Curated by Karl Young and John Jacob
Assisted by Michael McClure
Poems by Michael McClure
from Ghost Tantras
An Anthology of the Poetry
of Michael McClure, as selected by the author. Contains poems
from all his books of poetry up to 1999, and an excerpt from his play,
The Beard
Essays by Michael McClure
"A Mammal Gallery"
from Scratching the Beat Surface
Considerations of Michael McClure
The first tier of this gathering appeared in "A Symposium on Michael McClure,"
guest edited by John Jacob as part of my Margins Symposium Series
in 1975. Jacob extended the second tier to include commentery on
McClure written since the 1975 gathering, as a means of expanding and
updating the discussion. McClure has proved himself a durable and versatile
poet. An important figure of the Beat Movement in its heyday, his work
now reaches a generation born since the 1975 gathering, as it had
attracted young people in the period between the Beat flowering of the
1950s and the Margins Symposium -- and not just poets
in the Beat lineage, but covering a broad swath of the literary spectrum.
A measure of McClure's ability to extend his range is the interest in his
work expresed by Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, one
of the most important scientists of the century. I'm not in any way dissing
poets (myself, John Jacob, and Michael McClure included) when I insist that
poetry should not be resrtricted to poets and critics, its fans should
include a full spectrum of society, in McClure's case, from Hell's Angels
to Nobel Prize winning scientists.
The work presented here at this time is simply a beginning. More will
appear regularly over the next month or so, and, we hope, other tiers will
be added in the future -- perhaps eventually continuing after the
discussion has once again moved on to another medium, and yet another
generation has joined the conversation.
- Karl Young
to the On-Going Considerations of Michael McClure, by John Jacob.
from 1975 Margins Symposium:
A Surge:
Introduction to the 1975 Margins Symposium, by John
For Michael, by Robert Creeley
Organism: Notes, by Anne Waldman
A Scientist's View, by Francis Crick
"Letter to Michael McClure: a Pretty Serious Poem" by Charles Olson
/Wash.'s birth: a CHOCK, by Charles Olson [in graphic format]
"A Solid Moving Through An Inferno" by Stan Brakhage.
Table of Contents, 1975 symposium
On Further Consideration:
McClure" from The Birth of the Beat Generation: Visionaries,
Rebels, and Hipsters by Steven Watson
Notes on the Work of Michael McClure, by Gregory Stephenson
Review of
Michael McClure and Ray Manzarek's "Love Lion" by John Aiello.
Short Reviews
of Lighting the Corners, The Mad Cub, and 3 Poems
by Jake Berry
Meat Science to Wolf Net, by Lee Bartlett
by Jack Foley
"Let Us Throw
Out the Word Man; Michael McClure's Mammalian Poetics" from
"Forest Beatnicks" and "Urban Thoreaus": Gary Snyder, Jack Kerouac, Lew
Welch, and Michael McClure by Rod Phillips.
The Poem
as Spirit-Meat: Michael McClure's Corpus of Poems, by Robert Peters
Into a New Millenium:
McCLure: A Year 2000 Consideration," by John Jacob.
"For Michael McClure - Reading at D.G. Wills" by Jerome Rothenberg.
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