> .....
> The rental car as home is full of dirt, roving crumbs, crumbling maps...
Walked past the main-'home' AVIS car-rental depot next to the SFO airport
last night -> Dozens of recently returned cars parked in lines to be
vacuumed and fueled -> All doors and trunks wide-open; all blasting the
same cartoonish, hip-hop radio station...
--{ brad brace } <<<< bbrace@netcom.com >>>> ~finger for pgp
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-- Usenet-news: alt.binaries.pictures.12hr/ a.b.p.fine-art.misc Mailing-list: listserv@netcom.com / subscribe 12hr-isbn-jpeg Reverse Solidus: http://www.teleport.com/~bbrace/bbrace.html
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