an ode to d.a.levy                                           by bill bissett

      anodetodalevyanodetoda               dalevy
          anodetodalevythis                  dalevy
          his gentulbeardanodetodalevyanodetolovethisis
         anodetothtrueyes weholding trueyesisan ode to dalevy
     th coffeshop ownersz take care my son this is a hardonethis
 is an ode to dalevy his gentul beard th sun is glowing th grass
   is high n green iul sing ya uv th littul girl with her dollie
     down by th willow breath th sun is hot th mountain blue th
        earth is true n turning under yu this is an ode to d a
             levy he moves out from th librarie into yr sleep
                  into th night into th secret known alla ovr th
                         world high worlds within worlds light on
  or not th littul girl with her dollies down by th bright
    glade uv river is green th sky is pink th earth a brown
       a turning high under foot upya mountain down ya vally
         she singing along clap clap clap clap yr hand in
           th fish is a swimming up streem we all gotta
             moov ya up streem da levy praise him stay with
               him we are all with him there is much to
                 laugh about we are much to laugh about we
                   are the nights eyes th bright eyes d a
                     levys eyes are everywhere ya better
                       believe it now laughter is so sweet
                         clapping yr hands is so sweet
                           praising d a levy is so
                             sweet to th littul
                               girl with hr dollie
                                 down by th willow
                                  flow th leaf
                                   is sweet
                                    to her

                            march 3/67                                    

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This is a cooperative presentation by
Ghost Pony Press, Kaldron On-Line, and
Light and Dust Anthology of Poetry