Creation sometimes pours into the spiritual eye the radiance of Heaven: the green mountains that glimmer in a summer gloaming from the dusky yet bloomy east; the moon opening her golden eye, or walking in brightness among innumerable islands of light, not only thrill the optic nerve, but shed a mild, a grateful, an unearthly luster into the inmost spirits, and seem the interchanging twilight of that peaceful country, where there is no sorrow and no night.
Samuel Palmer
Islands - eye-lands-& piled mountains
I saw that at Shoreham.
I saw hybernacula move
I saw a badger root among soft
I saw 'vegetable gold'
I watched the elder grow first
'Thoughts on RISING
Shoreham - the ripeness
I saw ascensions, transformations
I saw a world of Leviathan
Shoreham. Autumnal, mercurial.
A land, perpetually coming
I saw all that at Shoreham
Ones, where they commonly walk. . .
over silver & gold. Its back, blue
The white Owls (inhabiting a shell-room
silky eyes blinking in the half-
in sunlight. Pope's grotto built
Ore, purpled Copper Ores & Wild Lead
& Spars shot with prisms of
inclining to black. Crystal from
Petrified Wood & Moss. Blood-
Those opalescent clouds in the form
Fog-bow & Moon-bow. Haloes observed
shoot up, high, above the setting sun.
Touch-wood. That luminescence,
the shimmering hand dipped in warm
be traced upon earth. The legend
& the vine said to entangle the cattle's
And there were seen many blackbirds to settle
Out of the warm hills at our backs
Wee had observed
& the hollows,
We also came upon one tree,
it is thus our nights, everywhere,
too, so that the whole is 100 foot diame-
into this innermost circle or temple, one
when fruit trees have dropt their leaves.
angles are filled in fruit trees, plumbs,
where is an entrance from the porticoe to
Alexander Pope: 'I have some-
large poplars with their white
the aisles or the peristiliums
heights. These w'ld look very
of topiary were inimitable, who deplored the
Now, the obelisks are toppled,
'A laurestine bear in blossom, with a
scarce long enough, but able to stick
to a to a porcupine, by its being forgot
I saw that at Shoreham.
In the 'yellow spot' of clear vision,
'Unless the eye
Unless the ears are shaped
& our tongue, of apples & water:
'The Apple-Tree, the Singing & the Gold...'
It is here
I held a yellow twilight in my head.
of the air. All
day, the horizon has become warm
becomes visible below the sun,
is a transition of orange,
& green. The arching, white transparency
becomes more vivid, & higher still
rises higher & is darker.
at their most vivid & in the west, a rose-
purple. Trunks of trees & soil
mingling with the horizontal striping,
illumination fails so rapidly it becomes
all colors vanish & there is darkness.
THE WHITE CLOUD. There is a sound of thunder
intensifies its blue & the wheat radiates yellow.
A dull booming rolls in from
The air is sibilant with
& all is quickened
The field, with its broken fence,
This is a plain structure, shaped like
partly shrunken, & of a yellow-stained
The beeches tremble imperceptibly.
The reapers working
dust from stubble
The dry wheat,
Insect wings. Light feet of squirrels
Dry scrape of grasshoppers. Quick
At our backs, surrounding the picture,
Sun caps the tops of clouds
I walked up to the CLOUD,
'a country
but of moons
in the furrow,
& on each
were as many suns as
& fields were far
as the eye
Then dipping their silver oars,
the eyes
its sheaves as if mackerel
of air.
I walked up to the CLOUD
& the white light
dog violet,
red clover.
I walked up to the CLOUD
& peal after peal
First, stones
- earth-worm & mole & turtle -
all danced to the thunder,
A bellow & clamor
in diapason. . . a dissonance
A chryselephantine sky. The round earth
on flat paper. 'The clouds which drop fatness
upon our fields & pastures'.
of light. A circumambient voyage into the visible.
like clouds, & the turtle's eyes red
yellow plums of moonlight, & at dawn, a sheep
shade the dews
from its coat, in coronae.
- the light of suns fold in upon itself,
as leaves
of a cabbage -
green, then white,
then a lustrous black.
MOON with raving-mad splendour
of orange twilight glow on
landscape. I was that at Shoreham'.
- proliferation. 'Excess more abundantly
excessive'. Its whale-shaped
hills, above the valleys of the hops
& apples. Its shepherds of the many-colored sheep.
& flights 'from a leaf
of kale, across the disc of a planet'.
& the thousand repetitions of spore & insect
A world where the skies
dome above, almost so high as to hold
both rising, meridian & setting suns, with moons large
as barn doors.
to harvest. The light come out of earth,
a heavy hay—& piled up in stooks
beneath the budding, leafing, flowering chestnut.
I saw that at Shoreham.
& more - the 'cherub-turtles' - the Shining
Most Rich, Most Glittering, Most Strange
The Beetle, of a coppery green & blue.
Feathers of Peacock & Pheasant.
The live flashing Mackerel,
its thin, transparent colors laid
& around its gills, greens which take on
casts of blue. Silvery
belly & eyes a hard, jet black.
of a Folly in Wiltshire)
their feathers flecked & barred with
colors of straw & dun. Their
light of pearled Conch, Cowrie & Coral
spray. The Moth, the Mantis,
Dragon-fly. A Snail's path seen shining
at Twickensham, with its Marble of diverse
colors. And between each course of
Marble, many kinds of Ores, such as Tin
intermixed with large clumps of
Cornish Diamonds. Rich,
White Spars interlaced with Cockle
different degrees of waters. Fossils
interspersed with Grains of Mundic:
some yellow, some purple & some deep blue
Germany, Gold from Peru, Silvers from
Spain & Mexico. Gold Clift
from Gloucestershire, Egyptian Pebbles.
stones, clumps of Amethyst, 'Isicles'.
Curious stones from everywhere & several
Humming-birds, with nests.
of scales of fish: striped, undulating,
cirrus-like - with spectral 'eyes'
of a bright, metallic luster.
around the sun, with Mock Suns, upon days
of peculiar, milky light. Green
'Rays', or Flames, seen to
Multiple Crescents of the moon.
Mirage & iridescence of oil-spots & suns
'Drawing Water'. Moonglade,
phosphorescence, fluorescence, to be seen
in plant, animal & stone. Rabbits'
eyes, Will-o'-the-Wisp,
waters. The ancient trees
whose every leaf is a streak of
pale flame, the glow of whose roots can
of electrical hail-stones, 'Hercynian'
birds like plumed lamps
lighting the forests at night
hooves & horns in networks
of fiery tendril. All things 'most rich,
most glittering, most strange'.
Of Certaine White Nights Wherein the
Darkes Doe Seem to Gette Up
& Walk & How Wee Saw Divers Wonders in Bothe
Earth & Element
As we descended to this valley,
where Samuel Palmer had used to walk - bareheaded
under the moon -
the passing clouds above
'did marvellously supple the ground'.
as shapes of water on the land.
a nebulous lightning
pulsed & flickered, a false
Aurora Borealis, enfolding us as we came.
these glows to collect as solid
as stones, at the sides of our eies -
each, to appear to rise out
of its owne darkeness.
out of those that abound here, whose leaves
seemed brought into curious relief
by the twilight being reflected upon one
side, & a waxing moon,
on the other -
but dusks of daies.
William Stukeley made his own Stonehenge,
a Druid Temple 'formed out of an old ort-
chard'. 'Tis thus', he writes - 'there is
a circle of tall filberd trees in the nat-
ure of a hedg, which is 70 foot diameter
& round it a walk 15 foot broad, circular
ter. The walk from one high point slopes
each way, gradually, till you come to the
lowest point opposite, there is the   en-
trance to a temple, to which the walk may
be es-teemed as porticoe. When one enters
sees, in the center, an antient appletree
oregrown with sacred mistletoe. Round it
is another concentric circle of a 50 foot
diameter made all of pyramidal greens, at
an equal interval, that appear as verdant
The pyramidals are in imitation of Stone-
henge's inner circles. The whole of this
is included within a square wall on every
side, except the grand avenue to the por-
ticoe, which is an appletree avenue. The
pears, & walnuts, & such are likewise in-
terspersed in the filberd hedg & borders,
with some sort of irregularity to prevent any
stiffness in its appearance & make it
look more easy & natural. At that point,
the temple, is a tumulus, but I must take
it for a cairn, or celtic barrow. I have
sketched you out the whole thing as it is
formed. These are some of the amusements
of country folk, instead of conversation'.
times had the idea of planting
an old gothic cathedral. Good
stems (cleared of their boughs
to a proper height) w'ld serve
well for columns, & might form
by their different distances &
well near, & a dome rising all
in a proper tuft in the middle
w'ld look well at a distance'.
This is the man whose parodies
fantastical & wished for 'unadorned
Nature'. But the 'Gothick' was in fashion & has
since been destroyed as
the formal topiary before it - to serpen-
tinize brooks, to make vistas.
labyrinth & maze are uprooted to pasture
& ivies hide the Folly.
The giantesque animals, lop-sided arches & cones
& pyramids, have been allowed, now,
to grow into ghosts of shapes they once had.
juniper hunter in berries. A pair of
giants, stunted. A lavender pig with
sage growing in his belly. The Tower
of Babel. St. George in box, his arm
the dragon by next April ... the dragon,
also of box, with ground-ivy tail. A
pair of maiden-heads in fir, in great
forwardness. A quickset hog, shot up
a week in rainy weather. Noah's ark in
holly, Adam & Eve in yew - the serpent
flourishing. Edward the Black Prince in
cypress, an old maid in wormwood'.
The Balancings Of The Clouds - their breeze
& darknesses. Wheaten emanations
of earth. A man come piping
over the hills - an interpenetration of
moth-wing & seed-case & burr, of tremulous grasses
& ripening apples.
the apples grew & reddened -
the trunk of their tree come suddenly out
of a slope, as Arcimboldo's lemons from a throat.
contained the substance of the sun'...
of song, out nose is of air, our skin, of the thistle,
was Hesperides, Paradisi in Sole
Paradisus Terrestris.
I saw the glow if its after-
image, green & blue, circle the globes of apple.
I walked upon the clods
of cumulus, & saw a 'glory' moving always before me
on the grass. And melody came, in openings
eyes. In Shoreham's Albion. A Paradys
At 5º altitude of the sun, on a clear
yellow, a faintly yellow horizontal stripe
& concentrically above is a luminous
white arc. The eastern counter-twilight
yellow, green & blue. At altitude
0º, in the west, the horizontal stripe
becomes white-yellow, yellow
is encircled by brown tones.
In the east, the shadow of earth rises.
It is bluish-grey, shifting to
purple. Above, the counter-twilight
there is a bright reflection of the light
in the west - a widespread
illumination. At -1º the color
from the earth upwards is brown-orange
fading to gold. The eastern shadow
The counter-twilight develops a
border of colors shading from violet to
crimson, orange, yellow, green
& blue. And above that - brightness.
At -3º the colors in the east are
red spot appears above the
white arc. It grows larger & more
diffuse, the color of salmon.
At -5º this has changed to a radiant
take on its warm tint & the east becomes
an after-glow of dull reds.
This purple light fades, apparently
& the boundary of earth-shadow
disappears in the east. Landscape
difficult to see. Imperceptibly
from the sea, over the slate-blue
Kentish hills. Overhead, the blue sky
Upper slopes of the cloud-bank
reflect the rays of the sun. It is a massive
ridge, its underside a misty black
reaching to the horizon.
the south, as if through
solid sunlight.
A warm haze settles over the wheat.
insect wings. In the distance,
several reapers bend
to scythe grain
with hidden electricity.
slopes down to where a thatched barn is half
hidden among beeches.
a hill. Its roof sags, encrusted
with that emerald-green moss, Tortula ruralis:
smooth, rounded clumps -
now, in the dryness of harvest,
olive. Three large rooks move slowly above the ripe
stalks unperturbed
by the reapers. A white owl
leaves the barn - whiter still against the dark
An old, gnarled oak, blasted in the past by
lightning, turns yellow.
against the low rumble
at their backs.
The white cloud still, haze
hanging in the heavy
air, & far
behind the barn a brook
straw warm to the
touch, earth
hot beneath the
in the beeches. Rustling of dry leaves on the oak.
Waters. The sunlight in rippling spots as it
plays on the ground. Hues of the swaying wheat
from palest yellows to ruddy gold.
Sheen on the blackbirds. Undertone of thunder.
patter of squirrels. Wind in the oak leaf
& water on stone. A maze of sun dappled over earth.
The straw whispering as it is scythed.
Wings of blackbirds glistening as they settle.
The thunder barely to be heard.
is the whole world.
with silver. Bells in the churches
begin to ring from distant hills.
The moon, rising over a hill, casts long shadows
from a clump
of horse-chestnuts.
Scents of newly-cut wheat
billow on the night air. An owl
calls. . . echoes & reverberates around us.
Dimness & brilliance meet.
Large stars.
where there is no
& with heads of fish
ear, beneath a husk
of twilight
could reach.
shed characters of fire
in the grain,
shone on the waves
like flowers -
& asphodel, celandine,
rang out of earth.
in a sound like muffled
Then the roots of the trees
rooks, rooks, blackbirds. Cuckoos awoke
in the tubers
the peal & thunder.
came out
of the hills:
& musical order.
Go to Light and Dust Anthology of Poetry
Copyright © 1967 by Ronald Johnson
First Published by W.W. Norton
Reproduced here by permission of the Literary Estate of Ronald Johnson, 2001
"Guy," by Basil King, the painting that appears with this poem,
comes from a series based on Green Man lore. Copyright © 1996 by Basil King.
Light and Dust Anthology of Poetry