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![]() the art of connecting all together to collapse a site for political espression |
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www.netstrike.it chi l'ha visto? Il sito della protesta telematica ha buone probabilita' di diventare il giallo dell'estate Un nuovo capitolo si aggiunge all'ottavo filone d'indagine sui fatti di Genova tutto incentrato su non ben precisati fatti telematici. Dopo che ben otto agenti del compartimento di Genova della Polizia Postale dopo vario girovagare si sono presentati nella sede del provider di Isole nella Rete per sequestrare (!?!) la directory corrispondente a www.netstrike.it (tentativo di oscurare tale sito naufragato grazie a una portentosa e immediata solidarieta' internazionale), altrettanto impegno e' stato profuso dalle forze dell'ordine per rintracciare uno sfortunato giovane media-attivista di Milano e perquisirne la casa dei genitori in piemonte e da li' "accompagnato" dalla polizia nella sua abitazione di Milano per effettuare una seconda perquisizione. Gli e' stato sequestrato TUTTO il materiale informatico possibile (cd, dischetti, computer e telefono cellulare) e cartaceo. Tale operazione seguiva di un paio di giorni il sequestro da parte della stessa polizia postale del computer utilizzato dal ragazzo sul posto di lavoro, a sua insaputa. Segnaliamo l'eccesso di zelo delle forze dell'ordine nel condurre queste operazioni e il conseguente clima di repressione che stanno via via instaurando. Invitiamo la magistratura a riflettere sul suo operato e sulla dubbia interpretazione di eventuali atti di protesta assolutamente legittimi, giacche' a protesta terminata non rimangono danni di alcun tipo. Inoltre sollecitiamo tutti a vigilare affinche' questo grottesco e imponente girovagare delle forze dell'ordine pur in periodo estivo per mezza Italia non sottointenda a futuri, ancora piu' preoccupanti tentativi di censurare media indipendenti della Rete che cosi' evidentemente hanno fatto emergere durante il G8 una verita' se non rivoluzionaria certamente scomoda. gruppo di lavoro nestrike.it Isole nella Rete sTRANONETWORk Il gruppo di lavoro netstrike.it
English translation
The first target for a netstrike were the sites of french government that in that period was conducting nuclear tests on Mururoa atoll. Since that time an infinite series of netstrikes were launched, in some case we promoted those, in many other by initiative of people all around the world. Six years passed and notwithstanding the diligent attention from the so called forces of order, no attorney, no matter how zealous, had ever dreamed of accusing someone for this protest practice that has an exclusively symbolic and demonstrative value. TODAY ON THE LONG WAVE OF THE GENOA DAYS WITH THEIR CHARGE OF REPRESSION AND DEATH PERPETRATED BY POLICE THE NETSTRIKE.IT SITE HAS BEEN SEIZED AND REMOVED FROM THE NET BY BOLOGNA POLICE OFFICE ON REQUEST BY POSTAL POLICE OF GENOA. The seizure is in fact originating from one of the eigth investigations by magistrature on the events in Genoa, even if at the moment we are not given to know the name of the attorney that signed the seizure order. WE INVITE EVERYBODY TO SPREAD THIS COMUNIQUE AND WE ASK ANYBODY THAT HAS THE MEANS TO MIRROR NETSTRIKE.IT SITE BOTH IN ITALY AND ABROAD, SEND MAIL TO netstrike@autistici.org MAILING LIST IF YOU ARE WILLING TO SUPPORT US. netstrike.it working group
English translationNETSTRIKE.IT CENSORED!!! Today, august 10th 2001, Genoa magistrature, according to an order of attorney Francesca Nanni seized the web site http//www.ecn.org/netstrike, which is also known as http//www.netstrike.it/. The seizure was motivated according to law "615 quinques" referring to presumed computer-related crimes connected with the publishing of the web site.Netstrike.it is only an informative site on the netstrike practice, which is a "telematic street parade", consisting in repeated requests to an online service, like viewing a web page with a browser, which often has the effect of slowing the response time, when the site is accessed by many concurrent users. A netstrike is much alike the practice of continuously crossing a street on pedestrian crossings, which causes slowdown of motor veichle traffic. An online protest practice which has been used for many years by network activists to denounce violation of human and civil rights by multinational enterprises, local governments and supernational institutions. A protest practice which is absolutely legal and has been successfully used by activista all over the world to express their dissent versus liberticide or criminal actions and had the effect of focusing pubblic concern over themes with great social importance like death penality and nuclear tests, information censorship and antisocial politics on part of governments and institutions. The seized site was hosted on www.ecm.org web server, operated by Isole Nella Rete, who provides internet services for about 500 subjects, including 'centri sociali', magazines, radios and associations from italian and european antagonist left wing. As Isole Nella Rete, we consider that this action has no pratical utility for the magistrate that ordered it, since all information that were acquired were already in the public domain, as all the site contents has been there for many months, and considering that usually police censorship on the net, have the opposite effect from what is desired - removal of dissident or critic contents - and usually produces the exponential multiplication of these contents with mirroring of sites that have been censored, and the veicolation of this information into newsgroups chat rooms and mailing-lists. In fact already after a few hours the site is viewable again and a mirror package is downloadable from these mirror sites - http//italy.indymedia.org/netstrike.it - http//italy.indymedia.org/netstrike.tgz - http//italy.indymedia.org/netstrike.zip - http//www.contrast.org/netstrike - http//www.contrast.org/netstrike/netstrike.tgz - http//www.contrast.org/netstrike/netstrike.zip The only reasion we can imagine for this action from Genoa magistrature is that this futile censorship operation is an intimidating act and a political provocation, that fits in the climate of repression that is reigning today in our country versus freedom of information and opinion and is enforced by limiting the right to criticise, to travel and comunicate. A climate of criminalization of any request for change, proposed by civil society and, in particular, the judicial fury towards non institutional left wing groups, with the purpose of silencing every indipendent voice, or enayone expressing political and social dissent - as it happened in Genoa, with the assault to the Media Center. In front of all this our only possible answer is "You will never close our mouths!" Ass.Isole nella Rete http//www.ecn.org inr@ecn.org |