Bibliography, Coco
Mendieta, Eduardo , "The Coloniality of Embodiment: Coco Fusco's postcolonial genealogies and semiotic agonistics"
Marrero, Teresa, "Scripting Sexual Tourism: Fusco and Bustmant's Stuff, Prostitution and Cuba's Special Period, Theater Journal, Volume 55, Number 2, May 2003, pp. 235-250
Selman, Teka, "Born Identity" in One World Magazine, Politricknowledgy/The Remix Issue, June/July, 2003.
Honigman, Ana Finel, "Cyber Dystopia: Ana Finel Honigman Swaps Email with
cybertheorist Coco Fusco
about the Changing Face of Net Activism,"
Contemporary Magazine, March, 2003
Edshun, Kodwo, "The Bodies That Were Not Ours," (Review), Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, Fall/Winter issue, pp. 112-113.
Thompson, Christian Bumbarra, "The Bodies That Were Not Ours," book review,
Fine Art Forum on line journal, vol. 16, issue 09, September, 2002. 16/faf v16 n09/reviews/review02.html
Tisi, Rodrigo, " Watching 'Dolores 10h to 22h' " in's newsletter, April 5, 2003,
Walsh, Maria, "Coco Fusco, The Bodies That Were Not Ours and Other Writings," in Art Monthly, February, 2002 issue, p. 53.
Smith, Roberta, "Context and Conceptualism." Review in The New York Times, Friday, February 22, 2002.
Rivera-Servera, Ramon, "Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas" (review), in Theater Journal, 53. 1, 2001. Pp. 172-173
Salgado, Gabriela, "Latino Performance Delivered to your Room: Whose watching Whom?"
Nuño, Ana, "How Not to Sing an Anthem: Coco Fusco's Els Segadors," in Unpacking Europe:Towards a Critical Reading, edited by Salah Hassan and Iftikhar Dadi, (Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen and NAI Publishers, 2001)
Prieto Stambaugh, Antonio, "Strutting their Stuff: A conversation with Coco Fusco and Nao Bustamante", GESTOS, Teoría y Práctica del Theatro Hispánico. (November 2001)
Sethi Meera, "Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas," (a review), Fuse Magazine, Vol. 23, Number 3, February, 2001
Wang,Alejandro"Coco Fusco: Mujer de Acción," Meridiam (Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer), no. 20, primer trimestre, año 2001, pp. 46-50.
Prieto-Stambaugh, Antonio, "La puesta en escena del Otro: Teatro, turismo y antropofagia en la obra de Coco Fusco y Nao Bustamante"en Alfonso de Toro, ed., El teatro latinoamericano en la condición postmoderna y postcolonial: 1970-1997. Teoría y Práctica. Editorial K.D. Vervuert Verlag (Frankfurt am Main).
McLeod, Dayna, "Alive and Kicking: International Art Coco Fusco Brings a Performative
Taste of the Macabre to the MFA,' The Hour Weekly, 1/25-1/31, 2001.
Wolford, Lisa, "Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas," in Modern Drama,
vol. 43, no. 4, winter 2000, pp. 643-646.
Klein, Jennie, "Waiting for Performance,"
in PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, PAJ 66, (September, 2000), pp.78-87.
Jones, Amelia, "Survey," The Artists Body, edited by
Tracey Warr and Amelia Jones, (London: Phaidon, 2000), pp. 33-35.
Drobnick, Jim, " Inhaling Passions: Art, Sex and the Scent", Sexuality
and Culture, Volume 4, Number 3, Summer 2000, p41.
Vercoe, Caroline. "Towards an Ambivalent Gaze: A Reading of Works by Coco
Fusco" in Body Politics and the Fictional Double. Debra Walker King,
ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000, pp. 119-136
Weatherston, Rosemary, Performing bodies, Performing Culture: An Interview with
Coco Fusco and Nao Bustamante, in Body Politics and the Fictional Double.
Debra Walker King, ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000,pp105-130.
Byrd, Cathy. "Honoring Vows" Creative Loafing, vol. 28, no.
37. 29 January 2000.
Goldberg, Roselee. "Corpus Delecti: Performance of the Americas" Bomb,
Summer 2000.
Kitahara, Megumi. "Arts on Borders: Guillermo Gómez-Peña"
DisturbingElements@Border: Art Activism vol.2, Impact Shuppankai;Tokyo,
2000. (First published in Impaction, vol. 107, April 1998, Impact Shuppankai,
pp. 152-159).
Kline, Christina. "Identifying the Artist" Atlanta Press, 28
January-3 February 2000.
Hoffman, Brian. "Latin American Performance Artist Unveils New Book"
Signal, 1 February 2000.
Morriña, Félix and Enrique Monge. "El performance, entre
la ingenuidad y el arte" Milenio (Mexico), 25 May 2000.
Reina, Jesús. "Coco Fusco: El público puede cambiar
mi intención original" El Periodico del Arte (Spain),
August-September 2000.
"Comida y placer" (Review
of "Stuff"). El Diario/La Prensa, 14 January 1999.
Ferré, Sylvie. "For Eyes and Hears" INFOS, 29 November
Kitahara, Megumi. "Counter Arts against the gaze of 'Tourism' and 'Sightseeing':
Coco Fusco and Tseng Kwong Chi" Art Activism, vol.1, ImpactShuppankai;
Tokyo, 1999. (First published in Impaction, vol.92, June 1995, Impact
Shuppankai, pp.136-139.)
Nuño, Ana. "Parecer o pertenecer, he allí el dilema"
El Nacional (Venezuela), 31 October 1999.
Nuño, Ana. "De fronteras y cuerpos" Quimera, November
Pol i Rigau, Marta. "Entrevista a Coco Fusco" Paper DArt,
Sheihk, Simon. "The Body Seems To Be the Primary Materiality of Performance,
and Often Its End Point Too" Nordic Art Review, no. 3, 1999.
Alexander, Meena. "Rights of Passage"
Interventions, vol. 1(1)14-17.
Budney, Jen. "Whos It For? The 2nd Johannesburg Biennale" Third
Text, 1998
Harju, Hannu "Stuff on seksin ja ruoan juhlaa" Helsingin
Sanomat, 13 November 1998.
"Latinas in Performance Dished Out Some Good Stuff" (Review of "Stuff"),
Onda Latina Arts Festival at the Painted Bride Arts Center Publication.
López, Antonio. "Politics of Identity" The New Mexcican,
12-18 June 1998.
Montes, María Jesús. "Tecnología y performances surgen
del barro americano" El Nacional (Venezuela), 9 July 1998.
Peffer, John. "The Johannesburg Biennale" World Art, no. 17,
Saenz, Amanda M. "Pair Probes Stereotypes of Latinas and Tourism"
The Grand Rapids Press, 26 June 1998.
"Stuff," Al Dia, 11-18 March 1998.
"Stuff," The Philadelphia Inquirer, 15 March 1998.
Tranberg, Dan. "Crossing the Lines: Something Old, Something New at the
Cleveland Performance Art Festival" The Cleveland Times, 20-26 May
Weightman, Sharon. "Intimate, Confrontational, Eclectic Stuff"
The Times Union, 12 April 1998.
Prieto Stambaugh, Antonio, "La Identidad como coproductión en la obra de Coco Fusco", en
Axel Ramírez, Patricia Casasa (eds.), El mito de lo umbilical: los latinos in América del Norte.
México, CEPE/UNAM, 1997, pp.213-221
Bailey, Cameron. "Sentimental Necrophilia:
Coco Fusco Asks Why the Only Loved Latina is A Dead Latina" Mix,
Vol. 35-8, 1997.
Basket, Pat. "Exotica, Erotica, and the Stuff of Life" The New
Zealand Herald, 29 July 1997.
Borggren, Ingrid. "Latinska Damer: Coco Och Nao Driver Med Stereotyper."
DN. pa stan, 25 April 1997.
Davis, Vaginal. "Coco Fusco and Nao Bustamante in Stuff at Highways."
LA Weekly, 27 Dec. 1997.
Dunne, Stephen. "Theatre's Just Desserts" Sydney Morning Herald, 15 August 1997.
Finkel, Jori. "OverThere," Express San Francisco, 18 April
Gomez Giraldo, Beatriz. "Estará Muerta de Verdad?" El Colombiano,
7 June 1997.
Hernandez, Eloy J. "Coco Fusco at YYZ Artist's Outlet" New Art
Examiner, Sept. 1997.
"Ikke Brandbart Teater pa Kirketorvet." Fredag Den, 29 Aug.
Mackay, Gillian. "Better Yet Dead at YYZ" The Globe and Mail,
19 April 1997.
McFarland, Melanie. "Performance Artists Pack their 'Stuff'" The
Oregonian, 17 Jan. 1997.
Pozo, Alejandra. "Cuerpos de artistas en plena acción: Performances
durante y alrededor de la Bienal" Art Nexus, 1997.
Sisley, Logan. "Stuff and Other Stuff." Te Arohi, August
Hernandez, Eloy J. "Art History's Anxiety Attack" afterimage 24,
no. 6, May/June, 1997.
Todd, Rebecca and Hilary Thompson. "Coco Fusco at YYZ" Parachute,
October/November/December, 1997, p. 67.
Weatherstone, Rosemary, "Stuff at Highways Performance Space in
Santa Monica," Theater Journal v. 49, no. 4, December 1997.
Birringer, Johannes. "Border Media:
Performing Postcolonial History" Gestos, April 1996, 49-65.
Root, Deborah. Cannibal Culture, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1996.
"Sexo, Comida y el Cuerpo Polítoco" Crónicalatina,
Nov.1996, 18.
Sweeny, Phillip. "Camping to Conquer" The Guardian (London),
11 Nov. 1996.
Wolf, Sarah. "English is Broken Here." World Art, Jan. 1996,
De la Cruz, Elena. "Una Telenovela
no Apta Para el 34 o el 52" Espectáculos, 7 Oct. 1995.
Del Castillo, Anne. "E Pluribus Unum" (review of English in Broken
Here), The Boston Book Review, Oct. 1995, 10.
"English is Brokern Here" Booklist, 15 May 1995.
"English is Broken Here." High Performance, Spring/Summer 1995,
"English is Broken Here" Kirkus Reviews, 15 March 1995.
"English is Broken Here" Library Journal, 15 May1995.
"English is Broken Here" Paperback, May 1995.
"English is Broken Here" PAPER Magazine, May 1995.
"English is Broken Here" Publisher's Weekly, 3 April
Fernandez, Maria Elena. "Brown Like Who?: Coco Fusco Extracts Latino Identity
from Colonial History" LA Weekly, 16 June 1995, 41.
Gear, Tommy and Lyle Ashton Harris. "Coco Fusco: English is Broken Here"
Arude, Fall 1995, 54-5, 65.
Hezekiah, Gabrielle "Ethnic Talent for Export: Mexarcane International"
Fuse Magazine, v. 18, no. 3, Spring 1995.
Hoechsmann, Michael. "Interview with Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gomez-Pena"
Border/Lines, no. 38/39, 78-84, 1995.
Kranz, Rachel. "Culture Crosser" The Women's Review of Books,
Sept. 1995.
Ozynski, Joyce. "Meditations on Multiculturalism" The New Nation,
17 March 1995, 12.
Pabst, Naomi. "Visual Politics" The Bay Guardian, Sept. 1995.
"Summer Reading." Chicago Artist's News, July/August 1995.
Torres, Maria de los Angeles. "Hyphen Nation" The Nation, 19
June 1995.
"Art Attack" The Evening
Times, 20 Oct. 1994.
Barandiaran, Maria. "Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gomez-Pena at Mexican Fine
Arts Center Museum" New Art Examiner, April 1993, 40.
Brennan, Mary. "Life in Abundance Underneath the Arches" The Herald,
25 Oct. 1994.
Hoechsmann, Michael. "Mexarcane" Border/Lines, issue no 34/35,
71, 1994
Lavin, Maude. "What's So Bad About 'Bad Girl' Art?" Ms. Magazine,
March/April 1994, 80-2.
Benavidez, Max. "Exports From Free
Idea Zone" Los Angelos Times, 18 Sept. 1993.
Belsito, Elaine. "'White Bear' Performers Mock Eurocentric Sensibilities"
Chicago's Gay and Lesbian Newsweekly, 21 Jan. 1993.
Forcier, Michelle-Theryse. "Bold 'New World Border' Explores U.S. Melting
Pot" The Daily Iowan, 16 Sept. 1993.
Gablick, Suzi. "Breaking Out of the Imperialist Cage: An Interview with
Coco Fusco" The New Art Examiner, Oct. 1993, 36-9, 60.
Garfield, Donald. "Culture in a Cage" Museum News, March/April
1993, 17-18.
Gillis, Michael. "Museum Exhibit Goes Native to Make a Point" Chicago
Sun Times, 18 Jan. 1993.
Gonzalez, Marco Vinicio. "Líneas de Encuentro, Fronteras del Desencuento."
La Jornada Semanal, 16 May 1993.
Green, Charles. "Sydney Biennale" Artforum International, April
Green, Judith. "Two Languages, One Art, No Borders" San Jose Mercury
News, 15 April 1993.
Hochberg, M.J. "Unite and Conquer: A New World Activism" Nightlines,
20 Jan.1993.
"Ich träumte eine Karte ohne Grenzen" Mopo, 7 July 1993.
Johnson, Anna. "Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco"
Bomb, Winter 1993, 36-9.
McKenna, Kristine. "An Artist is Uncaged." Los Angeles Times,
17 September 1993.
Rago, Carmella. "Specimens From the New World" Reader, 29 January
Rod, David. "New World (B)order is Mixed Bag." Iowa City Press
Citizen, 17 February 1993.
Rugoff, Ralph. "Inauthentic Café: Dissecting the White Bear."
LA Weekly, 8 October 1993, 47.
Stamets, Bill. "'White Bear' Columbus: Another Take on 1492 At Fine Arts
Museum." Chicago Sun Times, 10 January 1993, 7.
Acosta, Belinda. "National Artists Organization Wrestles with
Free Ideas" Austin American-Statesman, 3 October 1992.
Abbe, Mary. "'Poor Columbus!' - He's Attacked Again as Humor Meets Reality
in Walker Show." Star Tribune, 1 Oct. 1992.
Barbeliuk, Anne. "Gibbering- for Art's Sake" Telegraph Mirror,
17 Dec. 1992.
"The Boundary Rider at the Ninth Biennale: Border Guard of Bricoleur."
24 Hrs., 1992.
Breslauer, Jan. "Happy Quincentennial, Christopher Columbus! You Should've
Stayed Home, Cristóbal Colón!" Los Angeles Times,
11 October 1992.
Carr, C. "Is it Real or Is It...?" LA Weekly, 9 July 1992.
Cid, Susana. "Bienal Internacional de Artes Visuales, la Muestra que Asombra
a Los Madrilenos." Diaro 16, 8 May 1992.
Curtis, Cathy. "A Safe Look at Aborigines in Captivity" The Los
Angeles Times, 5 March 1992.
"Discovery of America Examined by Latin Artists Gómez-Peña
y Coco Fusco at the Walker Art Center." LA Prensa, 20 August 1992.
Fusco, Coco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña. "The Origins of Intercultural
Performance in Europe and North America" Art Paper, Sept.1992, 14-15.
Fusco, Coco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña. "The Year of the White
Bear." Art and Text, September 1992, 52-7.
Greenberg, Jason. "Trapped in a Golden Cage" Newsmagazine: School
of the Art Institute of Chicago, December 1992, 12-15.
Hart, Erin. "Heart of the Beast, Walker Put Columbus in Perspective"
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 6 September 1992.
"Indios Entre Rejas." Cambio 16, 18 May 1992.
Jones, Welton. "Cross-Cultural Institutions on the Chopping Block"
San Diego Union, November 1992.
Littlefield, Kinney. "A Takeoff Takes on Cultural Stereotyping." The
Orange County Register, 3 March 1992.
Powell, J. Otis. "The Year of the White Bear." Colors, November/December
1992, 43-4.
Sawchuck, Kim. "Unleashing the Demons of History: An Interview with Coco
Fusco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña" Parachute 67, July-September
1992, 22-9.
Sommers, Pamela. "The Couple in the Cage" The Washington Post,
20 October 1992.
Sommers, Pamela. "The Disorder of '(B)order'" The Washington Post,
29 October 1992.
Steele, Mike. "Goodbye, Columbus; Hell, "New World" Star Tribune,
13 October 1992.
Welch, Mary Anne. "Border Patrol" City Pages, 7 October 1992,
Wilson, Jamie. "Gomez-Peña, Fusco Working Out on the Border"
Colorado Daily, 28 October 1992.
"Year of the White Bear Opens at Walker" Asian American Press,
18 September 1992, 2,6.
Zuckerman, Dianne. "Show Explores Influence of Language on Culture"
Boulder Daily Camera, 25 October 1992, 7B, 9B.
Harris, Elise. "Cinema After Empire" Princeton University Nassau
Weekly, 28 March 1991, 11.
Green, Judith. "Crossing Art's Cultural Borders" San Jose Mercury
News, 17 October 1990.
Hurwitt, Robert. "Laughing at the Americas" San Francisco Examiner,
19 Oct. 1990, C12.