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L I T T L E I T A L Y N E I G H B O R S A S S O C I A T I O N ( L I N A ) c b 2 z o n i n g h e a r i n g CB#2 ZONING HEARING ON 164-170 MULBERRY STREET
Thursday, November 4, 7 PM., at the Puffin
Room, 435 Broome Street
Support LINA Steering members & building residents fight to keep a
city-owned residential building backyard from being sold to a next-door
restaurant, which currently leases it from the city & creates a nuisance.
Part of LINA Member Lillian Tozzi's Mulberry St. building is being
de-constructed to create a fire egress & the yard sold off to their
restaurant neighbor perhaps because they are a favorite eatery of our
Mayor's. This is very unusual for HPD to make this a priority item. The
restaurant is in violation through over-capacity, so HPD is spending city
money to get them into compliance, rather than helping the tenants solve
problems in the building.
Send letters to CB#2, K. Freed, & LINA. We will send our copies to HPD.
LINA opposes this questionable sale & permanent infliction of noise &
nuisance on the building residents.
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