Workshop de la Scripturalité Joëlle Dautricourt's site for visual poetry and book art, searching origins, Judaic traditions, and extensions into cosmology. Best new site I've seen in a long time. Particularly important as synthesis of tradition and avant garde, and wide-spectrum organic approach to poetry and vision. Entries are in French, though most include English translations.
Native Web Poetry from native culltures, predominantly (though not exclusively) of the Americas.
Chicana Literature includes individual home pages for Chicana students, past and present, at University of Texas, as well as other material.
African Post-Colonial Literature Web often down or functioning oddly, but still a major source.
Afrique Francophone (includes entries in English)
African American Library - a great site that I hope hasn't been taken offline. I'll relink it if I can find it again.
The Blues Highway - slick site for traditional blues, particularly Delta style: check out broadcast and events schedules in particular.
A Gathering of the Tribes - includes not only the zine, but also Stoop Poetry Workshop, Tribes Theater Workshop, Art Gallery, and more.
Blocos - Journal Cultural Alternativo -- electronic version of outstanding alternative zine from Brasil. Almost entirely in Portuguese. If you don't read Portuguese, don't give up on it: future issues will probably contain visual poetry that needs no translation or includes glosses.
Poesía Intersignos Show and conference in São Paulo. (Portuguese language).
Postypographika Fabio Doctorovich's home page. Work by Doctorovich may be found in Grist On-Line Publishing, and several writers in GOL Publishing and Light and Dust have or will have entries at this site.
Graffiti: The Writing On The Wall. For me, graffiti writers include the best visual poets of our time. This site it includes a huge links section. That graffiti artist can make model web sites shouldn't surprise anyone who pays attention to this genre.
Index of Projects by Christy Sheffield Sanford, one of the most innovative and energetic web-specific artists in the U.S. today.
Jeffrey Zeldman another highly active and inventive web-specific artist.
Tom Phillips Page despite small reproductions, this page devoted to one of the foremost living visual poets and book artists is a major site. Includes commentary by Marvin Sackner and others. A note promises additions.
click poems David Knoebel's site for minimalist poems with brief audio clips. Makes a virtue of the current limitations of audio file sizes. Would be worth checking out even if this weren't a limitation. New additions include text/sound poems to download and play off-line.
9th Street Labs - host Jake Berry showcases his own work along with poems by colleagues. Links to sites for his music and other related concerns.
Paul Celan Site Not only a good site for Celan, but also exemplary as a bilingual site.
Paul Laurence Dunbar - contains large selection of his major work.
The On-Line Books Page Some people will tell you that everything on the web should be brief, since netizens only surf, never go for depth. For shallow people, this may apply. But their shallowness shouldn't stifle the net's potentials, which include means of distribution, particularly at a time when library budgets get slashed regularly and bookstores disappear. This site contains extensive links to complete books on the web, with author, title, and other search engines. An invaluable site. See also Projects Gutenberg and Bartelby listed below.
Patrick Martin's Site This site contains a model links page: Martin's comprehensive approach links authors and sites alphabetically, without dividing them up by period, genre, etc. Martin's major links index, however, shouldn't distract the reader form his own poetry, usually presented with audio clips.
Foley's Books Jack Foley reviews a book a week in this column, many of them poetry, but, thankfully, not limited to that rubric or any other.
TapRoot Reviews functioned for several years as the least sectarian review zine around. That seems to be over now (though I wouldn't mind being surprised), but its archive of past issues remains a good collection of reviews, most of them brief.
Witz edited by Christopher Reiner: another good review zine.
U. Idaho Book Arts Directory This site includes extensive links to book art sites.
Peter Verhayen's Links - also extensive book arts directory, including search tools.
Opera mail artist Honoria's participatory web project
Panscan -- Mark Bloch's mail art site. Includes exhibits from his One World show.
Editions Phi -- The diversity of this site, put on-line by Francis Van Maele in Luxembourg, suggests a healthy interest in many things, and presents them in several lanuages. The sections on poetry and mail art interest me most, but sections devoted to music, theater, children's books, etc. will probably interest other people more.
Surrealist Pages edited by J. Karl Bogartte. A lot of people use terms like "surrealism" in a sloppy manner. Surrealism proper is not only a specific art form but a way of life. Unusual images thrown in conventional contexts have little if anything to do with it. This site includes links to many other surrealist sites. A good place to find out what surrealism is, as well as to check out the work of Bogartte and some of his associates.
FLUXUS Homepage Ken Friedman and Dick Higgins, with brief scores by Alison Knowles, George Brecht, George Maciunas, and others. Calendar. Bibliography.
New Music Net and Deep Listening Pauline Oliveros's Deep Listening and Related.
Big Bridge - e-zine for poetry, fiction, art, and more, in great big friendly letters. Eclectic and non-sectarian so far. Includes work by a number of contributors to Light and Dust. Will host Poetry Flash magazine's site.
Jack Magazine Promissing Beat site, oriented more towards continuity than repetion of cliches about a few celebrities. Affiliated with the more tightly Beat-specific site, Beat News. Enthusiasm, energy, and outreach offer a larger potential than other Beat sites on the web -- though you can find most of them through the links at these pages.
Black Cross Magazine. Good zine with java based chat room, and extensive links page. Seems much more responsive to new work than many zines on the web at this time. Watch its name, though -- not related to Anarchist Black Cross.
The Poetry Project at St. Mark's, New York City. One of the longest running venues for readings and events in the U.S. Includes calendar, newsletter, notes on The World magazine, and more.
Shout! Twin cities zine for oral poetry. Includes information on readings, performances, slams, etc. Articles from back issues also included.
Chicago Poetry Slam. Great slam site.
Billy Marshall Stoneking's Performance Poetry Site "Performance Poetry" comes from a different tradition and follows a different path than Performance Art in the Americas and Europe. This is a good site to check out the Australian form. Also includes some of Stoneking'a theater pieces.
Alt X Avant-Pop site.
George, Jr. George Myers, Jr's monthly e-zine of poetry, fiction, interviews, news, and satire.
The Onion - Great satire zine.
Naropa, notes on readings, workshops, etc.
Zuzu's Petals Links sprawling collection of links to many eccentric, unaffiliated, obscure and otherwise honorable literary e-zines, genteel to punk.
Midnight Special Books - delightful conglomerate, including Denver's Tattered Cover Bookstore and Chicago's Tia Chucha Press.
Bookzen - exemplary site for low cost book distribution from many alternative publishers.
Underwhich Editions booklist and information for bookstore and library orders for this Canadian publishing collective. Includes work by Light and Dust poets Paul Dutton, bpNichol, and Karl Young.
Bearlife - Women's Writing Advocate. Acts something like a literary agent, but without fees. The objective is to find publishers for women writers whose work the editors see as being saleable.
Chax Press One of the few presses now in operation equally at home in offset and letterpress. If you're looking for someone to print (not at all the same thing as publish) a book for you, Chax can do a good job at a reasonable price.
If you're looking for a publisher Len Fulton's DustBooks Directories have been the most reliable indices of presses and magazines for over 30 years. Also publishes good self-help books and Small Press Review.
Left Hand Books Bryan McHugh's press: books by Alison Knowles, Harry Polkinhorn, Susan Smith Nash, Dick Higgins, Charles Doria, Bill Keith, and more, with samples and reviews.
Moe's Books - good source for ordering out of print books.
American Booksellers Association home page. Includes not only members' database but also articles on censorship and other crucial issues.
Amazon Books -- apparently the largest online bookstore around. They make an effort to find titles from alternative publishers.
Real Change Seattle's newspaper dealing with issues concerning the homeless. Includes everything from politics to poetry - and opportunities for activism. Exemplary.
Al Filreis's Page Poetry, politics, education, and exemplary links.
Kaspahraster Jean Heriot's site: Post-Situationist essays and reflections, poetry, science fiction, Carla Nadismo rhapsodies, and much more. One of the best sites on the web.
Spunk Press Large and varied Anarchist and Alternative Archive. Main Anarchist site on the web.
Anarchist Archive Large collection of Anarchist classics.
Freedom Press Site for bookstore and press. 114 years old this February, this is the press run by Kropotkin during the years he spent in London. Includes samples of FP classics and work from most recent issues of Freedom and Raven .
AK Press Great Anarchist Press and distributor for other presses.
Bureau of Public Secrets Great situationist site, as such, with reaches into a number of other areas. Extensive collection of work by and about Kenneth Rexroth, including Rexroth's Communalism and webmaster Ken Knabb's major study, The Relevance of Rexroth. A site not to miss.
Situationist International There are a number of other Situationist sites on-line. This one is particularly good, with links to more.
Mid-Atlantic Infoshop - site for information and links to sites of interest to anarchists, anti-authoritarians, and activists for social change.
American Friends Service Committee.
Amnesty International Homepage.
Environmental Organizations Web Directory - as comprehensive as they get at the moment.
Environmental activist Judi Bari died March 2, 1997. This site pulls together much of the information on her life and work already available on the net, and adds some new material.
Linux. If you're as distrustful of Apple and Microsoft as I am, you might check out this operating system and the software available for it. Most of it is distributed free, and you can do more as far as customizing the system and software than you can with the dinosaurs. I haven't tried this system myself, and can only suggest that you check it out. A lot of people have commended it to me, and I hope to try it. Some of its enthusiasts run highly sophisticated programs on relatively small computers.
A Mesoamerican Archaeology WWW Page - includes information about listserves and other resources as well as web links.James O'Donnell's site for late classical studies.
Labyrinth Library Medieval texts: Latin, Italian, French, Old and Middle English, some in Modern English translation, with notes and photos (including ultraviolet) of mss. Why wasn't something like this around in the 60s when I was a student? The answer to that should calm some of the ranting of anti-webbies oriented toward European classics.
The Seafarer Collection of all translations of one of the major Anglo Saxon poems, with significant impact on 20th century poetry, into all languages known to editor Charles Harrison Wallace, with commentary. Reminiscent of the Test of Translation series in Caterpillar magazine, but in some ways taking it farther.
Project Bartleby (Traditional English language poetry - Keats and Wordsworth, Dickinson and Whitman, etc.)
British Poetry 1780-1910 Includes many works not in Bartleby collection.
Alex: Catalog of Electronic Texts Extensive listings, in multiple languages, most retrievable via ftp.
Project Gutenberg This collection of classics in plain ascii has become something of a net classic in itself. Complete texts of many novels, biographies, collections of poetry, etc. that have entered the public domain.
Computer Related Repetitive Strain InjuryTyping Injury FAQ: General Information
On-Line Dictionaries -- dictionaries of all sorts, including synonyms, antonyms, biographical, etc. as well as dictionaries of some 80 languages other than English.Human Laguages Page - dictionaries and other resources for many languages.
Gopher For many years, Gopher and FTP were the main retrieval systems on the net (the first Light and Dust On-Line titles were available only through them). The web has now become more affordable to more people and has taken over a lot of Gopher's old jobs. But not all. There are still a lot of things that gopher does better. This is not only a web-Gopher interface, but also an introduction to a process that hasn't outlived its usefulness.
Special Characters for HTML Coding Anarchist Archive's host Dana Ward presents codes for characters with diacritical marks and some characters (such as Icelandic and Old English edth [ð] and thorn [þ]) outside the standard ascii character set. Covers most western European languages. I'll find a site for eastern Europe one of these days.
Style Guide for Online Hypertext.
Fine Art Forum Directory of Online Art.
Database directory of Online Newspapers.
Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters (academic)
A note on search engines as a tool for improvised poetry: Try taking two unrelated words and typing them into a search engine's search line and see what you get.
E-mail Accounts -- if you can get on the web - at a friend's, at a library, at a school, at an infoshop, wherever - you can get an e-mail account through this source. It's not very fancy, but it is free. This, and other similar sites now under construction come as a great relief to me, as I assume they will to many others troubled by the way the net can be economically discriminatory, further disenfranchising those already with limited financial resources. It doesn't by any means solve the problem completely, but it is a strong move forward, and suggests that other solutions may be forthcoming. Like this link, the next group deals with freedom of speech.
We've now won the first two rounds in the u.s., but the war's not over yet. Now part of the battle will move to the states, to devices that block unpopular political, health, racial, and ethnic material in libraries, to blocking this kind of material while claiming to protect children from pornography [these people love to hide behind kids, whose sense of ethics and the world is usually superior to theirs], to use of copyright and other proprietary rights as a way to circumvent opposition to censorship on the basis of freedom of speech, to monopolies on software, to offers of ease of operation, and sooner or later a new direct attack via the legal system. The best weapon the censors have is complacency on our part. Or, as they used to put it back in highschool civics class,
American Civil Liberties Union
The Electronic Freedom Foundation
Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition
American Library Association papers on computers and accademic freedom. Available via gopher.
Gold Key
E.F.F's campaign for internet privacy.
Cryptography and Human Rights.