***************************************************************** GLOSSOLALIA Issue 4 ASCII version _________________________________________________________________ G L O S S O L A L I A Electronic Journal for Experimental Arts Issue 4 - February 1996 _________________________________________________________________ Publisher: CI Acad. Poet. Aeth. Editor: J. Lehmus Stenbocksv. 24, 02860 Esbo, Finland jlehmus@cute.fi Hardware advice: Aleksandr Koltsoff _________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 1996 by J. Lehmus. All individual works Copyright (c) 1996 by their respective authors. All further rights to works belong to the authors and revert to the authors on publication. GLOSSOLALIA is published electronically, 6 issues / year (February, April, June, August, October, December). GLOSSOLALIA is published simultaneously in two different formats: ASCII and HTML versions. ASCII version can be subscribed by sending SUBSCRIBE GLOSSOLALIA in the body of an email message to: jlehmus@cute.fi HTML version is available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.thing.net/~grist http://www.cute.fi/~jlehmus REPRODUCTION of any complete issue of this publication is permitted. Complete issues of this publication may be downloaded, duplicated and distributed free of charge. Authors hold a presumptive copyright and they should be contacted directly for permission to reprint individual pieces. Contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that the submitted material does not violate copyright conventions. EDITORIAL ADDRESS: CI Acad. Poet. Aeth., J. Lehmus, Stenbocksv. 24, 02860 Esbo, Finland jlehmus@cute.fi _________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS ~~~~~~~ FORWARD! POETRY & PROSE \ Eight poems by Stephen Thorne \ Cybergrail, by Ficus strangulensis \ as the last leanest wave wishes, as generated by J. Lehmus on Monkey (program by Jacques B.M. Guy) CONTRIBUTORS ADDENDUM \ "Glossolalia" JPEG image by J. Lehmus _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ FORWARD! ~~~~~~~ I understand that in order to continue the development of this publication, it is necessary to proceed in two separate directions simultaneously. My intention is to create the WWW and e-mail versions of Glossolalia as two distinctly different publishing projects shaped by the advantages and limitations of their respective mediums. Still, this publication remains a journal for _experimental_ arts, and not specifically _electronic_ arts. Much of the material featured in this number of Glossolalia was produced, or at least transported, without a computer. I want to continue this mixing of "old" and "new" media. Indeed, it is readily possible to replicate, mutate, and _merge_ the material images and texts within the electronic matrix, creating hybrid works. (Should we call this kind of hybridisation as %ematerial art%? Something that is moving between the worlds of "material" and electronic creation? Ematerialism.) I do not think cyberspace as totally independent, autonomous sphere that is isolated from, and is in contrast with, the "material" print culture. Cyberspace is not the antithesis of %Galaxia Gutenberg%, it is just bluntly a "different part of its body", a part that belongs to this body, the body of writing. One must think cyberspace as a semi-material state between the dream and the real: a hallucination in which one is capable of moving in two worlds with a considerable depth. "Electronic art", the banal term. We are not developing computer-aided design for the "real world", but a cyberspace emanation of Art, Science ... Magick. You don't need to search for the esoteric in cyberspace. There is nothing to search for. Cyberspace %itself% is totally magical. The %message% might not appear as magical, but the very %medium% is transcendental. Understanding the electronic world is the alchemical Great Work: understanding the Magic of letters and images, the Magic of bytes and pixels. Astral plane in TrueColor. Let us dream the lucid language. J. Lehmus jlehmus@cute.fi Editor Helsinki, 14 February 1996 NB. RECEIVED PUBLICATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS sections have been omitted, due to the lack of time; and I have lost the count on the received material in any case. Apologies. _________________________________________________________________ Eight poems ~~~~~~~~~~ by Stephen Thorne 1 the blue's not real(however has been real.just over()dreams()enthusiast icrantings yello also whiteness over bl(emphasized )eeding bleach(y flesh) ings/the beach on the other hand offers copious momounts of beige fawn brown from the sewage outfall colours the crystal sandings Lazily( emissions )from the black heart of britain sound( searing) -a blood of it's own true volition 2 like the soi-disant sun this so-distant son of kinds, pretender to the frown Of recurrent nightmares luged(the loop now) redolent or opport uni tie sun seized -hello- I've come to invade your lebens raum-the painfall full -fold wretched breathed bee nee them solves crypt iclues Igloos in mind the ice-floed trip-tych dalliance issued in west- send palare polari polaris polar eyes polarized, the planet Venus as moaning star hangs darkling. 3 I ran blue dyed through the streets home(out of the fire and into the frying pan) yolk-following the slimy trail of the snail Destiny wrote of following where the heart leads or was it against or was it bleeds? The shell cracked for sure and out oozed four flights of fancy; 1. they throw interesting shapes 2. an Angel and a Devil 3. damn this insularity 4. damn this insularity. 4 faith throws us further apart Fate draws us closer away BLOOD lovesablinkoftheeyerend ersthisworldunconscious of religious fervour LIFE laps upon shores further away. That you can miss. or saunter past (passed) over We will never find it. 5 the Widow.Love alive in shagpile me hurting you shipping the pink misfortune that is sea and every shoreshape that surrounds(it)baby mist in deliquescent(mystery ) bodies foam unrestful souls with an axe to grind sparks splinter off every which way but towards the true stars that blind pretty deluge of unknown constellations drug me down and now I slumber peacefully beneath a duvet of crimson clotting death breath 6 tan the yapping of oak bruised to extract fallen from the beige very bright unbedded the colour of wool fawn a young monster it's call a wilting yellow chocalate a paste or hard cake dark brown is the menstrual sienna or natural stillbirth which provides burnt pigs ochre o'olock where it should have been sepia incline to red or yellow mix it sunburn to somebathe or roast 7 snatches a day -glo lie m.rinse ?the myriad cluster)pin kandy ellow(bombs of crocii bluster ,sir (h)ated edges in sunfloweryellower violet:the violencesignorbreath neon(s) for the gotten time . Silk and sanch(o)north wind blue the doorshut justlike silver whoremarks ;the(G)old(en) dustface mask crinkles in the celestial palm of90( born where nasturtiums wilt ). 8 Easter poem the garden tools Jerusalem a visual aid * MonApr494 * stopped six years of finest grade dust * Blueyed * (unadorned?) unAmeri can * old gaze (two short one tall )next in lime -the pickling jars and russed * dipper the headswim thought crank can * what the sewage gems mussed ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cybergrail ~~~~~~~~~ by Ficus strangulensis Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 13:57:43 -0400 To: Jukka LehmusFrom: far@medinah.atc.ucarb.com (Forrest Richey) Subject: CyberGrail [Mark I] Status: OR Open Text Index Results The Open Text Index found 0 pages containing: cybergrail You can improve your result or start a new search. Search Hints: Check your spelling Use a compound search with acronyms and their full names Include American and Canadian spelling More Hints... ----------------------------------------------------------------- as the last leanest wave wishes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ as generated by J. Lehmus on Monkey (program by Jacques B.M. Guy, 1991) C:\TRANSTXT\MISC\WAVES 23 different characters, 2142 total characters. Capitalize OFF. Strip high bit ON. Spaces ON. Active letters are: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Character monkey, order 4, says: soot shoe wave disgust we dies the last wave disgusting e lean wav e hands heave downcast heavies on the lissom hole las on th las on ave dyeing the last wave disgust lands undon the d golden st leanest sand sa d on the a s the on the land gashe asudden sages ending e device grave dodge engage lean the tone thought last legs is that we salvatisfied lastes shes on tone golde n sandals wine saved last wast as soot salvation the lilies an soot wave dile mma the he laces on aved as toot wine sends unshaden n last shoe wavies dove be dies ands unsation sunsatisfied the lastes wave dies on the golden sunsati on is on he sand ss shed the st we dies eve be d the last as the ghostlike on sedition the sideousness o den o t wraiths on in them golden legend golden s age laces on the got wraithe d out sands t hands in stone sage wave golden se e godly godly as tent as answer dies again sand last dies an was th them gold en sandmass th lathicken scathe as as golden olden st lean theological e den sand die liken sands as though lust wave de wast wavine goes ashe landstone godly golden altos last wave to a last weavies on toot soon though laces on th die liken seed device golden sight be danced logicalness deluding the radiatisfied the lathe sal on last wriths on scationists on the engage liken then s t headstand late dove dancing we st shese on the as the used ashing gloss glo ss shoe wishe lean golden sand landstands then stone on stone ghostliken n th e lies oddly dies wife dies glossiest sand logicalness anglegs in as tent as taken o theists eve dancing gloss on sides as on he late dily gold wave thing sand sand kneltoid is on st wave dancing vehickeness dust whole the gilt was hen lady he a last we sands n latent as o den save the as theological e diest doglegs is on sandals wielding vehicle last winess as eve downward den n loc athing the radiationists eve dies on th gashing sand sands again as sooth th diest waist whole laden sal e lathicken theologicalness of downward device as on in toot wholies o de lasteland die like on be downward diest in as on fas t as eve diest wave d n the legs is on theist writhe lathing that on he golde n as th es on as the the a as taken see as olden sands an the dye golden sal on ashing the used dies oddly golden stays he last wave dancing sandstoneys h one lade golden is on the e doglegend gold ghostliken see goes on wast sal e devoids unsation sideousness dodge wave die last handstone as on leaness done ys headstandmass soon the late have dies eve be dodge end its on be dies hone though lust wielding st shoe wavest wavies andstays he lash angled to a ash answer dies hone sideousnest we tent as o t wishen aeons the as goes on thes agave diest sanding e lean sanding vehicle diest led to gold gashe t wave di end ghost we st shese on last as t theist headstand gash answer dies on as on fast wave end gave golden is the the as glossies on standless shed out soon t as tooth dies on be device golden st leastes dust legs indeedition tone a w ave diest wave d golden sands t ashes lathicken ss agave wave dancing on the golden sand its e las on be dogled ss agave dyeing on tense on the as t the l andstone goes to a lashing e doglegend golden sides o g ne last wraithe teeth e led toot wavest lean was to g ne grave d on wave halogicalness golden sand sand sands hone sand lathing sea last as theist hideousness again t that the las that on den send is the to a wave danced ss teethen savages handmass gold en sands answer dies ands t he as hands t to that on as on the leaness n the lies eve dies on be motive dies glossies oddly as the the as easted dies on t hat on cast wave sideousness die lissome wave diest wishes dusting on as teet he as the as end ss glossies o then island last late disgusting e lastes on l ady he golden tense is teethen as takeness dosing we dancing e dies was the s ews in st on he last lady he endless o then stone sand sad dies hone th lusti ng that on the st wastes oddly dies glossies eve teeth gave disgust wriths on heavies on ave devoid its east heavine on deltoids andstays endless the a as the hands an sand gashing though lastes on cast on th gave end ss n love sad dies oddly as t he last he gold gashese is in sands is on sands n sand its e ngine last he golden as golden as glossies end last wriths on as on t was end golden salvatisfied sands downcasted den last wave dies on olden save harves t wholed that on the a waist disend sandstone sex lies agave thicle legen lye golden sanding the gorge last wave hand got wife de grave dilemma the as t w ave d golden stays end dies lissome wast waved disc d n th lusting salvatisfi ed on the the sides eve harvest indeed the seeth lust we dance as t wash an g oes agave de golden sand sex lissom hole lean godly gold godly die late hands n sunsation he las on sa the engage last wa on sanding save disc d the golde n stand gashing the ashese island golden sa though lastelands tent as hand be doglegs in aeons the last wriths on he th landals wast in th es agave end sa nds ands undon the as oddly as onced die golden lye grave heave seeth lusting them golden led the as the die dies on legend is them golden st wielding san dals wa on though latense is on ashe on the as tense island roled the liken s a the last as th last in the as on sand got wielding on sandstoneys hole lean the gilt doglegend that the latent as eve wave disending vehicle dies on the lasted dies angled to g ne got wave dies soot wishes e last we t wave dies o ld wave disc d n lye di godly diest diest is thought lashing glossies and rol e te harvest we dies wastelands n the as endle last wave dily golden sand gol den st wave deltos love dies on scathe last wave diest waist the last wave te nse on aeons the d o golden den n lye disending e dancing e dies on that wave sews is o the radiation to a last wave dosing that once a wave d to a last w rithe the seedily dilemma the lean golden sandmass as to a as ending seeth ga shing sand gashing sal on sand ghostlikeness te hand sengage latent as tooth es on see godly diest on the as got wave hands den sunshaden last wishes on t hat the a wave die dodge wave sand late handstone sex liken stoneys hole liss om hole latent as the as on that on in ss dies hone golden sanding we st hide s answer dies again th last writhem golden the grave wave d gold wave dies od dly as the the harvest last savage wave teeth lusting the sex lilies on the t h disend role lady heave the e las vast as the as t the harvest last wa on he ave don sands is on though lusting vehicken sight last wave heave sideousness soon tooth gashing e lean st shoe wavest disgusting see grave d golden sand sea last wan wave dies o t we st as on the radiation sand last wave diest wav e d n last wave end golden lastes wan the d out sandstone seeth the to a late dies golden stands that wriths on islands dusting seethe t the usedition to gold wa on as as the lilies olden st wave some wave dies oddly die d gashing once golden sex lilies as theologen sands is to golden sage waviness dove sad di engage wave golden savage last sa d o den some wavest he las vast was tha t on be motive t as he dyeing we the golden seeth es eve the gorge last shed location the golden the the lastes on the lasted devoids as as holies on the dies ashese on altoids the on theist shes halogend ghostliken sides e lean th e as on send golden st wave dies wave die last on as of downward devoid its o n is on is o gold gashed out shoe wishe the as eve dies endle last wave dilem ma the lissom hole lilies on then sands as thicle dies gloss the last hands d usting salvatisfied last we tent as golden indeed the lady heave dies on as o ld gashes on the lies on last whole last wave harvest as the as to goes oddle laces of downward dies on deltos last salvation the as end gashing sands in then ss as the sed dies on olden den is then ss on headstays end be dies ashi ng st wan the last sand golden sunshade last hides dusting we t as toneys eve dies olden altos las end roled on the end godly diest washe as the lies of d owncast writhe lilies answer die golden o g ne lastes on st hideousness an sc ation sand devoids dove die golden seeth theist as t as t wast wraithe land s ews indeed die see gravest we the grave wave waist legs in seethe sides as t wave t wast wavine ghostliken sand lathe used ashes on he and locatisfied the die lean wave hands n locatisfied sandless downcastelandals wishes as though last wave dies on is o de wave stone l wave diest islands unshaden o g ne se d th last is undoneys hand soot was taken olden st lean sal e de ghost wast s and sooth theists on the liliest lean golden sands undone sand is oddly asudd en sideousnest wavies on the the as on st waved the as the te handing on that wave dies e late dies on be dyeing the end knelt downward de waved as holies t wave devoid its eve wave dies o golden ss theologicalness die golden sa d o ut sandstone golden sanding e dies wave deltoids t wave dove washe as t waves t sands an sunshaden sand ghost wave end golden deluding gloss as the as end see as the lands n the die diest sa d on in ashes end knelt wraitheological e diest is indeedition scationist we dies on the as the end dies as th es the latent as golden aeons that on then lye got was vast heave sand role wave die s honeys holed out sal e late halogicalness as as vast wavinest waved lady he ave d the devoids dogled sandmass on the as golden te he the last lade wife d iest as eve washed the sand golden sand ss n last lean golden sand golden ave gift riddly as theists eve d gashing that the goes anglegs in st as tense on ced as the sand soot wishen aeons the ghostliken sa th laden stays holies eve disc d then sand be dancing the engine as golden seed sands as again sa theological e liest handle den st wave be motive dies east wave dily as again to g ne the soot wielding we soot wave deluding the on sa that to th lust island als wielding we sideousness on de wishes end sal e di endle l waved land lace s winest wholiest to that toneys engine tooth last wave sews is on as te die di engage wave senginess dove die ghostlikeness den the golden sand golden de golden to g ne golden sands t we theist wife d on t that on the that to a wa ve dies on be motive die grave golden sand godly as an gorge end laces theist s of downcast last wriths on to a waists east halogical on ashing vehicken th e as the asudden olden as golden last shes dusting on the d n lye dance as ev e that on latent as and dies hone sides as olden as ending the lastes olden s editionist wave dancing the sand last whole the asudden o delt winess dusting weavest as vast wraithe lasted salvation the l wave disgusting that wholies onced on lade lasteland gashese on th last he lilies on that on aeons t wrait hs on sight be de gilt dies on den sa d gashing the the lastelandstone as o d evoids an goes eve be device got wife dosing we di golden n location toot who liest wished sad deluding vehickeness soot wine lean wavest as the grave devo ids hole diest heave end soot we tense is is th dies an sand disengine the la s as easted to g ne golden see golden o t asudden st wraithe liken sand role d gashing seeth that that wavies on te hands indeed th dies on the as then sa nds de gilt diest soon sands the handless golden n the dove diest we sides e dies wavest wave sex likeness on as the last waists eve sea last on last wave teeth last legs indeedition thes agaved these on castes on salvation olden a ve dies an teethe dies lissome wave disenginess as endless dove delt was have disc d out sandstone see golden savage last downcast wholiest shes on he gol den ss die dancing sandstone on the t wave dancing though lust as vast dogleg s in as anding we dies on sal on the golden st last wife dosing on be den san d role toot washing sal on the dies on he last was the sedilemma the the and kneltos logen st hides on altos logical e lissom honeys heave die sideousness ashing on the then sandstands hand golden sand last wast wave sandstoneys en dle like on te diest waved th land ss dust wave delt writhe led o the on the gilt dodge e lands n lye golden sides onced the as the sad diest we device go t sand roled as the as the as agave dye diest as taken stone late have dies o n he t writhe hand golden stays e lilies on locatisfied sand love golden scat he t theist di engine see gilt dily golden seedily dies t hides on see a last was t wave dyeing gloss delt wave endle lies olden sunshaden lastes eastelan d roled th last halogen ss n that on locathe golden sand golden theists e lan d knelt dies on sunshade golden savage land th las vast least she last waists o t hand the leaness the lathing glossies as taken the l wave devoids unshad e last wave dies doneys hand lady headstone as theologicalness dogled den the e last hideousness dosing e last waved die die dies as to th the theist wave dancing e d n sews is o de golden sage lastes o den de wave diest laces on t he then stays eve delt wave sand though late disc d out soot sandmass dusting sand den sa the dies on the ghost shen sand gashes locathem golden sand role last wave dies harvest in te heavies on de godly disc d n locathicken tense is on heavies shoe wast we dies on to g ne te hand gorge l wave d n scathing seed as shoe wishes o golden stone te he theologicalness den sands that toney s he the harvest sooth these is on the once gilt dies last is o t wave the la st we dance golden ss golden sad deluding the gold gave sands unshade golden aeons the as asudden st we downward dies wave wave dye den senginess downward dies theologicalness gold wave deltos logicalness n salvatisfied the that on altoid is of dogled the like on as the golden sea las that the grave deludin g sand gave di end roled late hand landals wave see asudden save stone sides eastes eve dies on lean golden st weave d golden least as on the led sands in sunsation tense on leaness n lye golden o de wast wholies on altoid is in th e last in sides as t wave die dies on th es halogendle last the as golden n t heological on t he as the latent as then as on fastelands as that wave the le gendle d the lathicle lade last wife d on as vast writhe as the on be die st wave disc d n sage last wielding e lasted ss dies olden senginess downcast wa st wave sea lasted though lust is on that the gilt dies oddly golden soot wea ve be dancing sal on the thing the ghost wriths on wave dies on the las shed th disgust weave golden sandmass de gift riddly as the to the gold wave harve st we dye d n ss once as as vast lean sides o t wave dies on sunshaden sand t o golden ave d n scation he as on sandmass som hole wan golden as the last wr itheist wishes an wan sand roled the ashed ss dosing we de last on to a wast doglegs is the usedilemma then st in the on as teeth gashese is undone on fas t wave sa then sea last wave dies angled them golden soot wave die lilies on sand dies lies handstone st waved as the dies eve the golden in ashing sand d ies lies wan seedily die device as on washe last disend is the last wave dies wave d the lissome wavest was hole lissom hole wielding the dies theist is o n love wishe as asudden see golden sideousness gloss golden sides on then st lady he liliest waviness golden sand role last wave den that weave d got we d ove disc d golden st waved sad de golden sight be d n the las to g ne last le d th es hands toot sad dies as then sand soon cast lash and golden sight last wraiths on th lathe lies and di gold wave dies as on wave downward dies of d odge last writhe an wave d gave be dies halogen th then sand ss dogled as the sands as vastes once as that the ghost was ending on deluding on sandless n the golden logen asudden as as the sandmass die sed as tent as on den in the on cast we d thicle land the die dye golden last is is once grave d out sand love harvest doglegs in as vasted last indeed ss doglegen sews indeedily ashe n stand golden st was on that on see a wave deltos lissome wast legs in salvatisfied thes on ave dove de golden ss gloss and sand golden sand its eastelan d ss n th last harvest wielding on avest last wave wave dies logends in the a s then sand knelt wave dies easted the like on stone then last harvest wholed sand sex lissom holies on lye d o g ne lastes on the latense is oddle least wife dyeing the on as soot shes on the gift riddly golden ss golden ss shoe w ave dodge last wave sandle wave golden scation seed den st dies as and sand k nelt di ending vehicle lastelandless as he disengage e last dogled them golde n st we sa d onced dies harvest wave devoids n the an wave don he on fastelan d to them golden sea lashe de gift riddly as the leaness de golden sands he g olden the last shoe wave dies on sal e die sanding onced salvationists eve di e sand be motive dancing on thes last he asudden sea last soot wave sa d o th e las the endless as t hides on the soot we t wave diest wishen olden st hide s on th the grave den led lady he th dies an tense is on that wave devoid is is of downcast lean washes hone on olden as answer disgust wave deluding the late hand sands dies dove downward dies on he sand sand sex lilies location t h gave devoid its oddless n st hideousness n that to the as engine the st led las th the as that wave delt downcast he lands as the last writhe ands as en ds n then n sand last wave diest he lean sideousnest as the lies last heave d ies anglegending seeth them golden sandmass dogled ss ands dust wave de wave dies on late hand roled the dye gilt wielding the least wishen altos love die dies golden save dies on be dies dosing on altoid its olden sa th lusting gl ossies on tooth gashese on the gold gold ghostliken o golden ----------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTORS & COLLABORATORS IN GLOSSOLALIA 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternative College Crag Hill, 125 B Bay View Dr., Mill Valley, CA 94941, USA [HTML version] Ficus strangulensis (far@medinah.atc.ucarb.com) Aleksandr Koltsoff (czr@cute.fi) Jim Leftwich (sleftwich@aol.com) [HTML version] J. Lehmus (jlehmus@cute.fi) Klaus Rupp Mu"ggenkampstr. 1, 20257 Hamburg, Germany [HTML version] Stephen Thorne 34 Beverley Rd., Rubery, Birmingham, B45 9JG, England SOFTWARE Monkey from ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/linguistics ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADDENDUM ~~~~~~~ JPEG image by J. Lehmus ----------------------------------------------------------------- in*for*ma*tion: [ME: a forming of the mind < ML, L: idea, conception] FINIS. _________________________________________________________________ --------------------------- Cut here ----------------------------