Camp in my TENT, 1995 to 2001
by Jenny Marketou
Translocal: Camp in my Tent is a migrant project which
consists of two parts : one is the installation conceived and presented
as a campsite and the second is a public intervention with my tent which
takes place as an enactement in the different cities where the installation
is presented.

Translocal :Camp in my Tent + CU See ME teleconference,1998
Newhouse Center for Contemporary, Snug Harbour, Staten Island, New York
The ready made green
Tent the main component of the installation is pitched on a green artificial
grass carpet and visitors are invited to bring a pic nic and camp for
the day. This elegantly constructed shelter invites participants to
bring their own camping accouterments and challenges them to adapt this
private activity to the public observable space of the gallery in an
artificially beautiful tourist extravaganza! Or in some cases they are
able to engage in telematic virtual discussions with remote participants
around the world via CU See Me technologies.
tent is fully equipped with custom made sleeping bags and pillows dedicated
to give the visitor a leisurely experience according to the printed
brochure. Inside the tent are two or three video monitors -as witnesses
- one is linked to a surveillance camera located inside the museum,
and which is set up to monitor continuously the activity of the campers
inside the tent. The other two monitors feature a series of pre recorded.
videos which are looped excerpts, documentation from the series of public
performances with my tent around the world .The sound track is composed
by a sampling from hovering helicopters, city traffic, and a range of
human noises etc.