I'm not sure if there are any waterfalls left in Petrifying Springs, just north of Kenosha. though we could possibly get there in three months if there are. I don't have any photos of the waterfalls in the Dells area [pictured above], but it's a beautiful place, does include waterfalls, and they're probably the first we'll see. Not within 3 months, probably, or according to any schedule I can predict, but we can get there.The Dells area also includes Frank Lloyd Wright's Seth Petterson Cottage. A lot of Wright's ideas had a strong Anarchist base -- he believed in 'decentralism,' the same term used by Paul Goodman as a synonym for circle a. Wright's work here was to take a tiny frame and make it into a comfortable home, with plenty of room, and a sense of spaciousness. There are a lot of Wright's buildings in this area, which was his home base through most of his life:
Wright didn't give up on his dreams, or hide them. Another way of combining a visit to a waterfall and one of Wright's buildings is to go to Falling Water House, a house built over a waterfall, so the waterfall runs through the house. This house has had a lot of problems, and constantly needs repairs. It's considerably farther away [over 1,000 miles], but still a place we can get to eventually. There are a lot of waterfalls between those here in Wisconsin and Falling Water House, and some beautiful ones in the Catskill Mountains I blabber about a lot. Those might best be visited first. I've never been to Falling Water House, but would like to see it at least once:
I don't know where the next waterfall is. It came to me on a postcard without a caption, and I've saved it for at least 8 years because it reminds me of a waterfall I saw once, apparently during a manic period when I drove compulsively around the midwest for days without paying much atention to where I was. I would like to see it again, or another one like it. It's a dream waterfall. I love waterfalls, too. It's a love and a dream we share. It takes nature a while to make a waterfall, but she does make them -- a lot of them in fact. And this photo has been up on my door for a long time, starting when there were a lot of people coming through here, and even continuing through a long period when I was completely alone:
Dream Loud
with me
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