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v i b e k e   j e n s e n : E Y E s h o t
Bronx Museum, New York March - July, 2006: AIM 26
EYEshot investigates the terminology and technology of shooting and the impact of being shot. I aim, frame and capture
extreme close-ups of a bullet shot window and a gunshot wound. The closeness of my apparatus and the odd intimacy of
the situation cause an invisible tension, amplified by the CLICK! of the shutter release. The transparent image of the
window is mounted on a suspended sheet of glass next to the photograph of the greatly enlarged wound which is mounted
behind protective glass.

EYEshot is an extension of the GUNshot project (i.e.), a solo exhibition at Scott Pfaffman Gallery, New York, 11/2001.
EYEshot was generously supported by a project grant from the Norwegian Visual Artist's Fond.