I am the editor of Sauce*Box Journal of Literary Erotica on the web (http://www.teleport.com/~room101/sauce.htm).
T.L. Kelly
I have been published over the past decade in a number of literary and feature magazines, including Paramour, Exquisite Corpse, Coal City Review, Bellingham Review, Hard Day's Night (Japan), Left Bank, Christian Science Monitor; and online at Urban Desires, Caffeine, Recursive Angel, dEPARTURE fROM nORMAL and Sapphic Ink. I am the former editor of Lynx Int'l Journal of Renga which was mentored by John Cage and supported by the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc. in NYC.
(aka wenchpoet)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
- Oscar Wilde
Martin Declan Kelly
Our views and opinions are our own; go get your own