This memorial to Larry Eigner is presented here in traditional gallery form, with each page fully visible on the computer screen. Robert Grenier lays out many of his illuminated poems, including these, in rectangles or on a table so they can be read in several ways. In this case, the main layout is in 9 rows of five pages each, so that pages 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, and 41 form a horizontal row, and each of the four succeding lines forms another horizontal row. Below each page in this web presentation you will find a list of numbers. If you'd like to read the pages in their original sequence, you can simply follow the numbers. Following the change in color that comes when each page is accessed makes this easy to do. But it's also easy enough to follow the horizontal sequence, or any other you'd like to try out with these number keys. For Larry Eigner
Robert Grenier
Introductory Note
by Karl Young
Begin reading with page 1. Return to Light and Dust Poets.
Light and Dust Anthology of Poetry.