Re: <documenta X><blast> <Documenta X><Blast>anaclitic

Morgan Garwood (
Sat, 30 Aug 1997 18:40:05 -0400

At 10:49 PM 8/30/97 +0200, you wrote:
>>help me out on this one: I bump into the term "anaclitic", and "anaclitic
>>depression" from time to time, but nowhere can I find the kernel of the
>>Freud mentions it once in his story of Schreber, Barry Schwabsky lobbed it
>>at me once as a shibbolith; Laplace and Pontalis never defined it to my
>>satisfaction... what, exactly, is the point of "anaclisis" ?
>anaclitic depression is a depression upon the model of frustration of needs
>for dependency, and it is differentiated from a narcissitic depression. As
>simple as I can say it: there is the childhood model of anaclitic
>depression that developes when the child's dependency needs are
>continuously unsatisfied, when the child gets technical treatment but is
>not loved or emotionally referred to; for example, the small child is being
>fed but not lovingly cuddled during feeding, etc., and so the child
>retreats, stops eating etc.
>Adults can get depressed upon the same anaclitic model when a serious blow
>to these needs occures.
>Narcissistic depression is something altogether different. It is based on
>the distance between actual "reality" and ideals of the self or its wishes
>- the devaluation of the self facing unrealized wishes or ideals, a
>terrorizing superego etc..
>Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger
thank you; that's useful... in your thinking, is the term "anaclitic" used
by itself distinct from anaclitic depression? The incomplete understanding
I get is that it refers to a secondary, or subsidiary force that leans
against the larger weight of an identity, perhaps...

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