Hobtoh Rabinal-Rahaual, Chief Five-Rains, speaks:
Valiant Warlike! Cavek Quichí Vinak! IiikiiiiiikikikikiQuichí Vinak!
I the grandfather Chief Five-Rains.
OK Tell us open your mouth let's hear why you make like coyote, weasel, foxthrough the great walls
to call to attractto the great walls
in the corn-city Iximcheto ferret out
You were the one who got the nine the ten white childrenand it's a miracle they weren't dragged off
if my valiance if my bravura v'oyeualal v'achihilal Galei-Achí Rabinal-Achíhadn't been there on guard
And you destroyed
two three great cities
cities with moats
In Hidden-Buzzard Balanvacwhere feet stamp the ground with great noise
Well how long are you going to be hung up
by the lust of your heart your valiance your bravura?
How long are they going to block you
and keep you rampaging here?
Quichí-Achí speaks:
Cala-Achí! Ha! Aha! Yeha! Ahau! Wow! Achí!
I: Quiché-Achí Balam-Achí Balam- Quiché Rahaual- Quichí-Vinak
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kiiiiiiiii kikikikikikiki Quichí-Vinak
to you: Hobtoh Rabinal-Rahaual, Great Chief Five-Rains:
You've said to me:
'Kiss your mountains good-bye
and your valleys
because you're going to die in this place
to disappear in this place
we'll cut your vine here your trunk
we'll cut your lineage here
here under sky
here on the earth."
I don't give a damn for your words
you go to hell with your orders
to the sky-face here
to the earth-face.
Because of what I want in my heart.
And if I have to die here
if I really have to disappear in this place
then this is what I've got for you
in your teeth
in your face:
Since you're so rich here
since you don't know what to do with all you've got
in the great walls
in the great fortress
I'll borrow your food
I'll have a go at your drinks
those cool drinks called Ixtatzunin
those twelve drinks
those twelve stoning liquors
sweet fresh jubilant lip-smackingyou drink before you sleep
and also
the marvels of my Mother
the marvels of my Lady.
I'll try them out just once
as a sort of signal of my death
to mark my disappearance under sky and on the earth.May sky
Hobtoh Rabinal-Rahaual!