Further Out misc vinyl
This issue, we'll survey some of the more interesting vinyl artifacts that have passed through our hands recently.
The first installment of Flux Records' proposed "Archive Of Experimental Hits" series is DJ GLOVE's "Tuning" 12" (Flux, P.O. Box 2141, New York, NY 10163 flux@thing.net) -- a 20-minute-or-so recording of a woman tuning a piano. Is this a commentary on the predictability of dance records, on the listenability (or lack thereof) of experimental music, or on the ridiculousness of hifalutin' ambient DJing?...
Robin Edgerton, 200 Warren St. #1, Jersey City, NJ 07302 201.433.4041 Douglas Wolk c/o CMJ douglasw@cmjmusic.com