
[ Happier Days ]

Posted by dan on February 26, 19100 at 04:07:26:

This was so much better than poland. Carmen ordered our drinks in the positions of a five pointed star. My sixth in my hand.
I told the witch doctor I was in love with you, she sang.
The tiki lights slid through the blades of the tall palms.
Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah,and I was back in Poland with Carmen worrying about the truck and the haul of potatoes. That was some foul magic. I was hoping for something gleamier. I drank on.
The lights burned sharp, and Carmen spoke the words:
"The umbrellas in my drink have a toxic substance. A hallucinongen i believe."
The magic wasn't working. My drink was oil. The truck gruntung and coughing before it fell silent. Carmen hollering for me to get on the phone to Piotr: the shipment was late.
The Balkans could wait.