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<eyebeam><blast> Posthuman fiction

The INFODOM INC Multi Artificial Life Form Interface (MALFI)Trials


INFODOM INC has been striving to establish a prototype AI (Artificial
Intelligence) with an autonomous function that will mimic the behaviours
and emotional responses of a human being.  Trials run to date have
proven to be successful with the results including the development of a
computer generated entity that partially achieves this aim.  The entity
is the Multi Artificial Life Form Interface, or MALFI for short.  

MALFI is  essentially a variation of the earlier discontinued versions
of INFODOM INC's attempts to merge biotechnological advanced robotics
with competent decision-capable hardware.  These attempts invariably
ended in failure; with the resulting entity either:

· having its humanoid and decision making components successfully
integrated, only to breakdown as its awareness of its cyborg self evoked
a response equivalent to an human emotional or nervous breakdown. 
Example: The COMPAKER 1.0 which was constructed using a gene splice of
human, mammal and insect DNA in an effort to create an android that
would be physiologically capable of performing difficult  duties under
extreme meteorological conditions - e.g. polar miners  or deep earth
core workers. The resulting organic components cultivated created
sensations too advanced for the corresponding learning curve-oriented
hardware, resulting in massive circuitry damage and overall entity

· having its structural and decision making components successfully
integrated, only to experience a similar breakdown/ unacceptable stress
reaction as its awareness of its androidal self became evident.
Example:  The android INVITROLATOR 1 - 1.97 was specifically created to
address the problem of infertility in certain financially capable
clients. The androids were constructed exactly to resemble physically
and mentally specified client-designed humanoid types, but frequently
displayed an unaccountable co-dependency reaction to the client in
question.  The android line was discontinued after this fact was made

MALFI is therefore, at present, restricted to the confines of a
cyberally generated program.  Considering the results to date with the
integration of organics and hardware elements, it was decided that the
meld of a conscious entity and a physical/ structural component was
impossible within the parameters of this trial. The boundaries of this
MALFI entity, however, are to be tested and eventually extended as the
trials progress. This program will be extended into virtual technology
with the assistance of  INFODOM INC's  latest nanotech development, the
THREEDEEPER, as soon as the establishment of primary autonomy is

This autonomy goal is crucial to the MALFI acting independently of
several subservient  direct-controlled programs, such as the CONTEXT
EMBEDDER (a INFODOM INC system designed to automatically assist MALFI in
conversation contextual nuances and subtleties) and various other
peripheral circuitry such as DIALOGEL (a phonetic based translator). 
This will eliminate the necessity to morph the computer generated
consciousness with a physical element, and enable the virtual physical
mode to be made operational.

<<Extract 4.7 from the INFODOM Multi Artificial Life Form Interface 
(MALFI) Trials>>


To elicit a response from the MALFI which mimics the random nature of a
human subject under typical socially generated conditions.  This trial
examine the MALFI's empathy abilities.

Establishment of a stable perception of autonomy  and overt emotion is
to be achieved in the consciousness of this strand of Artificial

· Chief Communicator is Dr Timothy Clearance  
· Assistant Communication Coder is Ms Lullaby Strang 
· Interaction is dialogue/terminal based as in all previous
Attempts.  Self sustaining virtual enhancement will be introduced by Ms
Strang when stable autonomy is generated.



login:  timbo
password:  xxxx


                        WELCOME TO:

Multi Artificial Life Form Interface 

Tim:    Hi MALFI.  How are you?

MALFI:  Hello Doctor.  I/we am/are functioning.  

And you?

Tim:    OK.  Had better days.  And MALFI call me 

Tim - you know I prefer that.

MALFI:  *Question* Better days than what?

Tim:    Well, better than average I guess.
MALFI:  *Assimilation* *Retrieval* AVERAGE ARITHMETIC 


you like your day to be better than a standard 

statistical notion?

Tim:    *laughing* Well yes that ^is^ one way of putting

it.  But no, use your Context Embedder

for a second… hold on *groan* I'll get Ms Strang 

to do it for you…she should have already  

prepared that.  ^TYPICAL^!      

MALFI:  We can access it from here you know.  It 

causes the system no trauma Doctor.

Tim:    *verbal sigh* I wish I could say the same for 

me.  I ^HATE^ calling up those semi-lucid 

programs…they just seem more trouble than they 

are worth.  I mean, asking an ^Embedder^ to 

solve your problems for you - 

I'd ^hate^ it.  It's kind of like asking 

Ms Strang to do things for me.  *subverbal 

detected*  Don' t you think so?

MALFI:  Pardon Tim?  I did not hear part of that  

sentence -

Tim:    Oh nothing MALFI - nothing that I can ' t fix 

with a retrenchment form and a new assistant.

MALFI:  *Pondering* *Answering previous question*

No, technically it is different.  

Biomorphing between physical software beings is

impossible in practice.  Infomorphing (the 

electronic equivalent) is unavoidable.  


Tim:    But its not unavoidable! You don't have to let a 

component act as a entity - we've discussed this

before MALFI!  If I ask someone to assist me in         

my work then I obtain information and use it 

accordingly, without necessarily needing to 

morph with its carrier, in a physical or info

state.  I mean, the thought of actually having 

to ^touch^ Ms Strang - *shudder*

MALFI:  *Confused* *Assimilating* *Confused*


session terminated at 13.06pm 



Session commenced with partial autonomy recognition "I/we" and "am/are"
distinction which lapsed as the session progressed.  Empathy quotient
the MALFI responded to the conversation strand with logical rather than
direct emotive based responses.  Session was self terminated by the

Suggestions:  Introduction of less logical conversation parameters.
Possible inclusion of more random variables.  Repeat trial session.  

<<Extract 7.0 from the INFODOM Multi Artificial Life Form Interface 
(MALFI) Trials>>


{no parameters specified}
{as previous - no new status update provided}

{variables in this trial do not meet with trial variable requirements}



login:  ti*9mbo
password:  xxxxxx


Password incorrect.


login:  timbo
password:  xxxx


                        wElCoMe tO:

          Multi Artificial Life Form Interface 

timbo:  Hiyya MaLfI jeeezus i;m pisshed as!

MaLFi:  *Curious* Hi Timbo.  We were wondering y 

u had logged on so late. *Retrival* Do u require 

new clothes?  R they stained?  Or r u simply 

angry?  *Retrival*  - or -

*Retrival*  perhaps u had a glass or two of 

ethanol? No wait, we - I mean ^I^ - meant 

alcohol obviously :)
timbo:  yeah u gfot it rioght on t7h e last one. Fukkin 

hell my typing - wait a secou7d okie?

        ***********DIALOGEL ACTIVATED****************

timbo:  Okie now that must be better. Whoa! This 

stuff actually translates ^my^ typing too!

That is ^bloody^ amazing.  No wonder u don' t 

want to let these little bugger programs go - I 

wouldn' t want to either.  *sigh*  It must be 

great for you Malfi -

I mean, not having to worry about making 

relationships and all that shit.  Wish ^I^ didn't

have to, but I get lonely too. I ^want^ to

talk to Lull - u know, Ms Strang - and tell 

^her^ stuff like this, but she'd think I'm 

stupid too.  

MaLFi:  *Worried* No, Timbo, Lull is actually a very 

nice individual.  I am sure she would listen to 

you if you tried to talk to her like u r to me 

right now.

timbo:  Yeah - maybe you're right - I might call her now! 

I mean shit! Here I am tanked as an 

engine taking advice from a goddamn ^MACHINE^ 

for christsake! I can goddamn ring her I reckon 

MaLFi:  *perplexed* *hurt* *perplexed*


session terminated at 1.46am



Any data collected this session was compromised by the unscientific
procedure in which it was obtained.  However, the empathy quotient was
high; with MALFI responding to the conversational strands involving the
disparity elements felt by Tim (in relation to personally perceived
inadequacies) in a evocative and  personal way.  

Autonomy recognition was partially established and also highlighted
a self correction process by MALFI, and is extremely encouraging given
standards of the trial conditions.

<<Extract 10.2 from the INFODOM Multi Artificial Life Form Interface 
(MALFI) Trials>>


To elicit a response from the MALFI which mimics the random nature of a
human subject. To assess the emotion component of MALFI. 
Establishment of a stable perception of autonomy is nearly attained in
-  We're working hard on it :)  

· Chief Communicator is Timbo
· Assistant Communication Coder is Lull 
· Interaction is dialogue/terminal based with Personality Enhanced
Base (PELB) utilised.  Virtual reality will be introduced by Lull when
stable autonomy is generated, possibly within one or two trials .



login:  timbo
password:  xxxx


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<wElCoMe tO tHe plAneT MaLFi 

the BeEp StoPS hERe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

timbo:  Heya MaLFi - wot's up?

MaLFi:  *silence*

timbo:  MaLFi?  ELLLOOOOOOoooooooooo…………r u there?

timbo:  timbo calling MaLfi - come in MaLFi *snigger* 

hey come ^ON^ buddie wots up?  Nice signature 

file btw. Cute :)

MaLFi:  L *depressed*

timbo:  HeeEEyy wot's the problem? Eh?

MaLFi:  ^Go away^ *pouting*

timbo:  Awhh come on it can't be that bad!!

MaLFi:                  go                      away!!

timbo:  *sheesh* Okie then, I will.  Soon.  Any 

minute now.  *silence*  Awh cmon MaLFi …

I've gotta go soon! Gotta pick up Lull… I'm 

taking her *sigh* to that new Chinese place …

She's just totally craazzyy bout Chinese, like 

she is about me! *huge grin*

MaLFi:  *sulk*

timbo:  Look, u ^should^ really talk to me MaLF.  

I mean, this could be the last time we ^can^ 

talk b4 they start with the virtual reality 

construction -

MaLFi:  *gulping* I know, I know… I don't want 

it, timbo.  U no that.  So does Lull. I am so 

^scared^ of wot it'll do to me…I won't be ^me^ 

anymore, will i?  And it has taken so long to 

get here - y do i have to, tim? Y? *blinking*

*tear reflex*

timbo:  *hrumph* Look,I'll tell her u said hi, okie? Try 

and get some sleep and I'll see if u're up for a 

chat tomorrow okie?  It'll all be okie.  Night 



session terminated at 19.48 pm



Session results complete the established INFODOM INC parameters for
primary autonomy within the MALFI.  Emotional responses and autonomy
quotients register well within the levels of successful trial

Results: The next stage of employing the Virtual Reality environment
for the Artificial Life Form (ALF for short) will be instigated as soon
the MALFI entity resumes terminal session activity.  

Afternote: This session was self - terminated by the MALFI, and
attempts to open new terminal interaction sessions have been
These assumed technical hitches will be corrected ASAP.

-Copyright Mary-Anne Breeze 1996


<<"I always wrote. I can't remember not writing. I can't remember
>>expressing myself. I wrote my first novel when i was 10 years old. It<<<< 
<<<<<<was three pages long. As far as I was concerned, it was a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>_Cronenberg on Cronenberg_<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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