by próspero saíz
you are named death
death named you
you are your own
but can't disposeyour-self
always undisposed
you stare at your-self always there
but you can never see your-self
(your name will go into an archive
only then will your corpse be dead)
even as you are burned to death in death
even as you are burned in death to death
even as you are carried to the grave
to receive the dear gift of ancient dirtPESE-NERFS
it is given
when it is given
scale tolling no weight
name-less screams and gestures
never spoken
grain of the grain of the V o I C E
(a footnote will soon apologize for your not being)then everything is in the clear
the shadow of your-self your double
crossing you go dying to understand
more deeply buried in understanding
wrenching wrenched into your deathly
becoming being your deathly openness
you could never make your way alone
but groped about in signs dancing
deaf to the tune of your life
foundering in the third person plural
and even as your ears buzzed with songs of flie
ex- is- t- e- n- c- e--oh what a gaping mockery your dancing to the tune!
oblivious to the silence of your deathly openness
oh what a mocking corpse your sacrifice delightful!
oh the sublime bitterness of your arrival by your-self
coldly dis-closed in the glaring brightness of closed eyes(where you were linked there was no chain)
only a death-grip held you fast as you dis-robed your syntax
is your conscience living corpse
is the guilt beside your body
and all your words are older than you are
and all your words are younger than your death is
you thought yourself well connected to your world
you thought your skeleton well connected to your flesh
and only once upon a time did you behold your future(coming always toward you from long ago)
(who would not be sadly sullen now. . . )
in the face of the purity of the clean-cut ceasura
in flashing revealations that you would never come to be
un-til un-til anterior days would reveal your n A M E
the ecstatic ringing of a name of once upon a timeis given
and yet and yet and yet
overwhelming movement
betweenness (maw maw)
effacement of all naming
the corpse undone in its own time
gives way to words chanting the riddle
of [dis]appearance
i void my i
i am my void
i mean too much
there now
language is satisfied
and poetry
here and there
something and nothing
betweens betweening
random i accident
the part i am
greater than the whole
i am not
i do not insist
on life and death
on death or lifei am not a part
neither is a part
of the other
and the other
is not a part
i am a word not
to a thought i
(it occurs to me)
written i
in random fally o u motivate m e
i death
owned arbitrary
for your con-
sign-menta placing beyond time
awaiting the bridge
you need to see me
with death's other eye
______________________ am dreadful
to you contingent
slip blur
bear no name
the first ray obscure
heart of the mountain
clearer than the day
louder than the thundertrue clarity
sad warble of the nothing of
your/selfaffirming all you are
impossiblerhythmic black granite
empty of the statue
stallion legs held muscled
to thickness of the earthhorrible dead verb
thicket of your/self
never thoughtbefore or after
not for you--
showing without idea words only
the shadow closes
tired time without end
never beginningwhat do you place before us now
you cannot take us on the way
you are open only to your/self
unheard unspokenin the folds
rhythmsgaps close upon your silence
forever foreignmany names
surround your exquisite invisibilitythere!
somber depths
hard diamonds still
your coming up
blue elements
weigh heavy on your going down
the cave empty singing
the borders of the rock
in depth night closer than
ever to itself--feathers
empty beat
closed to allshow: the clear outside
outer is all
night disengages
the elements shine
in their obscurity
the woman curve
flutes the closing lipsnight disengages
alwaysastray i go from home
lost yet again and again
to allouter outer outer
foreign sole night
madness of the blow
spaceless space of rhythm
astray from past and futureproclamations un-signed
limping ever in error
the skull-eyes see
true wandering in the desert
--ah pure error--
sacred shroud the night
and the night disengages
where the curves waver
four lips fluting
and the serpent returns
i wander into no where
wavering forgetfulnesshow the darkness burns
and the night disengages
the outer word only seems
and the night disengages
speaking not
the deep void alone
is the place
homeand the night disengages
with holding
the bridge is ever gone
dissolving beyond descriptionrepeat your/self
and nevermore rest--
emptiness happens
figure it
outin your not having your/self
to have
hidden apparition
your desolation perseveresthe absent flower of absolute night opens
essence fades
the daylight shows
how no thing isin the curve of the mountain
the cone falls from the pine
in the cool rain
a forever different rhythm
sets in
here in the desert
what now?
does the corpse decompose afloat
on the thin line of the horizon?do you approach the desert
or does it come unto you?
the desert closes at night
agoraphobia seizes all space
and you move on and on--everywhere
you run from yourself in this desert
and density spasms in grave being
infinite dispersion of the sands
they come into you
and you cannot stay
for long in your dwelling placei am everywhere in the sands
where all signs are written
in invisibility
you read the wind
in infinite distance
and come close to yourself
heavily ingrainedis this your place
where the vastness approaches
where your now goes away
without tomorrow's time
where your words resound
and the outside comes nearer
always nearer
but never arrives?where are you?
all this white open space
comes over your place
and time repeats itself
very near to where you are
and your word is ever altered
intense ringing in the ear
which refuses all in-folding
and sees forever the animal night
even as the eye rests on the horizon
you cannot dwell. . . . forever endure
i am my lack
my solitude
deserts methe sands
so vast outside
alone i'm not
there anymorewhiteness of the night
anonymity so close
time's i everywhere
outside outside the outside
the desert rots the sun
a stand of white pines
in the moonlight singing
a cappellashelter of four winds blowing
the silent white insomnia of the night
illuminates the dying corpsey o u
you-now cadaver wanting no burial
no chanting for your rotting flesh
you persisting in your absence
you resting in closeness to us allyour wish to be a nothing cannot be
you are still approached by us
you less and worse than nothing
the perfume of your death
carries no weight
the space you occupy
carries no truthyou make us weep in ritual
you are gone and yet are here
you cannot be annihilated
you must be burned or buried
your remains are not your own
so strange you cannot see them there
where you still areyou are still in this world
demur demur demur
a name and strange decay
to whom does this strange scent belong
--detached from all belonging--
is this the closeness of the endyou with your infinite stare
a fearful subsistence unseeing
a world left behind our backs
so timid so quiet so far gone
so inactual in a world left behind
you are not yeta jazzy whimper in the burrow of the brain
dies out
it thought it saw its tracks
the light erasingthere
visibility was blindness
it saw too muchthe light never is
there it is
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Light and Dust Mobile Anthology of Poetry.
Published in The Bird of Nothing & Other Poems by Ghost Pony Press. Copyright © 1996 by Ghost Pony Press.