Bibliography for Morgan Gibson's
Revolutionary Rexroth

BIBLIOGRAPHIES (See also work from Japan and France below.)

Gibson, Morgan. See publications "From Japan," below.

Hamalian, Linda. "Acknowledgments" and "Selected Works of Kenneth Rexroth." A Life of Kenneth Rexroth. New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1991. xiii-xix.

Hartzell, James, and Richard Zumwinkle. Kenneth Rexroth/a Checklist of His Published Writings. Foreword by Lawrence Clark Powell. Los Angeles: Friends of the U of California at Los Angeles Library, 1967.

Morrow, Bradford. "An Outline of Unpublished Rexroth Manuscripts..." Sagetrieb 2.3 (Winter 1983): 19-20.

Other Bibliographies appear in books and dissertations listed below.


Autobiographies and Letters

An Autobiographical Novel. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1966. Weybridge, England: Whittet, 1977. Santa Barbara: Ross-Erikson, 1978. Expanded and edited by Linda Hamalian. N. Y.: New Directions, 1991.

Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin: Selected Letters. Ed. Lee Bartlett. N. Y. and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1991.

Excerpts from a Life. Ed. with "Foreword" by Ekbert Fass. Santa Barbara: Conjunctions, 1981. Passages reprinted in Conjunctions 4 (1983): 96-114, and in Sagetrieb 2.3 (Winter, 1983):9-17.

"A Crystal Out of Time and Space: The Poet's Diary." Conjunctions 8 (1985) 62-80.

Verse Plays

Beyond the Mountains. N. Y.: New Directions, 1951. San Francisco: City Lights, n. d. London: Routledge, 1951. Quarterly Review of Literature: The 1950's, The Homestead Called Damascus. 9.2 reprinted, n. d. Program notes entitled The Living Theater. Kenneth Rexroth. Beyond the Mountains. N. Y.: The Living Theatre, 1951. Premier directed by Julien Beck, starring Judith Malina. In Lilly Library, Indiana University.


In What Hour. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1940.

The Phoenix and the Tortoise. N. Y.: New Directions, 1944.

The Art of Worldly Wisdom. Prairie City, Illinois: Decker P, 1949. Sausalito, California: Golden Goose P, 1953, 1973. Santa Barbara: Morrow and Covici, 1980.

The Signature of All Things. N. Y.: New Directions, 1950.

The Dragon and the Unicorn. Norfolk, Connecticut: New Directions, 1952.

A Bestiary for My Daughters Mary and Katherine. San Francisco: Bern Porter, 1955.

Thou Shalt Not Kill: A Memorial for Dylan Thomas. Sunnyvale, California: Horace Schwartz, A Goad Publication, 1955.

In Defense of the Earth. N. Y.: New Directions, 1956. London: Hutchinson, 1959.

Six Poems. N. Y.: New Directions, 1957.

The Homestead Called Damascus. World Poets Series. N. Y.: New Directions, 1963.

Natural Numbers: New and Selected Poems. N. Y.: New Directions, 1963.

The Collected Shorter Poems. N. Y.: New Directions, 1966, 1967, 1976.

The Heart's Garden, The Garden's Heart. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Pym- Randall, 1967.

Penguin Modern Poets 9: Denise Levertov, Kenneth Rexroth, William Carlos Williams. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1967, 45-73.

The Spark in the Tinder of Knowing. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Pym- Randall, 1968.

The Collected Longer Poems. N. Y.: New Directions, 1968, 1970.

Sky Sea Birds Trees Earth House Beasts Flowers. Santa Barbara: Unicorn, 1971, 1973.

The Kenneth Rexroth Reader. Ed. Eric Mottram. London: Cape, 1972.

New Poems. N. Y.: New Directions, 1974.

The Silver Swan. Port Townsend, Washington: Copper Canyon, 1976.

On Flower Wreath Hill. Burnaby, British Columbia: Blackfish, 1976.

Flower Wreath Hill: Later Poems (1976)

The Love Poems of Marichiko. Santa Barbara: Christopher's Books, 1978.

The Morning Star. N. Y.: New Directions, 1979. Containing The Silver Swan, On Flower Wreath Hill, and The Love Poems of Marichiko.

Saucy Limericks and Christmas Cheer. Santa Barbara: Brad Morrow, 1980.

Between Two Wars. Fourteen Poems from In What Hour. Introduction by Bradford Morrow. Interview with Rexroth by Daniel Goldstein. Ed., designed, and printed by Richard Bigus. Athens, Ohio: Labyrinth Editions, and San Francisco: Iris, 1982.

Selected Poems. Ed. Bradford Morrow. With Introduction. N. Y.: New Directions, 1984.

Flower Wreath Hill: Later Poems. Includes New Poems and The Morning Star. N. Y.: New Directions, 1991.

Sacramental Acts: Love Poems. Edited by Sam Hamill and Elaine Laura Kleiner. Port Townsend, Washington: Copper Canyon Press, 1997.

Rexroth's Translations of Spanish Poetry:

Thirty Spanish Poems of Love and Exile. San Francisco: City Lights, 1956.

Translations of French Poetry:

Fourteen Poems by O. V. de L. Milosz. San Francisco: Peregrine, 1952. Seattle: Copper Canyon, 1982.

One Hundred Poems from the French. Highlands, North Carolina: Jargon Society, 1955. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Pym-Randall, 1972.

Pierre Reverdy Selected Poems. N. Y.: New Directions, 1969. London: Cape, 1973.

Translations of Greek and Latin Poetry:

Poems from the Greek Anthology. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press, 1962.

Translations of Japanese Poetry:

One Hundred Poems from the Japanese. N. Y.: New Directions, 1955, 1957, 1964.

One Hundred More Poems from the Japanese. N. Y: New Directions, 1974, 1976.

The Burning Heart: Women Poets of Japan. With Ikuko Atsumi. N. Y.: Continuum Book, Seabury, 1977. N. Y.: New Directions, 1982. Reprinted as Women Poets of Japan. N. Y.: New Directions, 1977.

Seasons of Sacred Lust: Selected Poems of Kazuko Shiraishi. With Carol Tinker, Ikuko Atsumi, John Solt, and Yasuyo Morita. N. Y.: New Directions, 1978.

Love Poems from the Japanese. Translations by Rexroth. Ed. Sam Hamill. Boston: Shambala, 1994.

Translations of Chinese Poetry:

One Hundred Poems from the Chinese. N. Y.: New Directions, 1956, 1965, 1970.

Love in the Turning Year: One Hundred More Poems from the Chinese. N. Y.: New Directions, 1970.

The Orchid Boat: Women Poets of China. With Ling Chung. N. Y.: Herder and Herder, McGraw Hill, 1972. N. Y.: New Directions, 1982.

Li Ch'ing Chao: Complete Poems. With Ling Chung. N. Y.: New Directions, 1979.

Thirty-six Poems by Tu Fu. With a Preface by Peter Blum, an Introduction by Bradford Morrow, twenty-five etchings by Brice Marden, and John Yao's Introduction to Marden's etchings. N. Y.: Peter Blum, 1987.


Bird in the Bush: Obvious Essays. N. Y.: New Directions, 1959, 1979. Salem, New Hampshire: Ayer, 1959.

Assays. N. Y.: New Directions, 1961.

Classics Revisited. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1968. Reprinted, edited with Introduction and Afterword by Brad Morrow. N. Y.: New Directions, 1986. Les Classiques revisité. French translation by Nadine Bloch and Joël Cornuault. Bassac, France: Plein Chant, 1991.

The Alternative Society: Essays from the Other World. N. Y.: An Azimuth Book, Herder and Herder, 1970, 1974.

With Eye and Ear. N. Y.: An Azimuth Book, Herder and Herder, 1970, 1974.

American Poetry in the Twentieth Century. N. Y. Herder and Herder, 1971. N. Y.: Continuum/Seabury, 1973.

The Elastic Retort: Essays in Literature and Ideas. N. Y.: Continuum/Seabury, 1973.

Communalism: from Its Origins to the Twentieth Century. N. Y.: Continuum/Seabury, 1974. Posted in 2000 by Ken Knabb on Bureau of Public Secrets homepage,

World Outside the Window: the Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth. Ed. Bradford Morrow, with his "Preface." N. Y.: New Directions, 1987.

More Classics Revisited. Ed. Bradford Morrow, with "Editor's Note." N. Y. New Directions, 1989.

Rexroth's Introductions to His Poetry and Translations

The Art of Worldly Wisdom, 1949. Second Preface in second edition, 1953.

The Collected Longer Poems, 1968, 1970.

Pierre Reverdy: Selected Poems, 1969, 1973.

Some Uncollected Prose

"Letter from San Francisco." Blues 1.7 (Fall, 1929). Ed. Charles Henri Ford.

"Examen de Conscience" (Epistle to Louis Zukofsky). New Review 2.5 (Paris, April 1932). Ed. Samuel Putnam.

"Poetry and Society." The Coast (Spring 1937). Unofficial publication of the San Francisco Writers' Project, WPA .

"Letter from America." Now 7 (February-March 1947).

"Vivienne Renaud." Conjunctions 2 (Summer, 1982): 54-59. Story. Ed. Bradford Morrow.

"The Commercialization of the Image of Revolt." The Beats: Literary Bohemians in Postwar America. Dictionary of Literary Biography 2. Ed. Ann Charters. Detroit: Gale, 1983, 643-50.

Rexroth's Introductions in His Editions of:

Read, Sir Herbert. The Green Child. N. Y.: New Directions, n. d.

Selected Poems of D. H. Lawrence. N. Y.: New Directions, 1947. N. Y.: Viking/Compass, 1961, 1968.

The New British Poets: An Anthology. N. Y.: New Directions, 1949.

Mead, G. R. S., ed. Fragments of a Faith Forgotten: The Gnostics, etc. New Hyde Park, N. Y.: University Books, 1960.

Tolstoy, Leon. The Kingdom of God Is Within You. N. Y.: Noonday, 1961.

Ford, Ford Madox. Buckshee. Ed. Rexroth. Introductions by him and Robert Lowell. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Pym-Randall, 1964.

Everson, William (Brother Antoninus). The Residual Years: Poems, 1934-1948. N. Y.: New Directions, 1968.

Halpert, Stephen. A Return to Pagany: the History, Correspondence, and Selections from a Little Magazine. Boston: Beacon, 1969.

Berkman, Alexander. Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist. Pittsburgh: Frontier, 1970.

Meltzer, David. Tens: Selected Poems 1961-1971. N. Y.: A Continuum Book/McGraw Hill, 1973.

Milosz, Czeslaw. Selected Poems. N. Y.: Continuum/Seabury, 1973. Translations mostly by others.

Hagedorn, Jessica Tarahata, Alice Karle, Barbara Szerlip, and Carol Tinker. Four Young Women: Poems. N. Y.: Continuum/McGraw Hill, 1973.

Mallory, Lee. 20 Times in the Same Place: an Anthology of Santa Barbara Poetry. Carpenteria, California: Painted Cave Books, 1973.

Aridjis, Homero. Blue Spaces: Selected Poems. N. Y.: Continuum/Seabury, 1974.

The Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. Santa Barbara: Ross-Erikson, 1977.

Interviews of Rexroth

Anonymous. "An Interview with Kenneth Rexroth." PHP (Tokyo, October, 1973) 33-39.

Anderson, Mary. Literary Times 3.2 (December 1963).

Bridson, D. G. "A Conversation with Kenneth Rexroth." Washington, D. C., Broadcast from London on the B. B. C. Third Programme, 10 June 1963. Unpublished text in the Lilly Library, Indiana U.

Edelson, Morris. "Kenneth Rexroth." Quixote 3.4 (Spring, 1968) 85-86. This "interview" was so garbled that Rexroth repudiated it.

Ferris, Lester. Between Two Wars. Athens, Ohio: Labyrinth Editions, and San Francisco: Iris Press, 1982.

Goldstein, Daniel. Interview in Between Two Wars: Fourteen Poems from In What Hour, 1982.

Lerner, Eric, ed. "The Jewel Net of Indra." Zero: Contemporary Buddhist Life and Thought 2 (1979) 26-40. Interview.

McKenzie, James J., and Robert W. Lewis, eds. "That Rexroth--He'll Argue You into Anything: an Interview with Kenneth Rexroth." North Dakota Quarterly 44.3 (1976) 7-33.

Meltzer, David, ed. "Kenneth Rexroth." The San Francisco Poets. N. Y.: Ballentine, 1971. 9-55. Revised edition, containing interviews concerning Rexroth with Morgan Gibson and Ken Knabb, forthcoming.

Morrow, Bradford, ed. "An Interview with Kenneth Rexroth." Conjunctions 1 Festschrift in honor of James Laughlin (1981) 48-67.

Ossman, David, ed. "Kenneth Rexroth." The Sullen Art. N. Y.: Corinth Books, 1963. 10-16

Pondrom, Cyrena N. "Interview with Kenneth Rexroth." U of Wisconsin in Madison, 23 March 1968, and Milwaukee, 24 March 1968. Contemporary Literature 10.3 (Summer, 1969) 313-31. Reprinted in L. S. Dembo and Cyrena N. Pondrom, eds. The Contemporary Writer: Interviews with Sixteen Writers and Poets. Madison: U Wisconsin P, 1972.


San Francisco Poets. N. Y.: Evergreen Records 1, n. d.

Poetry Readings in "The Cellar". San Francisco: Fantasy Records 70002, 1957.

Kenneth Rexroth at the Black Hawk. San Francisco: Fantasy Records 7008, 1960.

Treasury of 100 Modern American Poets 9. N. Y.: Spoken Arts, n. d. Record.

A Sword in a Cloud of Light. Washington: The Watershed Foundation, 1977. Tape.

Unpublished Papers

Rexroth's papers are in collections at the U of Southern California, the U of Buffalo, and the U of California, Los Angeles.

Letters from Kenneth Rexroth to Gibson, 1957-79, published herein, are in his possession.

ON REXROTH (See also work in Japanese and French, below.)


Bartlett, Lee. Kenneth Rexroth. Boise, Idaho: Boise State U, 1988.

Forza, Daniela M. Ciani. Poesie de Kenneth Rexroth (1920-1956). Brescia, Italy: Paideia, 1982. In Italian. See also article by Daniela M. Ciani.

Gardner, Geoffrey, ed. For Rexroth. Festschrift. N. Y.: The Ark 19, 1980. Prose by Gardner, Andreae, Bruchac, Chung, Ciani, Everson, Gibson, Gidlow, Haines, Kirsch, Kodama, Lawler, Meltzer, Merwin, Morrow, Sakurai, Shiraishi, Woodcock, Wright, and Yglesias; poetry by Carol Tinker; poetry and fiction by eighty-four other writers from Asia, Europe, and the Americas; six drawings by Morris Graves; and "Chidori" by Rexroth.

Gibson, Morgan, and Keiko Matsui Gibson. See publications "From Japan," below. Though some of their work was done in the United States, most of it has been done in Japan, where they live permanently.

Gutierrez, Donald. "The Holiness of the Real": the Short Verse of Kenneth Rexroth. Madison and Teaneck NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University and London: Associated University Presses, 1996. Reviewed by Phil Woods in Bloomsbury Review (January-February 1997) and by L. Berk in Choice (March-April 1997).

Hamalian, Linda. A Life of Kenneth Rexroth. N. Y. and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1991.

Hamill, Sam, and Tree Swenson, eds. Copperhead: a Giftbox for Kenneth Rexroth. Port Townsend, Washington: Copper Canyon, 1974.

Knabb, Ken. The Relevance of Rexroth. P.O. Box 1044, Berkeley, California 94701: The Bureau of Public Secrets, 1990. Reprinted in: Public Secrets: Collected Skirmishes of Ken Knabb: 1970--1997. Berkeley, California (P.O. Box 1044): Bureau of Public Secrets, 1997. Posted in 2000 on Bureau of Public Secrets homepage:

Translated into French by Ken Knabb as La Pertinence de Kenneth Rexroth. Berkeley: Bureau of Public Secrets, 1993, and posted on his homepage, 2000..

From Japan (in English unless identified in Japanese)

"Crystallization of American Poet and Japanese Calligrapher." Tokyo Shimbun (19 December 1975). Japanese.

"Kenesu Rekusurosu" [Kenneth Rexroth]. Asahi Shimbun (9 April 1987). Japanese.

Seiza: Kenneth Rexroth Tokushu. (Tokyo: Takeo Yatate, Fall, 1982). Rexroth Memorial Issue in Japanese. Prose by Kodama, Kaneseki, Nakayama, Yaguchi, Katagiri, Snyder; and Morgan Gibson translated by Keiko Matsui Gibson.

Durnell, Hazel. Japanese Cultural Influences on American Poetry and Drama. Tokyo: Hokuseido, 1983. 132-38

Fukuda Rikutaro. In the Shade of the West: Essays on Comparative Literature. Tokyo: Elec, 1972. 158-59. Japanese.

Gibson, Keiko Matsui. "The Self Approaches Zero" (poem). Gardner 189. Reprinted in her Stir Up the Precipitable World. Milwaukee: Morgan Press, 1983.

---. Japanese translation of Morgan Gibson's "Kenneth Rexroth in Japan." Seiza 36-39.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth's Epiphany: June 6, 1982." Jennison 16. Reprinted in Kansai Time Out (Kobe, Japan, Dec. 1982) 23; Vajradhattu Sun (April-May 1984) 19; and Other Side River, anthology of Japanese women's poetry. Leza Lowitz and Aoyama Miyuki, ed. Berkeley, California: Stone Bridge, 1995. 51-53.

---. "The Kenneth Rexroth Collection: Han-System-teki Bunnyaku" [The Kenneth Rexroth Collection: Anti-Systematic Context]. Kanda University of International Studies Library Newsletter #4 (July 6, 1993) 3-4. In Japanese.

--- and Morgan Gibson. "Yosano Akiko." In Critical Survey of Poetry: Foreign Series. 1713-19. Ed. Walton Beacham. La Canada, California: Salem, 1984. Partially on Rexroth's translations of Akiko's poetry.

--- and Sam Hamill, co-translators. River of Stars: Selected Poems of Yosano Akiko. With co-authored "Introduction." Boston: Shambala , Centaur, 1997.

Gibson, Morgan. Revolutionary Rexroth: Poet of East-West Wisdom. Hamden, Connecticut: An Archon Book, Shoe String Press, 1986. With fullest Bibliography at that time.

---. Among Buddhas in Japan. Fredonia, N. Y.: White Pine, 1988. Essays, in part concerning Rexroth in Japan.

--- and Hiroshi Murakami. Tantric Poetry of Kûkai (Kôbo Daishi): Japan's Buddhist Saint. Dedicated to Rexroth, with comment on Kûkai's influence on him. Editorial assistance from Montri Umavijani. Bangkok: Mahachula Buddhist U, 1982. 2. Reprinted Fredonia, N. Y.: White Pine, 1987.

---. Kenneth Rexroth. N. Y.: Twayne Publishers: United States Authors Series 208, 1972. Later issued from Boston by Twayne/G. K. Hall. With fullest bibliography to date of books by Rexroth and many writings about him. Excerpted in "Kenneth Rexroth." Contemporary Literary Criticism 22. Eds. S. R. Runton and J. C. Stein. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1982, 343- 48. And in Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 8.

---. "Provincial Anarchy." Column. Kaleidoscope 1.4 (Milwaukee, 8-21 December 1967) 5, 12.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth." In Encyclopaedia of World Literature 3. Ed. W. B. Fleischmann. N. Y.: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1967. 152-53.

---. Review of Rexroth and Ikuko Atsumi, The Burning Heart: Women Poets of Japan. In Feminist Japan International Issue 4 (Tokyo, Feb. 1978) 65.

---. "Rexroth's Dharma." And poems from Gibson's Speaking of Light. Milwaukee: Morgan Press, 1979. In Gardner 27-37.

---. Photograph of Rexroth on Gallery Notes 6.1 (July 1981). U of California--Santa Barbara brochure for exhibit of Rexroth's paintings.

---. "Rexroth." Reviews of Excerpts from a Life and Conjunctions 1. New Pages 2.1 (Spring 1982) 20. Reprinted in Jennison 34-35.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth." In Critical Survey of Poetry. Ed. Walton Beacham. La Canada, California: Salem, 1982. 2348-55.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth in Japan." Jennison 23-28. Japanese translation by Keiko Matsui Gibson in Seiza 36-39. English version excerpted in Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 2 and Kansai Time Out (Kobe, December 1982) 22.

---. "Poetry Is Vision--Vision Is Love: Kenneth Rexroth's Philosophy of Literature." Hatlen 85-100.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth: A Tribute." Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook (1982) 179-82. Eds. M. Bruccoli and Jean W. Ross. Detroit: Gale, 1983.

---. "Kaisetsu" (Comment). Katagiri 1984. 96-102.

---. "The Buddha-Mind of Kenneth Rexroth." Vajradhattu Sun (April-May 1984) 19-20.

---. "The 'True-Word' of Kûkai and Modern Literature in English." Mikkyo Bunka [The Culture of Esoteric Buddhism] 147 (15 September 1984) 102- 114. Reprinted in Kôbo Daishi to Mikkyo no Bunka: Kôbo Daishi Gonyujo Sen-hyaku-go-ju-nen Kinen Ronbun-shu [Kôbo Daishi and the Culture of Esoteric Buddhism: Essays in Commemoration of the 1150th Anniversary of Kôbo Daishi's Entrance into Samadhi]. Ed. Mitsuhiro Fujita . Kôya-san UP, Japan, 1986. 406-18.

---. Review of The Selected Poems of Kenneth Rexroth. Ed. Bradford Morrow. American Poetry (Fall 1985).

---. "CA Interview" with Gibson on Rexroth conducted by Jean W. Ross, ed. Contemporary Authors New Revision Series 14. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 400-403.

---. Review of Selected Poems of Kenneth Rexroth. Ed. Bradford Morrow. In American Poetry 3.2 (Winter 1986) 86-89.

---. Review of Sanehide Kodama, American Poetry and Japanese Culture. Comparative Literature Studies 23.1 (Spring 1986) 85-90. On Rexroth and other poets influenced by Japan.

---. "Memories of Rexroth." Hertz 18-19.

---. "Japanese Buddhism in the Letters of Kenneth Rexroth (1905-82)." Chukyo University Bulletin 28.1 (1987) 207-216.

---. "Reviewing Rexroth." American Poetry 7.1 (Fall 1989) 88-95.

---. "Remembering Rexroth." Poetry Flash 226 (January 1992) 1-9. Expanded as "Countercultural Rexroth." Brick: a Literary Journal 44 (Summer 1992) 55-60.

---. "Electric Rexroth." Review of periodical in "Foreign Correspondence" #1 (column), in Living Room: the Community Oracle 1.2 (Chiba, Japan, May 1993) 1. "Reprinted in The Abiko Quarterly Literary Rag #12 (Summer 1993) 244.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth and Tanka: Yosano Akiko As Muse." The Tanka Journal : 3 (1993) 1-2. Reviewed in Japanese by Hatsue Kawamura in Fuimeeru (Tokyo, March 1994) 32.

---. "Rexroth Posthumous: Books by and about Him Since 1982." In Taguchi (1994) 22-23.

---. "Endarkenment." "Buddhas in Question" #1 (column). Printed Matter 17.3-4 (Tokyo, Winter 1994) 6-10. Reprinted in Abiko Quarterly #12 (Summer 1993) 244.

--- and Keiko Matsui Gibson. "Plunging into the Sea of Heart-Mind: English Poems with the Traditional Japanese Instruments" Text for Rexroth Collection Memorial Program, Chiba, Japan: Kanda University of International Studies, November 12, 1994

---. "Kenneth Rexroth (1905-82): a Bibliography. Studies in English and American Literature (Japan Women's University) 31 (April 1996) 59-92. The present Bibliography is an expanded version of this item.

---. "Personally Liberating American Poetry: Rexroth and the Beats." Descant 102 (Fall 1998) 28-29.

Jennison, Rebecca, Yuzuru Katagiri, and Edith Shiffert, eds. Kyoto Review 15 (Kyoto, Japan, Fall, 1982). Rexroth Memorial Issue. Prose by Snyder, Kodama, and Gibson; poetry by Akiyama, Solt, Shiraishi, Shiffert, Antler, Hunt, and Katagiri; all in English; with photographs.

Kanaseki Hisao. "Something about Rexroth." Seiza 16-18. Japanese

Katagiri Yuzuru. Poems. In Gardner 252-54.

---, Rebecca Jennison, and Edith Shiffert, eds. Kyoto Review 15 (Kyoto, Japan, Fall, 1982). Rexroth Memorial Issue.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth--'A Living Pearl"' and "About the Kenneth Rexroth Poetry Award." Seiza 50-64. Japanese.

---, ed. Kenneth Rexroth 1905-82. Kyoto: Rexroth Poetry Award Committee, Kyoto Seika College, 1982. Memorials in poetry and prose, mostly in Japanese.

---, ed. and translator into Japanese. "Kenneth Rexroth at Hon Yara Do, January 15, 1975." Kino-Hyoron [Kino Review] (14 March, 1983) 92-110.

---, translator. Kenneth Rexroth yaku, Marishiko no ai no uta, Katagiri Yuzuru ni yoru fukugen no kokoromi [The Love Poems of Marichiko, Translated by Kenneth Rexroth--an Attempt at Restoration by Yuzuru Katagiri]. Kyoto: Kawaraban, 1978. The poems are actually not translations by Rexroth, but his original work in English, translated into Japanese by Katagiri, without the original being printed.

---, translator. Kenneth Rexroth hanawa no oka nite, sonota no Nihon de kakareta shi, 1974-75, Katagiri Yuzuru yaku [Kenneth Rexroth, On Flower Wreath Hill and other Poems Written in Japan, 1974-75. Translated by Yuzuru Katagiri]. Including The Silver Swan. Kyoto: Kawaraban, Kyoto Seika Tankidaigaku, 1979.

---, translator. Kenneth Rexroth, kokoro no niwa, hanawa no oka nite, sonota no Nihon no shi, Katagiri Yuzuru yaku [Kenneth Rexroth, The Heart's Garden, On Flower Wreath Hill, and Other Poetry of Japan, translated by Yuzuru Katagiri]. Okayama: Techosha, 1984. Including "Kaisetsu" [Comment] by Gibson. 96-102.

Kodama, Sanehide. "Bohemians in Search of Oriental Values: Kyoto and American Poets." Rising Generation 124.9 (1 Dec. 1978) 516-18.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth and Classical Japanese Poetry." Annual Report of Studies. Kyoto: Doshisha Women's College, 1978. 180-201. Reprinted in Jennison 6-19.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth and Japan." Gardner 47-52.

---. Rexroth obituary. Kyoto Shimbum (June 1982). Japanese.

---. "Rexroth to Josei Eien no Marishiten-zo o motomete" [Rexroth and Women: in Search for the Eternal Figure of Marichi-ten]. Seiza 30-35. Japanese.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth" (Chapter 4). American Poetry and Japanese Culture. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, Shoe String Press, 1984. 4, 121-153, and 33.

Morita Yasuyo, et al., tr., Seasons of Sacred Lust: Selected Poems of Kazuko Shiraishi.

---. See Nakayama.

Nakayama Yo "Prescription for Being a Total Human Being: An Autobiographical Novel (1966)" Seiza 20-29. Japanese.

--- and Yasuyo Morita. Kenneth Rexroth shoshi [Kenneth Rexroth Bibliography]. A list in Japanese of publications in Japan. Kyoto: Kenneth Rexroth Poetry Award Committee, Kyoto Seika College, 1984. Japanese.

Nitta Mitsuo, and Aiya Shirozuka. "Kenneth Rexroth korekushyon ni tsuita" [On the Kenneth Rexroth Collection: "The Last Bohemian," "Chronology," "On Kenneth Rexroth and His Time," "Main Works," and "Rexroth and Japan."] In Kenneth Rexroth korekushyon ni tsuita [On the Kenneth Rexroth Collection]. Chiba, Japan: Intercultural Communication Institute, Kanda U of International Studies, 1987. Japanese. KUIS has catalogued the 13,000 volumes in the Collection.

Shiffert, Edith. "For Kenneth Rexroth, Respectfully." In the Ninth Decade. Kyoto: Tadasu Shobo, 1999. 50-51. Poem.

---. "After the Vacancy of Darkness." In Gardner 353-54. Poem.

---. "In Memoriam for Kenneth Rexroth, Santa Barbara." Blue Jacket 20/21 (January 1983) 22-23. Poem.

---, Rebecca Jennison, and Yuzuru Katagiri, eds. Kyoto Review 15 (Fall, 1982) 20-21. Rexroth Memorial Issue.

Shiraishi Kazuko. "Kenneth Rexroth." In Gardner 81.

---. "Memorial Tribute for Kenneth Rexroth." In Will 4 (Tokyo, Autumn 1982) 30-38. Japanese.

Solt, John. "For KR." Jennison 2.

---. "Remembering Kenneth Rexroth." Hertz 8-21.

---. Poems. Gardner 335-61.

---, Carol Tinker, Ikuko Atsumi, Yasuyo Morita, and Kenneth Rexroth, translators. Seasons of Sacred Lust: Selected Poems of Kazuko Shiraishi. N. Y.: New Directions, 1978.

Taguchi Tetsuya, ed. Electric Rexroth #1 (December 22, 1992): 8-35-314 Tsuchiyama-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, Japan 657. Inaugural issue of annual publication: J. Laughlin's poem "Kenneth Rexroth." #2 (1994). Doren Robbins, guest editor of special section. Poetry by many poets; essays by Taguchi ("Editorial Electrocution"), Axelrod and Lerner. Gibson's bibliography.

---. "Recollection of Kenneth Rexroth." English Friends Association Bulletin 15 ([Naru] Kochi U, Japan: Winter 1983) 27-29.

---. "Rexroth and Eliot."

Tanaka Hiroyoshi. "Kenesu Rekusurosu (Kenneth Rexroth) ni Mirareru (Lafcadio Hearn) no kokoro" [The Heart-Mind of Lafcadio Hearn as Seen by Kenneth Rexroth]. Aichi-gun, Japan: Zen Research Center, Aichi Gakuin U, 1987. Japanese.

Yaguchi Yorifumi. "The Poetry World of Kenneth Rexroth." Seiza 40-49.

---. One Dimension of Modern American Poetry. Tokyo: Oshisha, 1983. 72- 78. Japanese.

French Translations of Rexroth's Work, and French Commentary

Anonymous. "Kenneth Rexroth." Les écrivains des Etats-Unis, 1945-1994 (Catalogue des librairies L'œil de la lettre), 1994.

Cornuault, Joél. Kenneth Rexroth. Plein Chant 24 (Bassac, April-June 1985).

---. "Un pionnier de la jazz-poésie, Kenneth Rexroth." Atlantiques 102 (July-August 1995).

---. "Kenneth Rexroth en traversant l'Aquitaine." Ecrivains en Aquitaine. Bordeaux: Le Festin/Centre Régional des Lettres, 1994. 163-169. Rexroth's travels in South West France in 1949.

---. L'automne en Californie: traduit de l'américain. A selection of Rexroth's poems in English and French translation, with Cornuault's "Préface." Paris: Fédérop, 1994. Bassac: Plein Chant 60 (Spring-Summer 1996).

---. Le San Francisco de Kenneth Rexroth. A selection of Rexroth's articles and essays translated into French. Paris: Plein Chant 63 (Paris, 1997). In Europe (October 1997).

---. "Huit poèmes pour la musique d'Ornette Coleman; deux poèmes pour Brew et Dick." In Europe (1997).

---. Les Constellations d'hiver. Rexroth's poems in English, and translations into French. Bergerac: Librairie la Brèche, 1999.

--- and Nadine Bloch. Les Classiques revisité. Bassac, France: Plein Chant, 1991. French translation of Classics Revisited. (1968, see above).

Daems, Catherine. Poésie à San Francisco, notes prises sur le vif. Translation of Lee Bartlett prose. Le Courrier d'Etudes poétiques 202- 203 (Bruxelles, April-June 1994).

Knabb, Ken. La Pertinence de Kenneth Rexroth. Berkeley: Bureau of Public Secrets, 1993. Knabb's translation of his The Relevance of Rexroth (1990, see above).

---. Éloge de Kenneth Rexroth. Eulogy by Knabb, translated by him and French friends. Lyon: Atelier de Création libertaire, 1997.

Le Pellec, Yves. "Souvenirs de la Baie par Kenneth Rexroth." Beat Generation. Special issue of Entretiens (Paris 1975) 155-162.

Lebel, Jean-Jacques. "Frisco, le berceau des fuites collectives." Autrement 31 (April 1981).

Matthieussent, Brice. Les vies parallèles de Jack Kerouac. Translation of book in English by Barry Gifford and Lawrence Lee. Paris: Rivages poche, 1993.

Para, J. B. Poésie sur parole. Lectures on Cornuault's translations of Rexroth's work in L'automne en Californie broadcast on France Culture (15-18 October 1996).

Roy, Claude [Jean Cau]. "Mono no Aware." in Jacques Roubaud, La conversation des poètes France: Gall, 1993. 286-87.

Soler, Louis. "Un poète anarricain." L'Ane 60 (March 1995) 3-4.

Dissertations and Thesis (all with bibliographies)

Garren, Samuel Baity. "Quest for Value: A Study of the Collected Longer Poems of Kenneth Rexroth." Ph.D. diss., Louisiana State U., 1976.

Hamalian, Linda. "The Road to Rexroth: a Study of The Homestead Called Damascus." Temple U Ph.D. dissertation, 1983. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1983.

Johnston, Allan. U of California--Davis Ph. D. Dissertation, 1988.

Lerner, Rachelle Katz. "A Gazing Eye through Different Mirrors: a Study of the Concept of Cubism in the Poetry and Paintings of Kenneth Rexroth." U of Toronto Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1992. Abstract in Taguchi (1994) : n. p.

Sakurai Emiko. "The Oriental Tradition in the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." U of Alabama Ph. D. Dissertation, 1973. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1982.

Odell, Ling Chung. (See also Chung, Ling.) "Kenneth Rexroth and Chinese Poetry: Translation, Imitation, and Adaptation." U of Wisconsin Ph. D. Dissertation, 1972. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1982.

Tipton, James Glenn. "Sacramental Insights in the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." Dissertation Abstracts International 48:8 (February 1988) 2063A- 2064A.

Tritica, John Michael. "Kenneth Rexroth and the Poetics of Commitment and Mysticism." U of New Mexico Ph.D. Dissertation, 1988. Dissertation Abstracts International 49:12 (June 1989) 3727A.

Van Ghent, Dorothe Bendon. "Introduction" and "Kenneth Rexroth" (Chapter V). "Some Problems of Communication." Oakland, California: Mills College M. A. Thesis, 1935. 1-15 and 94-123.

Characterizations Based on Rexroth in Novels

Farrell, James T. Studs Lonigan. N. Y.: Modern Library, 1938. 140-47. Rexroth is portrayed as a boy named Kenny.

Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. N. Y.: Signet Books, 1958. Rexroth is portrayed as Reinhold Cacoethes.

McCarthy, Mary. The Groves of Academe. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. Rexroth is satirized as Vincent Keogh.

Special Rexroth Issues of Periodicals (Not listed above from Japan or France)

Farwell, Beatrice. "Kenneth Rexroth: Life at the Cultural Frontier." Gallery Notes 6.1 (July 1981). U of California--Santa Barbara brochure for exhibit of Rexroth's paintings. With Gibson's photograph of Rexroth.

Hatlen, Burton, and Carroll F. Terrell, eds. Sagetrieb: Special Issue Kenneth Rexroth 2.3 (Winter, 1983). Rexroth, "Three Excerpts from a Life"; poems by Tinker, Hamill, Morrow, McClure, Tarn; prose by Robbins, Roditi, Broughton, Parkinson, Weinberger, Hamill, Bartlett, Woodcock, Gibson, Gutierrez, Lockwood, and Morrow.

Hertz, Uri. Third Rail 8 (L. A., 1987). Gibson, Meltzer, Roditi, Solt, etc. Jenkins, Joyce, ed. Poetry Flash 113 (August, 1982). Memorial prose and poetry by Jenkins, Meltzer, Gibson, McClure, Dery, Parkinson, Ferlinghetti, Safdie, and Antler. With photographs.

Kuusisto, Steven, ed. "Symposium/Kenneth Rexroth." Quarry West 22 (1986): 65-97. Including Rexroth's "Climbing Milestone Mountain," Kuusisto's "Untitled," and work by Bly, Corman, Hamill, Hitchcock, Kessler, Murphy, Peters, Soldolfsky, Tinker, Wilson.

By Individual Authors (in English unless otherwise indicated)

"Big Day for Bards at Bay." Life, Part 2 (9 September 1957) 105-108.

"Cool, Cool Bards." Time (2 December 1957) 71.

"Daddy-O." NewYorker (3 May 1958): 29-30.

"The Last Bohemian." Time (25 February 1966) 108. Review of An Autobiographical Novel.

"Rexroth." Grand dictionnaire des lettres. Larousse, 1992.

"Rexroth, Kenneth." Current Biography. N. Y.: Wilson, 1981. 337-340.

"Rexroth, Kenneth." Encyclopaedia Britannica CD-ROM, 1995.

"Rexroth, Kenneth." Grolier Encyclopaedia CD-ROM, 11996. "Kenneth Rexroth 1905-1982." News & Letters (July, 1982) 7.

"Rexroth, Kenneth." Contemporary Authors 107. Detroit: Gale, 1983. 428.

Aaron, Daniel. Writers on the Left, Episodes in American Literary Communism. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1961. 341.

Allsop, K. "Beaten." Spectator (13 March 1959) 350.

Andreae, Christina. "Marichiko Mon Amour White Cranes Green Rice." Gardner 3-6.

Aiken, Conrad. Review of The Phoenix and the Tortoise in article entitled "Eberhart, Richard." Collected Criticism. London: Oxford, 1968. Reprint of A Reviewer's ABC, 1958. 168-70.

Antler. "Rexroth As He Appeared to Exist." Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 10. Poem reprinted in Jennison 22.

Atlas, James. On The Dragon and the Unicorn. London Magazine (April- May 1974).

Axelrod, Joseph. "Rexroth's Professorship at CSCPV (Circa 1964)." Taguchi (1994) n. p.

Bartlett, Lee, ed. The Beats: Essays in Criticism. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 1981. 1, 2, 4, 43, 134, 149, and 187-91.

---. "Gary Snyder's Han-Shan." Sagetreib 2.1 (1983) 105-10.

---. "Creating the Autochthon: Kenneth Rexroth, William Everson, and The Residual Years." Hatlen 57-72.

---. Kenneth Rexroth. Boise: Boise State UP, 1988.

---. "The Community of Love: Reading Kenneth Rexroth's Long Poems." Centennial Review 33:1 (Winter 1989) 13-31.

---, ed. "Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin: Selected Letters 1941-1950." American Poetry 7:1 (Fall 1989) 38-70.

---, ed. Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin: Selected Letters.

Beach, Joseph Warren. Obsessive Images: Symbolism in the Poetry of the 1930's and 1940's. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1960. 91, 241, 257-59, 286, and 353-59.

Belitt, Ben. Adam's Dream: a Preface to Trnslation. New York: Grove, 1978.

Bishop, John. Review of One Hundred Poems from the Chinese. Comparative Literature 10 (1958) 61-68.

Bly, Robert. Talking All Morning. Ann Arbor: U of Mich. P, 1980. 22-23.

---. "Admiring Kenneth Rexroth." Kuusisto 70-71.

---. "Letter to James Wright." Poem about Rexroth and other poets.

Bogan, Louise. "Verse." New Yorker (9 May 1953) 121-22. Review of The Dragon and the Unicorn.

Broughton, James. " Hermes, His Music." Gardner 167.

---. "A Big Bang for Mr. Bangs." Hatlen 33-36.

Bruchac, Joseph III. "On a Bare Branch." Gardner 7-10.

Burdick, Eugene. "The Innocent Nihilists Adrift in Squaresville." Reporter (3 April 1958) 30-33.

Capouya, Emile. "Sad of Mind but Glad of Heart." Saturday Review (12 February 1966). 19-30. Review of An Autobiographical Novel.

Carolan, Trevor. "The NeoBeat Papers: Further Notes." Beat Blue Jacket #7 (June 30, 1995) 24-27

Carruth, Hayden. Review of The Heart's Garden, The Garden's Heart. Hudson Review (Summer 1968) 404.

Cassill, R. V. "Poetic Feast of Simplicity." Chicago Sun-Times (January 5, 1964). Review of Natural Numbers.

Charters, Ann, and Brown Miller. "Kenneth Rexroth." In The Beats: Literary Bohemians in America. Ed. Ann Charters. Dictionary of Literary Biography 2. Detroit: Gale, 1983. 456-64.

Chung, Ling (Ling Chung Odell), and Rexroth, translators. See The Orchid Boat: Women Poets of China.

--- and Rexroth, translators. See Li Ch'ing Chao: Complete Poems.

---. "Forty Years in Between." Gardner 11-13.

---. "This Ancient Man Is I: Kenneth Rexroth's Renderings of Tu Fu." Tamkang Review 15: 1-4 (Autumn 1984-Summer 1985) 255-83.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth's Renderings of Tu Fu's Poetry." Rendition (Chinese U of Hong Kong) 1985.

Ciani, Daniela. "Kenneth Rexroth: Poet of Nature and Culture." Gardner 14-22.

--- (Daniela M. Ciani Forza). Poesie de Kenneth Rexroth (1920-1956). Brescia, Italy: Paideia, 1982.

Ciardi, John. "One for Rexroth." In Fact.. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers UP, 1962. 54. Poem reprinted in Gardner 172.

Clark, Tom. "Natural Wonders." Rolling Stock 9 (1985). Review of The Selected Poems of Kenneth Rexroth.

Cohn, Ruby. Dialogue in American Drama. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1971. 263-65. On The Homestead Called Damascus.

Corman, Cid. Untitled poem. Gardner 174.

---. "Five Haiku by Santoka" and "Untitled." Kuusisto 79-80.

Dana, Robert. "The California Variations." Gardner 178-81.

---. "An Interview with James Laughlin." American Poetry Review (November-December 1981) 25-26.

Dery, Mark. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 3 & 7.

Deutsch, Babette. Poetry in Our Time. N. Y.: Columbia UP, 1956. 24-25, 85, 91-92.

DeVore, Lynn. "Rexroth, Kenneth." Encyclopaedia of World Literature in the 20th Century 4. Ed. Leonard S. Klein. N. Y.: Ungar, 1984. 28-29.

Duncan, Robert. "On Kenneth Rexroth." Interviewed by Linda Hamalian. Conjunctions 4 (1983) 84-96.

Dunn, Douglas. "A Forgotten America." Listener (16 June 1977) 789-90. Review of An Autobiographical Novel.

Eberhart, Richard. "A Voyage of the Spirit." N. Y. Times Book Review, (15 February 1953) 215. Review of The Dragon and the Unicorn.

---. "Poems of a Japanese Sojourn." Nation (22 April 1968). Review of The Heart's Garden, The Garden's Heart.

---. "Two for Rexroth." Gardner 182-84. Poems

Eigner, Larry. Review of The Dragon and the Unicorn. Black Mountain Review (Summer 1954) 49-57.

Eimerl, Sarel. "Compared with Me." Reporter (19 May 1966) 60 and 62.

Eisenberg, Barry. "A Handful of Leaves." Kuksu (1975). Review of New Poems..

Ellmann, Richard, and Robert O'Clair, eds. "Kenneth Rexroth." Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. N. Y.: Norton, 1973. 699-700; see also 14 and poems on 700-705.

Enslin, Theodore. Review of World Outside the Window: The Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth. American Poetry 5.2 (Winter 1988) 81-82.

Eshleman, Clayton. "Selected Poems of Kenneth Rexroth." Los Angeles Times Book Review (31 March 1983).

Everson, William (Brother Antoninus). "Rexroth: Shaker and Maker." And poems . Gardner 23-26 and 185-87.

---. "Afterword." In The Beats: Essays in Criticism. 187-91.

---. "Everson on Rexroth: an Interview." Conducted by Linda Hamalian. Literary Review (Spring 1983) 423-426.

Farrell, James T. Studs Lonigan. N. Y.: Modern Library, 1938. 140-47. Rexroth is portrayed in this novel as a boy named Kenny.

Farwell, Beatrice. "Kenneth Rexroth: Life at the Cultural Frontier." Gallery Notes 6.1 (July 1981). U of California--Santa Barbara brochure for exhibit of Rexroth's paintings.

Fass, Ekbert, ed. Excerpts from a Life. With his "Foreword." Santa Barbara: Conjunctions, 1981. Passages reprinted in Conjunctions 4 (1983) 96-114, and in Hatlen 9-17.

---. Young Robert Duncan: Portrait of the Poet as Homosexual in Society. Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow, 1983.

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. "Horn on Howl." Evergreen Review 1.4 (1957) 145-58.

---. "Special to Poetry Flash." Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 8

---. "A Tribute." In Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook. Detroit: Gale, 1982.

---. "At Kenneth Rexroth's." Gardner 188. Poem.

Fiedler, Leslie. Review of An Autobiographical Novel. N. Y. Herald Tribune (6 March 1966) 10.

Fitts, Dudley. "A Poet Abroad." New Republic (9 February 1953) 19. Review of The Dragon and the Unicorn.

---. Untitled note in N. Y. Times Book Review (23 July 1967) 8. Review of The Collected Shorter Poems.

FitzGerald, William. "Twenty Years at Hard Labor." Poetry 57.11 (November 1940) 158-60. Review of In What Hour. Flint, R. W. "Poets and Their Subjects." New Republic (18 February 1957) 19. Review of In Defense of the Earth.

Forza, Daniela M. Ciani. See Daniela Ciani.

Foster, Richard. "With Great Passion, A Kind of Person." Hudson Review 13.1 (Spring 1960) 149-54. Review of Bird in the Bush.

---. "Lucubrations of an Outside Insider." Minnesota Review 3.1 (Fall 1962) 130-33. Review ofAssays.

---. "The Voice of the Poet: Kenneth Rexroth." Minnesota Review 2.3 (Spring 1962) 377-84.

Gidlow, Elsa. "Random Memories of a Many-Faceted Friend." And poems in Gardner 38-40 and 198-203.

Ginsberg, Allen, and Ted Berrigan. "Kenneth Rexroth 1905-82." Unpublished and undated obituary for the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Sciences.

Goodman, Paul. Review of The New British Poets. Poetry 75.4 (January 1950) 239-40.

Gray, Richard. American Poetry in the Twentieth Century. N. Y.: Longman, 1990. 171.

Gregory, Horace; and Zaturenska, Marya. A History of American Poetry 1900- 1940. N. Y.: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1946.

Grigsby, Gordon K. "The Presence of Reality: the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." Antioch Review 31.3 (1971) 405-22.

Gutierrez, Donald. "The Holiness of the Real": the Short Verse of Kenneth Rexroth. Madison and Teaneck NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University and London: Associated University Presses, 1996. Reviewed by Phil Woods in Bloomsbury Review (January-February 1997) and by L. Berk in Choice (March-April 1997). Parts reprinted from "The Holiness of the Real: the Short Poems of Kenneth Rexroth." RE Arts and Letters 17:2 (Fall 1991) 31-63. Reprinted in Gutierrez's Breaking through to the Other Side: Essays on Realization in Modern Poetry. Troy, N. Y.: Whitston, 1994. 116-143. See also 1, 2, 4, 5, 36, and 170-72.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth's Lyric 'Time Spirals."' NMAL (St. John's U, Autumn 1982).

---. "Love Sacred and Profane: the Erotic Lyrics of Kenneth Rexroth." Hatlen 101- 112.

---. "Natural Supernaturalism: the Nature Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." Literary Review (Spring 1983) 405-22. Excerpted in Contemporary Literary Criticism 49.

---. "Keeping an Eye on Nature: Kenneth Rexroth's Falling Leaves and Early Snow." American Poetry 1. 2 (Winter 1984) 60-64.

---. "Musing with Sappho: Kenneth Rexroth's 'When We with Sappho' as Reverie," American Poetry 4 (Fall 1986).

---. "Kenneth Rexroth's 'The Love Poems of Marichiko."' The San Francisco Review of Books 5 (Spring 1987). Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism 49. Expanded as: "The Ecstacy and the Agony: The Love Poems of Marichiko, by Kenneth Rexroth." American Poetry 8 (Fall 1990) 100-115.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth: The Signature of All Things. American Poetry 7:1 (Fall 1989) 31-37.

---. "The Poet's Married Lot: Kenneth Rexroth's 'Marthe' Poems." University of Dayton Review 20:3 (Fall 1990) 107-17.

---. Review of Lee Bartlett's Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin: Selected Letters. North Dakota Review.

---. Review of Linda Hamalian's A Life of Kenneth Rexroth. The Literary Review 37.1.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth: Poet, Radical Man of Letters of the West." Northwestern Review 30:2 (1992) 142-55.

---. "Organic Interconnectedness in the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." The Bloomsbury Review (January/February 1993) 7 and 18.

---. "The Political Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." The Bloomsbury Review (March-April 1994) 23. Common Sense (Notre Dame U, Fall 1994).

---. "The Holiness of the Ordinary: The Literary-Social Journalism of Kenneth Rexroth." Northwest Review (1994) 109-128.

---. 'The West and Western Mountains in the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." North Dakota Review forthcoming.

---. "The Morning Star." Arts and Letters (Fall 1994).

---. "The West and Western Mountains in the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." North Dakota Review (Winter 1994).

---. "Kenneth Rexroth's 'Incarnation': a Reading of a Poem." The Explicator.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth: Two Poems of Political Reverie." Exquisite Corpse. 60 (1996) 35-36. On "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and "Noretorp-Noretsyh"

---. "Memories of Rexroth." The New Delta Review.

Haines, John. "Homage to the Chinese." And poems in Gardner 41-44 and 212-13.

Hall, Donald. "Kenneth Rexroth." The Weather of Poetry, 3-11. Ann Arbor: U Michigan P, 1985. Reprinted from "Kenneth Rexroth and His Poetry." N. Y. Times Book Review (23 November 1980) 9, 43, and 44. And as "Kenneth Rexroth" in American Writing Today 1. Forum Series (Voice of America Broadcasts). Washington, D. C.: United States International Communication Agency, 1982.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth." In American Writing Today 7. Ed. Richard Kostalanetz. Troy, N. Y.: Whitston, 1991. 82-91.

Hamalian, Leo. "Scanning the Self: the Influence of Emerson on Kenneth Rexroth." South Dakota Review 27:2 (Summer 1989) 3-14.

Hamalian, Linda. A Life of Kenneth Rexroth. N. Y. and London: Norton, 1991.

---, ed. An Autobiographical Novel. And her "Introduction." vii-ix.

---. The Road to Rexroth: a Study of The Homestead Called Damascus. Temple U Ph.D. dissertation, 1983. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1983.

---. "On Kenneth Rexroth." Interview with Robert Duncan. Conjunctions 4 (1983) 84-96.

---. "Everson on Rexroth: an Interview." Literary Review (Spring 1983) 423-426.

---. "On Kenneth Rexroth." Interview with Robert Duncan. Conjunctions 4 (1983) 84-96.

Hamill, Sam, ed. Love Poems from the Japanese. Translations by Rexroth. Boston: Shambala, 1994.

---. "Requiem" (poem) and "Poetry and Jazz: a Memoir." Hatlen 19-20 and 53-56. The entire "Requiem" is in Hamill's Fatal Pleasure. Portland, Oregon: Breitenbrush Publishers. 1984.

---. "The Measure of Achievement." Kuusisto 67-69.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth's Selected Poems." American Poetry Review. (May/June 1986) 9.

---. "The Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth" and "Lyric, Miserable Lyric." A Poet's Work: the Other Side of Poetry. Seattle, Washington: Broken Moon, 1990. 149-174 and passim..

--- and Keiko Matsui Gibson, co-translators. River of Stars: Selected Poems of Yosano Akiko. With their "Introduction." Boston: Shambala , Centaur, 1997.

--- and Tree Swenson, eds. Untitled note. Copperhead: a Giftbox for Kenneth Rexroth. Port Townsend, Washington: Copper Canyon, 1974.

--- and Elaine Laura Kleiner, ed. Sacramental Acts: Love Poems of Kenneth Rexroth. Port Townsend, Washington: Copper Canyon Press, 1997.

Harn, L. "Early Versions of 'The Homestead Called Damascus."' North Dakota Review 56:1 (Winter 1988) 131-147.

Hass, Robert. Twentieth Century Pleasures: Prose on Poetry. N. Y.: Ecco, 1984. 223-34.

Hassan, Ihab. Contemporary American Literature 1945-1972: An Introduction. N. Y.: Frederick Ungar, 1973. 93-94, 114, and 119.

Hazard, James. "A Thin Valuable Look at Rexroth's Poetry." Milwaukee Journal (13 January 1985).

Hebb, Nancy. "Kenneth Rexroth." Contemporary Authors New Revision Series 14. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 393-99 and 402-03.

Hertz, Uri, ed. Third Rail 8 (Los Angeles, 1987).

Hitchcock, George. Poems. Gardner 240-41.

---. "Untitled." Kuusisto 65-66.

Howes, Victor. "Poetry of Moments." Christian Science Monitor. (6 February 1980) 17.

Huerta, Father Alberto. "Jorge de Sena and Kenneth Rexroth: the Beat Generation." Broteria (in Portuguese, Lisbon, July 1981). 84-99.

---. "In What Hour." Unpublished eulogy read at Rexroth's funeral at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Santa Barbara, 11 June 1982.

Humphries, Rolfe. "Too Much Abstraction." New Republic (12 August 1940) 221. Review of In What Hour.

Jacobson, Dan. "America's 'Angry Young Men': How Rebellious Are the San Francisco Rebels?" Commentary 24 (December 1957) 475-79.

Jaffe, Harold. Review of The Collected Shorter Poems. Christian Science Monitor (11 July 1967) 9.

Jenkins, Joyce. "Rexroth at the San Francisco International Poetry Festival, 1980." Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 9.

---, ed. Poetry Flash 113 (August, 1982). See special Rexroth issues.

Kahn, Paul. "Kenneth Rexroth's Tu Fu." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature. 37 (1988) 79-97.

Kazin, Alfred. "Father Rexroth and the Beats." Reporter 22.3 (March 1960) 54-56. Review of Bird in the Bush.

Kessler, Stephen. Poem. Gardner 261.

---. "Rexroth Revisited." Kuusisto 81-82.

Kirsch, Robert. "On Kenneth Rexroth." Gardner 45-46.

---. "A Study of American Poetry." Los Angeles Times (9 July 1971). Review of American Poetry in the Twentieth Century.

---. "A Spiritual Home in Japan." Los Angeles Times (29 July 1977). Review of The Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn.

---. "Rexroth Bursts upon the '20's." Los Angeles Times (3 October 1978). Review of An Autobiographical Novel.

Kriegel, Leonard. "Rexroth: Citizen of Bohemia." Nation (6 June 1966). 688-89. Review of An Autobiographical Novel.

Kuo, Ta-Hsia. "Review of Love and the Turning Year: the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." Antioch Review 31.3 (Fall 1971) 153-55.

Kuusisto, Steven, ed. "Symposium/Kenneth Rexroth." Quarry West 22 (1986) 65-97. Including Kuusisto's "Untitled."

Laughlin, James. "For the Record." Americn Poetry 1.3 (1984) 47-61. ---. "it does me good." Gardner 272. Poem.

---. Interview conducted by Robert Dana. American Poetry Review (November 1981) 19-30.

---. "A Tribute." Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 182. Reprinted from Poetry Pilot (December 1982).

---. "Remembering Kenneth Rexroth."American Poetry Review (January- February 1983) 18.

---. "The Art of Publishing Part II." Interviewed by Richard Ziegfeld. Paris Review 90 (Winter 1983) 112-160.

---. Kenneth Rexroth and James Laughlin: Selected Letters.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth." Taguchi (1992) n. p. Poem.

Lawler, Justus George. "Rexroth: a Personal Memoir." Gardner 55-57.

Lee, Joseph E. Review of One Hundred Poems from the Chinese. Literature East and West 4.4 (China Issue) 394-97.

Leonard, John. "Curmudgeons, Libel, Snobs, and Writing." N. Y. Times Book Review (August 4 1980) 21.

Lerner, Rachelle Katz. "A Gazing Eye through Different Mirrors: a Study of the Concept of Cubism in the Poetry and Paintings of Kenneth Rexroth." U of Toronto Ph. D. Dissertation, 1992. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1992. Abstract in Taguchi (1994) n. p.

---. A Rage to Order: Kenneth Rexroth's Mythic Recastings of Life and Work. Book in progress.

---. "A Dark Symbol of Courage: The Importance of D. H. Lawrence for William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Rxroth." D. H. Lawrence Review 26 (1997) 1-3.

Levertov, Denise. "A Note on the Dedication." In Copperhead: a Gift for Kenneth Rexroth. Port Townsend, Washington: Copper Canyon, 1974.

---. Poems. Gardner 274-76.

---. "Remembering Kenneth Rexroth." American Poetry Review (January- February 1983) 18-19.

Lieberman, Laurence. Review of The Heart's Garden, The Garden's Heart. Poetry (April 1969).

Liebowicz, Herbert. Review of New Poems. N. Y. Times Book Review (March 23 1975).

Lipton, Lawrence. The Holy Barbarians. N. Y.: Julian Messmer, 1959.

---. "Notes toward an Understanding of Kenneth Rexroth with Special Attention to 'The Homestead Called Damascus.' Quarterly Review of Literature 9.2 (1957) 37-46.

---. "The Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." Poetry 40.3 (June 1957) 168-80.

---."Rexroth." L. A. Free Press Part II (10 January 1969). 1 and 22-23.

Lockwood, William J. "Toward a Reappraisal of Kenneth Rexroth: the Poems of His Middle and Late Periods." Hatlen 113-134.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth's Versions of Li Ch'ing Chao." Tamkang Review (Winter 1984).

Lowell, Robert. Imitations. New York: Farrar, 1961.

Malanga, Gerard. "To the Melody of the Southern Country." Gardner 285. Poem.

Malkoff, Karl. "Poetry of Vision, Poetry of Action." Southern Review 6. 2 (Spring 1970) 572-88.

Manganaro, Marc. "Kenneth Rexroth: American Humor and American Machismo." Moody Street Irregulars 18-19 (Fall 1987) 10-11.

McClure, Michael. "Planh." Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 3. Reprinted in Hatlen 26.

Meltzer, David, ed. "Kenneth Rexroth." The San Francisco Poets. N. Y.: Ballentine, 1971, 9-55. Being expanded and revised.

---. "KR" and poem. Gardner 58-59 and 290.

---. "After the Interview." Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 1 and 10.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth in San Francisco." Hertz 17-18.

Merwin, W. S. "From a Letter" and poem. Gardner 60 and 291.

Miller, Brown, and Ann Charters. "Kenneth Rexroth." In The Beats: Literary Bohemians in America. Ed. Ann Charters. Dictionary of Literary Biography 2. Detroit: Gale, 1983. 456-64.

Miller, Henry. "Poems That Grow Like Flowers." San Francisco Chronicle (10 February 1957). Review of Chinese translations.

Mills, Ralph J. "Recent Prose." Poetry 102.4 (July 1963) 270. Rev. Assays.

---. Contemporary American Poetry. N. Y.: Random House, 1965. 26, 89, 179-80, 183, 239, 245, and 254.

---. Cry of the Human: Essays on Contemporary American Poetry. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1975. 7, 16, 39, 248, and 271.

Mitgang, Herbert. "When a Vagabond Artist Breaks the American Mold." N. Y. Times Section 4 (13 June 1982). 9.

Mittleman, Leslie B. "New Poems." Review in Masterplots. Ed. F. N. McGill. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Salem, 1974. 209-11.

Montague, John. "American Pegasus." Studies 48 (Summer 1959) 183-91.

Moorehouse, Frank. "The American Poet's Visit." Sidney Southerly 28 (Australia 1968) 275-85.

Moore, John. "Kenneth Rexroth: Poetry, Politics and Mysticism." Anarchist Studies (Autumn 1993) 170-72. Review of Ken Knabb's The Relevance of Rexroth.

Morrow, Bradford. "A Garland-Note for Kenneth Rexroth." For Rexroth 61-62

---, editor and publisher. Rexroth's Saucy Limericks and Christmas Cheer. Santa Barbara: Bradford Morrow, 1980.

---, ed. "An Interview with Kenneth Rexroth." Conjunctions 1. Festschrift in honor of James Laughlin (1981) 48-67.

---, ed. "Vivien Renaud" by Rexroth. Conjunctions 2 (Summer, 1982) 54- 59. Story.

---. "Introduction." Rexroth's Thirty-six Poems by Tu Fu.

---, ed. World Outside the Window: the Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth. With Morrow's "Preface."

---, ed. Classics Revisited. With Morrow's "Introduction and Afterword." ix-ix and 211-214.

---, ed. Rexroth's More Classics Revisited. With Morrow's "Editor's Note."

---, ed. Selected Poems by Kenneth Rexroth. With Morrow's "Introduction" ix-xxii.

---, ed. World Outside the Window: The Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth. With Morrow's "Preface." vii-x.

---. "To a Friend in Wake of a Ballyhoo" (poem); "An Outline of Unpublished Rexroth Manuscripts, and "Introductory Note to Three Chapters from the Sequel to An Autobiographical Novel." Hatlen 19-20 and 135-46.

Mottram, Eric, ed. "Introduction." The Kenneth Rexroth Reader. London: Cape, 1972.

Murphy, Kevin. "The Translator as Poet." Kuusisto 86-89.

Murray, Michelle. "Rexroth: Figure of Wisdom." National Catholic Reporter, 7 (May 1971) 13. Review of With Eye and Ear.

Nelson, Cary, ed. Anthology of Modern American Poetry. Oxford University Press, 2000. See also his University of Illinois "Multimedia Companion":

Olson, Ray. "Paying Joyful Homage to the Polymath Poet." In These Times (6-12 May 1981) 19. Review of For Rexroth.

Parkinson, Thomas, ed. "Phenomenon or Generation?" A Casebook on the Beat. N. Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1961.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth, Poet." Ohio Review (Winter 1976) 54-67.

---. "Reflections on Rexroth." Hatlen 37-44.

---. Poet, Poems, and Movements. 1987. Chapter on Rexroth.

---. "Spanning Our Renaissance: a Talk with Thomas Parkinson." Interviewed by Jack Foley. Poetry Flash (July/August 1993) 1, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 26.

Paz, Octavio. Reference to Rexroth in Sombras de Obras. Mexico, 1983.

Perkins, David. A History of Modern Poetry from the 1890's to the High Modernist Mode. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 1976. 410.

Perloff, Marjorie. "Poetry and the Common Life." Review of Selected Poems. Sulfur 12 (1985) 160-164.

Peters, Robert. "Kenneth Rexroth as Critic." Kuusisto 83-85.

Petillon, Pierre-Yves. Histoire de la littérature americaine, notre demi-siècle 1939-1989. Paris, 1992. 212-13.

Podhoretz, Norman. "A Howl of Protest in San Francisco." New Republic 16 (September 1957) 20.

Powell, Lawrence Clark. "In the Words of Kenneth Rexroth." N. Y. Times Book Review (22 November 1964) 2.

---. "Foreword" to Hartzell bibliography.

Pragin, Peter, and Paul Dresman. "Forms of Open Form: a Comparison of English Translations of Li Ch'ing Chao." Tamkang Review (Autumn 1984) 285-306.

Pritchard, William H. Review of The Collected Shorter Poems. Hudson Review (Summer 1967) 313.

Purcell, James Mark. "Kenneth Rexroth: Poetics, Populism, and the Chicago Kid." Cresset 36.9 (September 1973) 10-15.

Richards, Janet. Common Soldiers. San Francisco: Archer, 1979. On Rexroth passim.

Robbins, Doren. Poems. Gardner 330-333.

---. "Tribute to Kenneth Rexroth: Poet Committing the Act of Magic." Hatlen 29- 31.

---, ed. of section of Electric Rexroth 1994.

Robertson, David. "Kenneth Rexroth in Devil's Gulch." American Poetry 8 (Fall 1990) 116-127.

Roditi, Eduard. "Letter to Kenneth Rexroth." Hatlen 32. Poem.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth and Paul Goodman." Hertz 17.

Selden Rodman. A New Anthology of Modern Poetry (New York: Modern Library, 1946). Four poems by Rexroth

---"Gnomic, Fastidious Verses," New York Herald Tribune, 7 May 1950. Review of The Signaure of All Things.

Rosenthal, M. L. "Rexroth: the Fact and the Fury." Nation (28 September 1957) 199-200.

---. Outside the Academy." The Modern Poets. N. Y.: Oxford UP, 1960. 155-56.

---. Our Life in Poetry: Selected Essays and Reviews. N. Y.: Persea, 1991. 84, 85, and 173-174.

Ross, Jean. Interview with Gibson on Rexroth. Contemporary Authors New Revision Series 14. Detroit: Gale, 1985.

Rukeyser, Muriel. "Lyrical 'Rage."' Saturday Review (9 November 1957) 15. Review of In Defense of the Earth.

---. Poems. Gardner 350-52.

Safdie, Joe. Untitled Note. Poetry Flash 113 (August 1982) 9.

Sakurai, Emiko. "The Oriental Tradition in the Poetry of Kenneth Rexroth." U of Alabama Ph.D. Dissertation, 1973. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1982.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth." World Literature Today 52.1 (Winter 1978). Review of Japanese translations.

---. "The Noh Plays of Kenneth Rexroth." Gardner 63-80.

Sanchez, Thomas. "Rexroth--a Dream in a Cavernous Sea." Los Angeles Times Book Review (20 June 1982) 6.

Scott, Winfield Townley. "The Dragon and the Unicorn". N. Y. Herald Tribune (1 February 1953) 8.

Schwartz, Stephen. The Making of the American Mind. New York: Free Press, 1998.

Seymour-Smith, Martin. "Kenneth Rexroth." The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Poetry. Ed. Ian Hamilton. Oxford and N. Y.: Oxford UP. 599-600; also, comments by others, 77, 584, 586, 587.

Shapiro, Karl. "Passport-Carrying Member of the Academy." L. A. Times Book Review (24 January 1971) 10 and 12. Rev. With Eye and Ear.

Shearer, Lois. "Time Will Care for Rexroth." San Francisco Sunday Examiner- Chronicle (27 June 1982). 3.

Shu, Yunzhong. "Communion and Deviation: Kenneth Rexroth's Approach to Classical Chinese Poetry." Comparative Civilization Review 19 (Fall 1988) 79-93.

Silberg, Richard. Review of World Outside the Window: The Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth." Poetry Flash 172 (July 1987).

Snyder, Gary. The Back Country. N. Y.: New Directions, 1957. Poetry dedicated to Rexroth.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth." Jennison 2. Japanese translation in Seiza.

Soldolfsky, Alan. "Reading Rexroth." Kuusisto 92-97.

Sorrentino, Gil. "Good House." Poetry 104 (June 1964) 179-81. Review of Natural Numbers.

Spector, Robert D. Review of The Collected Longer Poems. Saturday Review (15 March 1969) 33.

Spiller, Robert E., et. al., eds. A Literary History of the United States. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1974. 1430-31 and 1484.

Stafford, William. "A Five Book Shelf." Poetry 109 (December 1967) 184- 88. Review of The Collected Shorter Poems.

---. "Survivor." Gardner 362.

Stepanchev, Stephen. "Triumph of the Particular." New Leader (24 April 1967) 20-21. Review of The Collected Shorter Poems.

Stock, Robert. "The Hazards of Art." Nation (24 March 1969) 378. Review of The Collected Longer Poems.

Steuding, Bob. Gary Snyder. Boston: Twayne/G. K. Hall, 1976. 19, 22, 45, 110-15, 119-24, 161, and 167.

Stewart, Dean. "Rexroth: a Sextant of Experience from an Inside Outsider." Los Angeles Times (3 August 1980) 3.

Symons, Julian. "The Education of an American." Times Literary Supplement (25 March 1977) 332. Review of An Autobiographical Novel.

Tarn, Nathaniel. "The White Widow." Hatlen 27-28. Poem.

Tinker, Carol. "The Well Field." Gardner 127-29. Poem.

---. The Pillow Book of Carol Tinker. Santa Barbara, California: Cadmus Books, 1980. Some poems about her husband.

---. "Poem on a Photograph of Kenneth Rexroth by Elizabeth Burstein." Hatlen 18.

---. "The State Wants to Kill Us." Kuusisto 78. Poem.

---, Atsumi Ikuko, John Solt, Yasuyo Morita, and Kenneth Rexroth, tr. Seasons of Sacred Lust: Selected Poems of Kazuko Shiraishi.

---, Jessica Tarahata Hagedorn, Alice Karle, Barbara Szerlip. Four Young Women: Poems. N. Y. Some about Rexroth, who edited the volume, with his Preface.

Unterecker, John. "Calling the Heart to Order." N. Y. Times Book Review (23 July 1967) 8. Review of The Collected Shorter Poems.

Wagenknecht, Edward. "4 American Writers" (including review of Gibson's Kenneth Rexroth). News-Tribune (23 February 1973).

Wagner, Linda. Review of Gibson's Kenneth Rexroth. "Poetry: the 1930's to the Present." American Literary Scholarship. Ed. J. Albert Robbins, Durham, North Carolina: Duke UP, 1974. 340.

Weinberger, Eliot. From "Chinese Music." Gardner 395. Poem.

---. "Kenneth Rexroth 1905-1982." Sulfur 5 (1982) 4-6.

---. "At the Death of Kenneth Rexroth." Hatlen 45-52.

---. Works on Paper. N. Y.: New Directions, 1986. 111-19.

West, Hollie I. "'Old Beat' Rexroth: Poetry, Anarchy and Oriental Detachment." Washington Post (19 December 1976) 1 and 4.

Williams, Jonathan. Interviewed by Ronald Johnson. Conjunctions 7 (1985) 229 and 233-34.

Williams, William Carlos. "Verse with a Jolt to It." N. Y. Times Book Review (28 January 1951) 5. Review of Beyond the Mountains.

---. "Letter to Marianne Moore." The Selected Letters of William Carlos Williams. Ed. John C. Thirwall. N. Y.: McDowell, Obilensky, 1957. Comment on The Dragon and the Unicorn.

---. "Two New Books by Kenneth Rexroth." Poetry 90 (June 1957) 180-90. Review of In Defense of the Earth and One Hundred Poems from the Chinese.

Wilson, Bryan. "The Communer Belt." New Statesman (2 January 1976) 18. Review of Communalism.

Wilson, Rob. "Mountainmindedness: Tu Fu/Vanzetti." Kuusisto 74-77.

Woodcock, George. "A Rexroth Retrospective." New Leader (17 February 1969) 21-23.

---. "Bohemian Half-Worlds." New Leader 21 (September 1970) 19-20. Review of The Alternative Society.

---. "Realms beyond the Mountains" (review of Beyond the Mountains) and poems. Gardner 82-94 and 402-03.

---. "Rage and Serenity: the Poetic Politics of Kenneth Rexroth." Hatlen 73-84.

Woods, Phil. "Remembering Rexroth." Midlamp 1.1 (Spring 1989) 32-35.

---. "San Francisco's Poet of Love and Exile." The Bloomsbury Review 2.4 (June 1991) 7 and 14.

Wright, James. "From a Letter." Gardner 95.

Yglesias, Luis Ellicott. "Kenneth Rexroth and the Breakthrough into Life." Gardner 96-110.

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