Hannah Weiner - sand
Hannah Weiner
seen wordswith
sandra moor
silent teacher
daughter pail slipper sale underwail
skip ertipertothewail skip ertipertothehail
re marks my old mother died and she lied
across the veil milage mail skipertiperto the pail
well only one we daughters sung
mix up breed well ill take her
no way scrail we d rather flail scrail
well it takes some understan
now i sit upon the land
well i guess we end it do re me
now sister e is the simple one
what she spee well gather and bespeak ye
joy to ye
whipperamerstam well yer power gone
if we dont like your tongue
yer gotta be among well the elders see
flakerstrake rattlesnake well its ok'
tell him to close his mouth and take a hake
fertermertail is what i guess comes next
sister beat them to the last agree
twenty seven in the family poetry
sake the strake and let it lake i gonna ate
well for me ho we plan a tree
fermertail we didnt get skrate
well i guess yer could use a cup
well stickerail my pa did well say
mailerwail contrail cut the slail
striker piker mail yer lernuskail
well i met a flaw stakerslaker and she bow
well whatchagot to meet sancha feet
now which book yer visions see
it was the new well okee
now the old one he i see
80 nearly 90
passed on old henry
From Grist On-Line #1, October, 1993. An original publication.
© copyright 1993, Hannah Weiner