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L I T T L E I T A L Y N E I G H B O R S A S S O C I A T I O N ( L I N A ) c l e a n a i r r a l l y DOWN WITH DIESEL
Manhattan has the nation's second highest concentration of
cancer-causing toxins in the air, and one of the highest rates of asthma. Help clean up your air for your health and for your family's . . .
* To denounce Mayor Giuliani's policies that will put more than one million additional diesel trucks transporting municipal waste on NYC streets
annually -- over one thousand tractor trailer trips daily through the
Holland Tunnel.
* To demand 24-hour zero-tolerance enforcement by the DOT and NYPD at
the Holland Tunnel and Williamsburg and Manhattan Bridges to prevent the
illegal passage of thousands of oversize trucks.
* To denounce the continuing madness of the one-way Verrazano Bridge
* To demand purchase of non-diesel buses and vehicles by the MTA and
all government agencies, as well as other clean air initiatives.
Sponsored by: Trees Not Trucks, The SoHo Alliance, Friends of Hudson
Square, Greenwich Village Community Task Force, Coalition For A Safer
Greenwich and Washington Streets, Canal West Coalition, DownTown
Independent Democrats, NYC Environmental Justice Alliance, Tri-State
Transportation Campaign, Little Italy Neighbors Association
Volunteers needed to distribute fliers!
For more information call TREES NOT TRUCKS (Carl Rosenstein) at 212-343-2881
The Friends of Hudson Square
Board of Directors:
David B. Reck, Pres, Robert Lichtenberger, V. Pres, Eli Hausknecht,
Sec., Queva J. Lutz, Tres., Cynthia Carpathios, Nancy Miller, Martin Sheridan, Joseph Vasta. FHS is a member of the Manhattan Neighborhood Council
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