by John Solt


instead of eating
they "reverse vomit"


we all cling to life
robots on the moon


Gated Community

she had big tits at 18
and took them as far as she could


people have nicknames
"Fats" "Tiny" and "Krazee"
but no one is called "Lonely"


poems are fish
pulled up from

deep blue


buries her head
in her name


Amsterdam rainbow

the coffee shop owner's son
dedicates both arms
to weed leaf tattoos

in the canals
vibration waves
only dogs can hear

coasting through firefly clouds

interior landscapes

arrival at the only city
that encourages
rearranging the senses


autobiography left to bake
in the oven


i mobilize insects
spilling coughs
on the floor


to write on conical paper is to wrap the mind around a hole


i no longer have
the chopsticks
to meddle in
their marital cacti


adults walk
seeming to carry
genitals on
their heads


the tram
went in one
ear and out
the other
never on


would rapes decrease
if everyone had
the same face?


they shook hands
less nervously
the second time


her voice was syrup
bathed in frying oil


the mind you are out of
was never your own


what came out
before the tunnel
has racial
in a b.b.q. bowl


their problem
wasn't falling down
it was that
they got up


go ahead and get dizzy
headless cowboy


let syllables drop
like bird food in the alley


they asked each
other for love
and understanding

as if they were
with terrorists


now that it's over
the heretics were correct


he ducked
the humiliation
of her hairdo


you throw boomerangs
at glass mice
as if you have nothing
else to do


to commemorate your inability
to leave an email unanswered
i threw out one of yours


vacuum packed elevator held ransom
by pathetic religionless fanatic


nobody in a safari hat
could claim to be a prophet


i aimed high
to fly low



© 2005 by john solt
light and dust anthology of poetry