by Jenny Marketou

screen shots from CD-Rom

Splash!2000 is a prototype for a virtual super-Splash in the form of CD. Splash elaborates on my interdisciplinary project SmellBytes and it is brought to you all and everyday by the fictional net persona of Chris.053 (an artificial intelligence) which roams on the internet to satisfy its olfactory quest for smells and body odors.

My intention in Splash is in a humorous way to investigate virtual smell less "smell" as memory by speculating on the effect of chrom_odor_easthesia where abstract systems such as language and color have been effected with the sensation of "smell" but "smell" is experienced through memory and color. Splash!2000 explores the diffusion of techno scientific knowledge into popular culture through the volatile process of creating a virtual Splash which can be saved as a screen saver on the computer of each user.

The interactive interface allows the user to type in his/her name and and gives access to seven different processes which demonstrate functions by Chris.053 till their virtual Splash is extracted :
Sing, Smell, Identify, Color Greed, Scratch and Sniff, Splash, Output.


Author :Jenny Marketou

Interactive Design : Tennessee Rice Dixon
Programmer : Carlos Gonzalez and Marco Kothar
Sound :Edouardo Jarez
Produced with the Center for Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece


Splash!2000 was launched during TENACITY 2000 exhibition at The Swiss Institute, New York