses me off, makes me deal with my
fears and find out who I am. It is immune to being packaged and
commodified, at least, as it is taught by my Sifu.
Then there are those who try to move beyond the frontiers of the "new"
reality. There are algorithms and formulas that are not so soulless. Some
describe the complexity of the exponential recombination of the universe.
(For a modest attempt at this, check out some of the recent Usenet posts in
rec.arts.int-fiction about "Nonlinearity.") Some attempt to pierce the
boundaries of the universe through dialogue (this forum.) I will feel
happy when I have finally set up computers that shatter the boundaries of
the universe. That is their potential. It may or may not make $$$$, but
there is certainly the potential to make the system break free of itself
through a rippling effect. Like an Aikido player moving with someone's
energy rather than against it, amplifying it. But it takes a certain
perserverence in the face of the "dampening factors" that the real world
constantly throws at us. So much energy can be sucked into voids, which is
why people so often fall into the path of least resistance.
Brandon J. Van Every <vanevery@blarg.net> DEC Commodity Graphics
http://www.blarg.net/~vanevery Windows NT Alpha OpenGL
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as you care to make it. Wherein lies insight?
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