George Soros is driving this mentality-species crazy because he is blowing
past them without so much as a wave of acknowledgment... no serious
political contender dared question the wisdom of the *war on drugs* in
america. It would be political suicide. He recognized that institutional
agendas may be a result of perverse logics that have a lot more to do with
the preservation of the institution that the public function of said
institution. So, a new political concept has floated to the surface, "third
rail" issues, meaning, in the sense of the electrified third rail of the
subway system, you so much as touch it, and you are politically instantly
dead. His attitude is that he gets the most social leverage by grabbing the
third rail firmly with both hands, and then daring anyone to have the
political guts to touch him.... the guy plays a fierce game... why can't
more billionaires think like this?
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