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Sandra Gering

476 Broome, 2nd Floor
fon - 212 226 8195
fax - 212 226 7186
email - gering@interport.net
web - http://www.geringgallery.com
open - tues-sat 10-6

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Sandra Gering
reception 06/03 Thu. 6.00-8.00
main gallery: 06/03 -07/02
Kenny Schachter

Sandra Gering Gallery is pleased to present Branding, the first New York one person exhibition of Kenny Schachter, from 3 June - 2 July 1999. The exhibition marks the launch of the Schachter-designed label entitled Shovelware. Concurrent with the show, Shovelware debuts on the net at www.artshopit.com.

More Pop Shop than Jorge Pardo and closer to Calvin Klein than Mariko Mori, the Shovelware lifestyle brand includes a wide range of inexpensive products, among them: t-shirts, mugs, silverware, floor coverings, wallpaper, tools and a portrait machine. The silverware is in the form of shovels, pitchforks, switchblades, swords, and rakes - very much akin to their functional equivalents. The plastic portrait machine, fabricated in various fashion colors, involves a mechanized scrolling device with interchangeable cartridges for family pictures.

Also included in Branding is the piece Group Show, a fully functional sperm bank comprised of a liquid nitrogen tank. A Mid-West sperm bank was established with the criteria that no blacks or artists be allowed to participate. In contrast, Group Show was created with sperm donations by some of today's most promising emerging artists, giving new meaning to the proverbial product of an artist's hand. In Penelope Leach's renowned book on child rearing she states that artistic inclination is not necessarily a telltale sign of homosexuality. If this is not in fact the case, then samples from the bank could have the added bonus of continuing artists' bloodlines.

John Corbin

Joey's Practice

project room: 3 June - 2 July 1999

In the project room, John Corbin recreates a set from the critically acclaimed independent film Joey's Practice (Nibrok Films, 1997). The set was used in two scenes from the film that were ultimately edited out. The installation is an alcove off a larger room, where the major portion of the film takes place, and consists of a rug, lamp, and chair

For further information contact Marianna Baer at 212 226 8195. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10am - 6pm.