v i b e k e j e n s e n : s i t e I N V E S T I G A T I O N Trondheim Courthouse, Public Library, DORA 1 Kultimathule, Trondheim, Norway 2009 |
stills from 4 channel video projection Equations (History Repeats Itself) |
- MOTminne COUNTER memory = FORtids MINNE past time memory/Cultural Heritage + FORDOM PREJUDICE
This four channel video is the result of digging into the Criminal and City Archives partly located in DORA, a massive submarine
= IDentitet KONTROLL IDentity CONTROL (approximate translation)
bunker built by the Germans during WW2. Legal and everyday terms and classifications of people, places and acts are
superimposed onto archival documents. The video is projected inside the bunker during a public meeting concerned with crime,
fear and who has the right to the public space.