Tentative Index of
On-Line Work by Karl Young


- To Dream Kalapuya [Complete Book]

- A selection of Clouds Over Fortjade: A Dialogue Between Tu Fu and Wang Wei

- Three, Hiroshima

- Punctuation Hands [At Durban Segnini Visual Poetry Show, Miami]

- Selections from Cried and Measured

- Days and Years [complete book]

- Two Poems from Stellar Dreams Above the Middle Kingdom [at Marc Weber's Sugar mule]

- Approximately 14 years of collaboration between Reid Wood and Karl Young [at Michael Rothenberg's Big Bridge magazine]

- Selections from Milestones, Set 1

- Acoustic Books at the Begining and End of the World

- a sunset [at mIEKAL aND's spidertangle the_book site]

-Getting Closer to 2000 Easters: For My Father, Nearing the End of His Time at Anny Ballardini's Fieralingue Site.

- Waning Moon - March 20, 2003; In Memoriam Carl J.Young, Sr.
At Big Bridge Magazine.

- The Flies. The Game Is Up. [at Mary Sands' Jack Magazine].

- The Barber of Seville [at Marc Weber's Sugar Mule magazine].

- Selections from Milestones, Set 2 [at Spunk Library]

- Skethces from The Ring of Indochina

- Gas Cap Contribution to Cecil Touchon's White on White show. Just a tiny reproduction on a page that includes the whole show. Although the poem is meant to be read, and you can't do that with this presentation, it's part of an accidental collage I like.

- Samples of Mail Art Assisted by Printing Presses at Dan Waber's Logolalia.

- "Two Couples" from Group Portraits [at IsiBongo, a South African journal of Newly- and Re-Emergent Arts, issue guest edited by Michael Rothenberg]

- Selections from Milestones and other poems [at Jean Heriot's Kaspahraster]


- Notation and the Art of Reading.
Young's most important essay, discussing the interrelation of book production and poetry in several cultures as it related to poetry in the U.S. in the early 80s.
Jelölési rendszerek - és az olvasás muvészete Forditotta: Koppány Márton. (Hungarian translation by Márton Koppány)
Texto Español; traduccion: César Espinosa.

- The Last Pages of Codex Boturini
Essay on one of the surviving pre-Columbian Mexican manuscripts, with facsimile and translations. [Published in Tezcatlipoca: A Journal of Chicano/a Studies].

- Human and Animal Stages in the Aztec Continuum of Life, and The Continuum of Life in Codex Borbonicus
Essays on Aztec World View as a living continuum, focusing on Quetzalcoatl's animal and human aspects, followed by examples and commentary on one of the pre-Columbian Central Mexican iconographic books. [Published in Tezcatlipoca magazine.]

- Toward an Ideal Anthology Reflections on the Light and Dust Web Anthology.

- Some Functions of Translation in "The Ideal Anthology" Sketch of importance of translation on the web in recognition of changes in language demographics; extensive notes on presenting Lettrisme bilingually; more compact notes on Reesom Haile, Susan Smith Nash's work with Paraguayan Women Poets, and translations of Kitasono Katue, edition of Jesse Glass's Ekleksographia edited by Anny Ballardini.

- Two Representative Works of the last Decade; A Working Present for Jackson Mac Low on His 75th Birthday
Study of Mac Low's Open Secrets CD and Words nd Ends from Ez, in context of his opus.

- Names: The Basis of Graffiti Art

- Graffiti International [at Marc Weber's Sugar Mule Magazine]

- The Visual Poetry of bpNichol; a Brief Sketch.
Overview, with copious examples.

- At the Corner of Euclid Ave and Blvd Dt Germain: d.a.levy's Parables of Local Necessity and Universal Decentralization
at Big Bridge magazine; originally published in d.a. levy and the mimeo revolution

- The Limns of Philip Whalen's Collected Poems
from Dale Smith's festschrift on Philip Whalen at Big Bridge magazine

- Reesom Haile, Prophet of the Global Village

- Reading the Waves, An Introduction to Karl Kempton's Rune: A Survey

- The Turning Pages of Light and Darkness: d.a.levy's Tibetan Stroboscope

- sighting d.a.levy

- Time and the Mail Art Network Extensive study of mail art at Michael Rothenberg's Big Bridge magazine.

- Three Sets of Robert Grenier's Illuminated Poems

- Preface to Assembling 12

- Preface to Assembling 13

- A Multi-Voiced Memorial for Meridel Le Sueur
by Karl Young, Linda Montano, Pauline Oliveros, Joe Napora, and Barbara Mor.

- Thirty Years of "Face": Introduction and Tribute to a Poem by David Meltzer at Michael Rothenberg's Big Bridge magazine.

- Kenneth Rexroth: Protest, Rebellion, and Beyond at Mary Sands' Jack Magazine

- Two Approaches to John Taggart's Slow Song for Mark Rothko and Inside Out: essays by Rochelle Ratner and Karl Young from the John Taggart issue of Paper Air magazine.

- Multitasking Mail Art Essay on printing mail art.

- Correspondence Art Solos and Choruses: K.S. Ernst, Marilyn R. Rosenberg, and David Cole

- Stamp Artists Joel Lipman and Rafael Jesus Gonzalez

- Spoken Texts by Alison Knowles

- Maximus to Gloucester Charles Olson's Letters to the Glouster Times.

- The Beat Thing by David Meltzer

- Books by bpNichol and The Four Horsemen [At Big Bridge.]

- Full Spectrum EditionsBooks by Producing inexpensive books by Michael McClure and Michael Basinski [at Big Bridge]

- Producing Books by Karl Kempton [At Big Bridge]

- Producing Six Fillious: Being bpNichol's translation of Robert Filliou's 14 Chansons et 1 Charade into English (+ Filliou's original text) + Steve McCaffery's translation of George Brecht's translation of Robert Filliou's 14 Chansons et 1 Charade into English into English (+ Brecht's translations into English: 14 Songs and 1 Riddle) + Dick Higgins' translation of Robert Filliou's 14 Chansons et 1 Charade into German into English (+ Roth's translation into German: 14 Chansons und 1 Ratsel).

- Myung Mi Kim and Maureen Owen

- Digital Visions by Cynthia Goodman

- HIDE AND SEEK and HOUSE AND HOME by Rochelle Ratner [at Marc Weber's Sugar Mule, Rochelle Ratner issue; for review alone, scroll down page]

- Yaqui Deer Dance Songs/Maso Bwikam by Larry Evers & Felipe S. Molina

- Whose History of What World?
American Visual Poetry of the 1920s and Its Successors at Mary Sands' Jack Magazine.

- Introduction to the English Language Edition of Evald Flisar's "Tales of Wandering."

- People's History - Essays at Freedom Press
This site is in the process of migrating to a new location. URLs seem to shift. There's a scripting device that yields different results at different times. But at least some essays written for Freedom, the press and newspaper set up by Peter Kropotkin 114 years ago, seem to remain available by typing in "Karl Young" in the search field. "Cowboys and Indians - The Dumbing Down of American Myths" and "Disturbing History: The World Wide Web in Context" can usually be found there. . .

- The Revenge of Uhura's Mini-Skirt [at Jean Heriot's Kaspahraster]

- Cat Licked the Garlic by Anne Tardos


- The Seafarer in Charles Harrison Wallace's Seafarer Collection.

- Anglo-Saxon Book Riddles

- Seven Anglo-Saxon Charms

- A Dream of the Cross

- The Last Pages of Codex Boturini
Essay on one of the surviving pre-Columbian Mexican manuscripts, with facsimile and translations. [Published in Tezcatlipoca].


- Kitasono Katue home page

- A Homepage Away From Home for bpNichol
Reprints of work by Nichol published in the U.S., with continuation of Nichol's collaborative TTA 29 project.

- Rochelle Owens Home Page

- David Cole Survey

- Hassan Massoudy Survey

-With Ingrid Swanberg:
d.a.levy home page

- With Ingrid Swanberg:
a d.a.levy satellite, 2008Reviews, comments, and other material on d.a.levy, focusing on three major books published in 2008, the 40th anniversary of levy's death, and on changing views of levy as a poet.

- With John Jacob and Michael McClure:
Michael McClure Home Page

Meeting place for graffiti art and visual poetry, with samples and extensive links.

- International Shadows Project Retrospectives
The International Shadows Project is an ongoing grass roots condemnation of nuclear weapons and the use of nuclear energy through an alliance of arts, particularly mail art and performance. As such it is also an ongoing celebration of life in the face of unmitigated evil, as well as an extensive documentation, with copious examples, of mail and performance art.

-With Karl Kempton and Harry Polkinhorn:
On-line home of North America's longest running visual poetry magazine.

-With Charles Cantalupo:
Reesom Haile Home Page

- With Alain Satié, David W. Seaman, and Karl Kempton:
Lettriste Home Page

-With Harry Polkinhorn:
U.S. and Canadian Pages for Nucleo Post Arte's VI Biennial
Festival of Experimental Art and Literature, Mexico City, November, 1998, coordinated with César Espinosa.


from Leaf Mosaic

A Middle American Water Table
    - On Mexican sources and Middle American Dialogues.
Chinese Couplets and Dialogues
    - On Chinese sources, Clouds Over Fortjade and related works.
Ghosts and Sleeve Pages
    - Reflections on 5 Kwaidan in Sleeve Pages (A three dimensional book published in an edition.
Minimalism's Expansions
    -Reflections on the minimalism of the 1960s, with a few comments on Young's work in one aspect of this mode; will be distinguished from other types of minimalism such as those used in meditations on the Word and later works which will have chapters of their own.
Vocabularies, Fractals, and Semiconductors
    - Reflections on poems created from word lists and other means of synthesis of pre-existing works in the context of healing, reconstruction, and finding means of speaking when there's nothing left to say. Source range from Native American and German to A Book of Fractals, an indirect study of French classics as well as an independent book of examples of the wide range of possible variations on a simple formal proposition.
The Valence of Fragments
    - Starting with Pound's use of fragments, this chapter sketches Young's work with fragmentary sources beginning with the small lyrics of youth to such full books as Cried and Measured and Should Sun Forever Shine. This practice is something like the inverse of that explored in "Vocabularies, Fractals, and Semiconductors, and a prelude to an important future chapter on re-translation, "Bringing the Text Back Home."
Beginning Milestones
    - Origins of a "longpoem" partially suggested by such works as The Cantos and Maximus.
Books Printed by Walter Tisdale
    - Tribute to a great traditional printer via commentary on the books of Young's he published.
Acoustic Books at the Begining and End of the World
    - Reflections on the significance of sculptural books that can be played as musical instruments.


- Some Volumes of Poetry: A Retrospective of Publication Work by Karl Young Essays on Young's publication of the work of other people, activities as publisher, organizer of readings, co-founder of the Water Street Arts Center and Woodland Pattern, and other literary activities. At Michael Rothenberg's Big Bridge site.

Light and Dust Anthology of Poetry