Luisa Moreno de Gabaglio was born in the province of Formosa in the Argentine Chaco in the year 1949 during the exile of her parents who were displaced by the dictatorial regime of that time.
After four years of exile after the beginning of the civil war of 1947, the Moreno Rojas family were able to return to Paraguay, establishing themselves in Villa Hayes Ciudad, situated on the shore of the Paraguay River in the Paraguayan Chaco.
Her childhood took place among canoes laden with oranges, bananas, and ghosts of those with their throats cut that return to the irrigation ditches, where the victims of the revolution piled up, clamoring for justice with a twangy voice that gushes out of his open throat.
Her father taught her to swim at a young age. Exercise, but while getting to know each of the nearby islands.
She also learned how to use a boat and to navigate the tracks of the bordering streams. On the weekends, she accompanied her father on hunting trips in the neighboring ranches and in the nearby mountains. During this time, she began to ride horseback and to internalize the duties of a cattle ranch.
She also learned to recognize the tracks of leopards, carpinchos, and deer, by size or shape, or by the scent they left in the air. She became familiar with the habits of woodland animals and in an occasional moment of leisure, her father told fairy tales, or instructed her in the skillful use of firearms, with the purpose of preparing her to survive in the mountains.
On one of those afternoons, next to the river, her father told her the story of a hunter, a teruteru, and the little duckling family that became orphaned and without the only friend that could protect them: the teruteru. It was a narration that burned an indelible impression, and years later, it would be the inspiration of her first book of ecological stories: "Echoes of Mountains and Sand."
She possessed a great love for the innocent inhabitants of the woods and estuaries, and an inclination for natural sciences. Thus, after finishing her secondary school studies, she entered the Universidad Nacional, majoring in Basic Sciences, in the branch of Biology. In her first courses, she was most interested in biology and geology. And the required field projects, she went out again into the countryside where she, with her classmates, applied themselves to collecting different forms of life, such as classes of lichens, microorganisms in farm ponds. At the same time, she was initiated into the secrets of the various structures of minerals. Her new passion for geology, triggered a confusion about career choices which coincided with the closing of the school for lack of students. It was then that she decided to enter in the School of Veterinary Science where, six years later, she emerged with a degree in Veterinary Science in the year 1976. The following year, she sought to specialize in Ichthyology, but that specialty did not exist in the country, nor was there any research center in the area of fish. Months later, she entered in a course of Beekeeping, obtaining a license in Beekeeping from the Department of Agrinomical Sciences from the Universidad Nacional. She also attended various seminars and conferences on anthropology and psychology.
During all her years as a student, she maintained an untiring devotion to reading stories, poems, novels, biographies, philosophy, etc. of the great masters of literature, such as Faulkner, Poe, Balzac, Shakespeare, Hemingway, Tolstoi, Dostoievski, Baudelaire, Neruda, Borges and others. Between the works on philosophical thinking, which were her predilection, she could cite Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset, and the ancient Greeks.
She was married in 1973 and had three children. During the first years of marriage, she lived in the Chaco on their ranch. Later, she returned to the capital and from then on has dedicated herself exclusively to literature.
To the well-known marginalization of women as a consequence of various atavistic cultural practices (male domination, unequal salaries, inadequate education, etc.) which manifests itself in the almost complete absence of women in political, economic, and cultural, it is possible to add other forms of marginalization in a conformist and hedonistic society.
Thus a woman has arrived at the extreme of being transformed into an object of consumption, disguising her exploitation under the pretext of "changing times" (through advertising, eroticism, pornography, etc.). We must take into consideration also the increase of juvenile female prostitution. And, the labor market, labor laws designed to protect women are evaded or violated virtually every day.