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Re: <eyebeam><blast> Other

Some comments on this thread:

when I wrote that the Net might be "too western" I was not really
refering to the fact that there are more American, European,
Australians, etc on the Net than, for example, Latinamericans. That is a
fact and although changing, we non-americans are still minority. And, as
Pedro Meyer stated, this has to do with economic issues (North-South,
rich-poor, or whatever one wants to call it), but also with education
(in many places like Mexico, where I am from, children are tought by
means of having to learn everything by heart rather than understanding
what it is all about: and this is having an effect on the way people
think, analize, criticize and are willing to be exposed to something
new, different, challenging). This is one part of the story.

But what I was also trying to say is that the Net, the medium itself,
has a different narrative structure or logic than, for example, film,
video, comics or other visual or audiovisual media. You don't read the
Net in a linear way (or at least I think one shouldn't) because you
would take away some of its peculiarities. Yesterday someone told me
what he thinks are the differences between American, European and
Japanese comics: Japanese enfasize the detail, Americans enfasize the
storyline, Europeans enfasize the way the character changes (I am not
too much into comics so I wouldn't know if this is true). But that was
what I meant by talking about different people from different cultures
using the Net not for purely information purposes, but to create: żis
there a difference in the way people from different places use the Net
to create? żOr are the characteristics of the medium too "western"
(linear-nonlinear, logocentric, etc.) for people from cultures that are
used to telling in different ways? I know Pedro Meyer's site on the Net
(which, by the way, I think is great and maybe I am one of the few that
do use the Spanish part of it), but I don't know other Latinamerican,
African, etc. efforts of using the Web, Net, whatever, to create. Maybe
if someone could point out some for me, I will have a better picture of
what I am talking about.

Saludos a todos.


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